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Using Instana to monitor MQ queues


In this lab you wil learn how Instana can be used to monitor queues in MQ.


There are no prerequisites for this lab other than having a browser and an internet connect, without which you wouldn't be here ;-)

We show examples of using curl to issue commands, but these commands can be executed via the browser as well so it isn't required that you have curl installed.

Environment Overview

The environment configured for this lab is illustrated here. You will interact with a MQ Application running on an OpenShift cluster and use Instana running in a Virtual Server Instance to view the data from MQ.

Lab environment

Virtual Server Instance

The Instana backend server is installed on a Virtual Server Instance (VSI) running on the IBM Cloud. You will utilize the Instana UI to view the metrics data stored there. This metric data is captured by Instana agents which forwards the data to the Instana backend. There is an agent running on the VSI instance as well as agents running in the OpenShift Cluster.

Openshift Cluster

The Openshift cluster contains the following components.

  • Instana Agent
  • MQ Application
  • Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I)
  • OCP + GitOps

Instana Agent

The Instana Agent captures metric data from the Openshift Cluster and forwards it to the Instana backend server.

MQ Application

The MQ Application is a simple application that provides a REST interface to put and get messages on a MQ queue.

Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I)

The CP4I component hosts the MQ queue used by the MQ Application.

OCP + GitOps

The OCP + GitOps components are used to deploy components into the OpenShift cluster.

If you would like more information on the MQ Application, CP4I, and OCP + GitOps components; review this MQ Tutorial which was used to deploy the environment.

The Instana Agent on OpenShift was deployed using this Quick Start Demo

Generate metric data

In this section you will use the MQ Application to generate metric data for the Instana agent to capture and froward to the Instana backend

The MQ Application is running in Application pods on the OpenShift Cluster. It exposes a REST interface with methods to put and get messages from a queue running in Queue manager pods in the cluster.

MQ App to Queue

You can use the MQ Application UI, or curl, or both to generate metric data.

Use the MQ Application UI

  1. Open the MQ Application UI in a new browser window.

  2. Click on mq-client-controller to expand that section.

  3. Click on /api/send-hello-world to expand that section.

  4. Click on the Try it out button

  5. Click on the Execute button. You should receive a 200 response code along with the following response body

      "status": "OK",
      "statusMessage": "Successfully sent record to MQ",
      "data": "Hello World!"
  6. Scroll down and click on /api/send-json to expand that section

  7. Click on the Try it out button

  8. Enter the following json in the Example Value | Model text area.

    { "data": "Hola Mundo!"}
  9. Click on the Execute button. You should receive a 200 response code along with the following response body

      "status": "OK",
      "statusMessage": "Successfully sent record to MQ",
      "data": "{\n  \"data\" : \"Hola Mundo!\"\n}"
  10. Scroll up and click on /api/recv to expand that section

  11. Click on the Try it out button

  12. Click on the Execute button. You should receive a 200 response code along with a response body containing a message similar to the following

      "status": "OK",
      "statusMessage": "Successfully sent record to MQ",
      "data": "{\n  \"data\" : \"Hola Mundo!\"\n}"


    The actual message returned could be from other users of the application and not the ones you sent.


    If you receive a 504 error code and an Error: Gateway Time-out message that indicates there are no messages on the queue. Put a few more on the queue and try again.

  13. Feel free to put and get as many messages as you wish.

Use curl

If you have curl installed you can use the follow steps to get and put messages. Otherwise continue to the next section.

  1. To make the following curl commands easier to read and understand create an environment variable for the app url

    export APP_URL=""
  2. Now execute the command to put the "Hello World!" message on the queue

    curl -X GET https://$APP_URL/api/send-hello-world
    You should see the response
    {"status":"OK","statusMessage":"Successfully sent record to MQ","data":"Hello World!"}
  3. Now execute the command to put a JSON message on the queue

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://$APP_URL/api/send-json --data "{\"data\":\"Hola Mundo\!\"}"
    You should see the response
    {"status":"OK","statusMessage":"Successfully sent record to MQ","data":"{\n  \"data\" : \"Hola Mundo\"\n}"}
  4. Now execute the command to get a message from the queue

    curl -X GET https://$APP_URL/api/recv
    You should see a response similar to this
    {"status":"OK","statusMessage":"Successfully sent record to MQ","data":"{\n  \"data\" : \"Hola Mundo!\"\n}"}


    The actual message returned could be from other users of the application and not the ones you sent.


    If you receive a 504 error code and an Error: Gateway Time-out message that indicates there are no messages on the queue. Put a few messages on the queue and try again.

Browse Instana UI

In this section you will Browse the Instana UI

  1. Log in to the Instana UI

    1. Open the Instana UI in a browser tab.
    2. Accept the security risks.
    3. Enter the following E-mail
    4. Enter the following Password xzt4fqp.pxw!MKC8pmh
    5. Click Sign In
    6. You know have read-only access to the Instana Dashboard.
  2. Review the Instana home page

    1. Use the Time Range button in the upper right to select the range of data to be displayed. Select Last 30 minutes
    2. The sections on the home page correspond with the menu on the left.
    3. The Websites & Mobile Apps section displays high level metrics on registered applications. There are no applications registered in this lab. Look at the Instana & Grafana quick start demo for an example on that
    4. The Applications section displays high level metrics on requests too and from services
    5. The Platforms section displays high level metrics on platforms such as our OpenShift Cluster, named MQ Cluster
    6. The Infrastructure section displays high level metrics on lower level components. In our case the cluster worker nodes and the VSI of the Instana backend.
    7. The Events section displays displays high level metrics on incidents, events and changes.
  3. Review the Applications page

    1. Under Applications click on All Services
    2. The Summary page displays information such as the number of calls, error rate and latency
    3. Click on the Dependencies tab
    4. The Dependencies page displays the interactions between the services. The interaction of interest to this lab is between the mq-spring-app which is our MQ Application and the IBM.DEMO.Q which is the MQ queue running in CP4I

      mq-spring-app to IBM.DEMO.Q

    5. Click on the Services tab

    6. The Services page show high level summery of the services.
    7. Click on the mq-spring-app service
    8. The Summary page displays detail metrics on the mq-spring-app service
    9. Click on the Flow tab
    10. Again you will see the relationship between the mq-spring-app and the IBM.DEMO.Q queue along with then number of calls, latency and errors.
    11. Click on the Endpoints tab
    12. This will be a list of the endpoints of our mq-spring-app
    13. Click on the GET /api/recv endpoint
    14. This is the Summary page for the selected endpoint.
    15. Click on the Flow tab
    16. Again you can see the relationship between this mq-spring-app endpoint and the IBM.DEMO.Q

      mq-spring-app endpoint to IBM.DEMO.Q

    17. Now click on the queue:///IBM.DEMO.Q link

    18. This is the Summary page of the queue
    19. You see how you can drill down into services to view metrics at different levels.
    20. Explore the Application page on your own. Continue to the next step when you are done.
  4. Review the Platforms page

    1. On the side menu click on Platforms -> Kubernetes

      platforms kubernetes menu

    2. A list of monitored clusters with high level metrics is displayed

    3. Click on the MQ Cluster
    4. The Summary page for the cluster is displayed. You see see metrics for the cluster such as CPU, Memory and Pods.
    5. Click on the Nodes tab
    6. The list of cluster nodes is displayed
    7. Explore the other tabs on your own to view the lists of Pods, Deployments, etc. Feel free to click components listed to view their details. When you are done exploring click on the MQ Cluster (cluster) breadcrumb at the top.

      mq cluster breadcrumb

    8. Click on the Namespaces tab

    9. A list of the cluster namespaces is displayed. In the search box enter dev. Our services are deployed in the dev namespace so click on the dev name to view the summary page.


    10. The Summary page for the dev namespace displays information on CPU, Memory and pods for the namespace.

    11. Click on the Deployments tab
    12. The mq-spring-app deployment is listed. Click on it.
    13. The mq-spring-app summary page is displayed. Explore the tabs on your own. Once done click on the dev breadcrumb at the top

      mq cluster dev breadcrumb

    14. Click on the StatefulSet tab

    15. The MQ queue is deployed via the qm1-ibm-mq, click on it.
    16. The qm1-ibm-mq summary page is displayed. Explore the tabs on your own. Once done continue to the next section.
  5. Review the Infrastructure page

    1. On the side menu click on Infrastructure

      infrastructure menu

    2. A map is displayed of the Infrastructure. The InstanaTechnologyZone is the zone where the the VSI is running and you can see that in contains the single VSI instance. The MQ Zone is the zone where the MQ Cluster is running. The 3 nodes are displayed in that zone.

    3. Click on the MQ Zone NAME on the map.

      MQ Zone

    4. On the MQ Zone pop-up window click on the Open Dashboard button

    5. The MQ Zone dashboard displays the Hosts, the 3 nodes, in the cluster.
    6. Click on the Stack button, select the Infrastructure tab and scroll through the list until you find the QM1@ queue manager. NOTE: the IP Address might be different.

      MQ Zone Stack

    7. The details of the MQ1 Queue manager is displayed.

    8. Before looking at these details there is an easier way to navigate to this page. Click on the Map breadcrumb at the top to return to the infrastructure map.

      Map Breadcrumb

    9. You can create and use filters to find components on the map. We have created a Queue Managers filter that filters the map on"*" objects. Click the Filters drop-down and select Queue Managers

      Map Filter

    10. The QM1@ queue manager is displayed on the map in the MQ Zone. Click on the IBM MQ Queue Manager component

      Map MQ Queue Manager

    11. On the IBM MQ Queue Manager pop-up click Open Dashboard

      Map MQ Queue Manager dashboard

    12. You are back to the MQ1 Queue manager details page.

    13. Detailed information about the queue manager, such as number of connections and number of messages, are displayed on this page.
    14. Scroll down and you will see the MQ1 queue managers Topics, Subscriptions, Listeners, Queues, and Channels
    15. The IBM.DEMO.Q is the queue used by our mq-spring-app so lets look at its details.
    16. In the Queues section, NOT Queues Usage by application, click on IBM.DEMO.Q

      MQ Queue Manager queues

    17. The queue details page displays information like queue depth, number of messages in/out, message time and calls.

    18. On the charts you can turn on/off the elements that are displayed. For example the Depth chart displays the Max depth and the Current message depth. The max depth is 5000 and is represented by the line at the top. Since our Current message depth is so low and the value changes so little it is represented by a line at the bottom of the cart and it is difficult to see it change. Click on the Max element at the top of the chart to turn it off and that makes it easier to see the Current message depth change.

      MQ Queue Depth Chart

    19. Lets move on to the next section

View Live MQ Metric Data

In this section you will put and get messages from the queue and monitor them live on the Instana UI.

  1. You should be on the IBM.DEMO.Q details page from the previous section. If not navigate there now.
  2. On the IBM.DEMO.Q details page click the Live button on the top, right of the screen. This will toggle the charts to be update in real time. To make it easier to see the messages in the queue make sure Max depth element is turned off on the Depth chart.

    MQ IBM.DEMO.Q Queue

  3. Put and get messages from the queue using either the MQ Application ui or curl as described in the Generate metric data section above.

  4. As messages are placed on and removed from the queue you can see the Depth chart and the Messages charts being updated. Note: the Instana agent is configured to send updates every 5 seconds so there is a slight delay.

    MQ IBM.DEMO.Q Queue Live updates


You have completed this lab and seen how you can use Instana to monitor MQ queues.