Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)¶
This repository documents experiences on working with an ARO cluster on OpenShift 4.6 environment 2Q 2021 deployed on an ARO For additional information, refer to ARO documentation.
To work with ARO, you need the following:
- Download the Azure command-line utility. You will need version 2.6.0 or later.
# On macOS
$ brew update
$ brew install azure-cli
# on Linux
$ curl -L | bash
# Other OS
# reference for more options
- Download the jq command-line utility.
# On macOS
$ brew update
$ brew install jq
# on Ubuntu Linux
$ sudo apt-get install jq
# On Fedora
$ sudo dnf isntall jq
# Other OS
# reference for more options
You must have either
andUser Access Administrator permissions
, orOwner permissions
, either directly on the virtual network, or on the resource group or subscription containing it. You will also need sufficient Azure Active Directory permissions (either a member user of the tenant, or a guest user assigned with role Application administrator) for the tooling to create an application and service principal on your behalf for the cluster. -
If using a service principal, verify the account also has the
API permissions in the "Microsoft Graph" application. They are granted via "App Registration" in the Azure portal. -
Log on to your Azure Subscription
# login to your Azure subscription (if using a guest or member account)
$ az login
# login to your Azure subscription (if using a service principal)
$ az login --service-principal -u <AZURE CLIENT ID> -p <AZURE CLIENT SECRET> --tenant <AZURE_TENANT_ID>
# If you have more than one subscription, set the subscription you want to use
$ az account set --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION ID>
Register Resource Providers¶
This is a one-time setup that needs to be performed on the subscription.
az provider register -n Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift --wait
az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute --wait
az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage --wait
az provider register -n Microsoft.Authorization --wait
Set up Environment Variables¶
LOCATION=eastus # the location of your cluster
CLUSTER=prodref # the name of your cluster
RESOURCEGROUP=aro-${CLUSTER}-rg # the name of the resource group where you want to create your cluster
Create VNET Infrastructure¶
In order to create a VNET that will meet our Golden Topology requirements, follow the procedure outlined bellow
Create Resource Group. This resource group will host a single vnet, which in turn will contain two subnets, one for master nodes and one for worker nodes
az group create \ --name $RESOURCEGROUP \ --location $LOCATION
Create a VNET
az network vnet create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --name $CLUSTER-vnet \ --address-prefixes
Create a subnet for control plane nodes
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --vnet-name $CLUSTER-vnet \ --name master-subnet \ --address-prefixes \ --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
Create a subnet for worker nodes
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --vnet-name $CLUSTER-vnet \ --name worker-subnet \ --address-prefixes \ --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
Infrastructure nodes are not required on a Managed Platform like ARO
Disable subnet private endpoint policies on master subnet. This is required for the service to be able to connect to and manage the cluster.
az network vnet subnet update \ --name master-subnet \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --vnet-name $CLUSTER-vnet \ --disable-private-link-service-network-policies true
Create your cluster¶
Run the following command to create a cluster. If you choose to use either of the following options, modify the command accordingly:
- Optionally, you can pass your Red Hat pull secret which enables your cluster to access Red Hat container registries along with additional content. Add the
--pull-secret @pull-secret.txt
argument to your command. - Optionally, you can use a custom domain. Add the
argument to your command, replacing with your own custom domain. - Optionally, you can deploy private endpoints for Cluster API (
--apiserver-visibility Private
) and Ingress (--ingress-visibility Private
). Defaults are set toPublic
for both. - Optionally, you can use pre-existing VNET and subnets for your cluster in separate resource groups (
--vnet-resource-group my-vnet-rg
) - Optionally, you can configure the OpenShift SDN with the following flags:
- Cluster Network: Use
--pod-cidr x.x.x.x/n
to set the desiredclusterNetwork CIDR
- Service Network: Use
--service-cidr y.y.y.y/n
to set the desiredserviceNetwork CIDR
- Cluster Network: Use
- Optionally, you can configure your master nodes with the following flags:
- VM Size: Use
--master-vm-size XXXX
for different compute profile. The default isStandard_D8_v3
- VM Size: Use
- Optionally, you can configure your worker nodes with the following flags:
- VM Size: Use
--worker-vm-size XXXX
for different compute profile. The default isStandard_D8_v3
- Worker Count: Use
--worker-count X
to set the number of desired worker nodes. The default is3
worker nodes, one per Availability Zone. - Worker Storage Size: Use
--worker-vm-disk-size-gb XXXX
to set your desired worker storage size. The default is128
- VM Size: Use
- Optionally, you can use a pre-generated Service Principal for your deployment:
- Client ID: Use the
--client-id xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
flag to specify the ClientID or AppId - Client Secret: Use the
--client-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
flag to specify the password forclient-id
- Note that when using this option, the Service Principal account must have the "Directory.Read.All" API permission in the "Microsoft Graph" application, or the command will return a message like "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation".
- Client ID: Use the
az aro create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--name $CLUSTER \
--vnet $CLUSTER-vnet \
--master-subnet master-subnet \
--worker-subnet worker-subnet
If you don't specify your --pull-secret your cluster will not include samples or operators from Red Hat or from certified partners.
If you specify the --domain parameter you are responsible for creating the api and *.apps DNS A or CNAME records.
Accessing your cluster¶
You can obtain your cluster endpoints and kubeadmin password by querying with the az
Cluster API Endpoint
bash az aro show --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "apiserverProfile.url" -o tsv
Kubeadmin Password
az aro list-credentials --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "kubeadminPassword" -o tsv)
OpenShift Web Console
az aro show --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "consoleProfile.url" -o tsv
Using a custom domain¶
If you use a custom domain, you must create 2 DNS A records in your DNS server for the --domain
- api - points to the API Server
- *.apps - points to the Ingress
Once your cluster is up, run the following commands to obtain your api
and *.apps
endpoints and update your DNS zone.
# obtain IP Address for API Server
az aro show --name $CLUSTER \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--query "apiserverProfile.ip" -o tsv
# obtain IP Address for Ingress
az aro show --name $CLUSTER \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--query "ingressProfiles[0].ip" -o tsv
Creating a ReadWriteMany storage class using azure-file (SMB)¶
The default azure-file backed storage is not POSIX compliant. An NFS backed POSIX compliant azure-file storage is currently in Tech Preview. Please see here for implementation details.
By default, your ARO cluster will contain the storage class managed-premium
that can dynamically provision ReadWriteOnce PersistentVolumes using azure-disk
. If your CloudPak requires a RWX storage class, you can create one using azure-file
with the following process:
Obtain the managed resource group for your ARO cluster. This is not the same as the $RESOURCEGROUP that we've used to deploy other components into.
MANAGED_RG="aro-$(az aro show \ --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "clusterProfile.domain" -o tsv)"
If you deploy with a custom domain (--domain, the value of clusterProfile.domain will be your domain FQDN. Log on to your azure portal, find the aro-$RANDOM resource group for your cluster, and manually set the MANAGED_RG variable
Obtain the Storage Account created in the Managed Resource Group
MANAGED_SA=$(az storage account list \ --resource-group $MANAGED_RG \ --query "[?starts_with(name, 'cluster')].name" -o tsv)
Log on to your openshift cluster via command line
APISERVER=$(az aro show --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "apiserverProfile.url" -o tsv) PASSWORD=$(az aro list-credentials --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "kubeadminPassword" -o tsv) oc login $APISERVER -u kubeadmin -p $PASSWORD --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Create a ClusterRole to access secrets
cat << EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: system:azure-file-volume-binder rules: - apiGroups: [''] resources: ['secrets'] verbs: ['get','create'] EOF
Assign ClusterRole to a ServiceAccount
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user \ system:azure-file-volume-binder \ system:serviceaccount:kube-system:persistent-volume-binder
Create the azure-file storage class
cat << EOF | oc create -f - kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: azure-file provisioner: parameters: storageAccount: $MANAGED_SA reclaimPolicy: Delete volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer allowVolumeExpansion: true EOF
Integrating with Azure AD¶
Set up Environment Variables
SP_AAD_PASSWORD='Y0urS3cr3tPa55w@rd' AZURE_TENNANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv) CONSOLE_URL=$(az aro show --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "consoleProfile.url" -o tsv) OAUTH_ENDPOINT=$(echo $CONSOLE_URL|sed 's/console-openshift-console/oauth-openshift/')
Log on to your openshift cluster via command line (if needed)
APISERVER=$(az aro show --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "apiserverProfile.url" -o tsv) PASSWORD=$(az aro list-credentials \ --name $CLUSTER \ --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \ --query "kubeadminPassword" -o tsv) oc login $APISERVER -u kubeadmin -p $PASSWORD --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Create a secret for Azure AD integration
oc create secret generic openid-client-secret-azuread \ --from-literal=clientSecret=$SP_AAD_PASSWORD \ -n openshift-config
Create an App Registration with callbacks to your console URL
AZUREAD_APPID=$(az ad app create --display-name $CLUSTER-azuread-auth \ --reply-urls $OAUTH_ENDPOINT/oauth2callback/AAD \ --homepage $CONSOLE_URL \ --identifier-uris $CONSOLE_URL \ --password $SP_AAD_PASSWORD \ --query appId -o tsv)
Update app optionalClaims
cat > /tmp/manifest.json<< EOF [{ "name": "upn", "source": null, "essential": false, "additionalProperties": [] }, { "name": "email", "source": null, "essential": false, "additionalProperties": [] }] EOF
az ad app update \ --set optionalClaims.idToken=@/tmp/manifest.json \ --id $AZUREAD_APPID
Update AAD app scope permissions
az ad app permission add \ --api 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 \ --api-permissions 311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6=Scope \ --id $AZUREAD_APPID az ad app permission grant \ --id c89c64ce-2061-4c51-846a-d318a07e40fa \ --api 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
You may need to ask a subscription administrator with Active Directory Graph access to run az ad app permission grant --id c89c64ce-2061-4c51-846a-d318a07e40fa --api 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 for you
Update OpenShift OAuth
cat << EOF | oc replace -f - apiVersion: kind: OAuth metadata: name: cluster spec: identityProviders: - name: AAD mappingMethod: claim type: OpenID openID: clientID: ${AZUREAD_APPID} clientSecret: name: openid-client-secret-azuread extraScopes: - email - profile extraAuthorizeParameters: include_granted_scopes: "true" claims: preferredUsername: - email - upn name: - name email: - email issuer:${AZURE_TENNANT_ID} EOF
Remove your cluster and all associated resources from your Azure subscription
az aro delete -g $RESOURCEGROUP -n $CLUSTER -y
az ad app delete --id $AZUREAD_APPID
az group delete -g $RESOURCEGROUP --no-wait -y