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Infrastructure creation automation

This document explains the steps for configuring infrastructure and storage resources using GitOps. The procedure is only applies when you want to customize the GitOps features manually. This procedure does not apply to the cluster bootstrapping method from the Quick-Start guide. In the Quick-Start guide, you must put ADD_INFRA="yes" when you invoke


The following are needed:

  • A working OpenShift 4.7 cluster on aws/azure/vsphere
  • Logged in connection to the cluster you want to work on
  • The oc command client (preferably v4.7)
  • Run from under the multi-tenancy-gitops git structure


The script performs the following tasks:

  • Enable the YAML files under 1-infra argoCD application for machinesets, infraconfig, namespace-openshift-storage and storage
  • Customize the content of 1-infra/argocd/machinesets.yaml using values from your cluster
  • Customize the content of 1-infra/argocd/infraconfig.yaml using values from your cluster
  • Customize the content of 1-infra/argocd/storage.yaml using values from your cluster
  • Change the content for all branches of the customization
  • Perform a GIT commit and push the changes to the GIT server

Running this modification is simple:

cd multi-tenancy-gitops

The following shows the script running


Since the repository is under argoCD control, these changes will be synchronized automatically if or when the bootstrap application is deployed in the cluster.