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Queue manager storage

Audience: Architects, Application developers, Administrators

Timing: 20 minutes


In this topic, we will:

  • Understand the difference between an ephemeral queue manager and a durable queue manager
  • Understand how a queue manager uses stores its messages, transactions and other configuration
  • Understand why external storage is important for a queue manager
  • Understand how a queue manager uses block storage
  • Configure a Queue manager to use external storage

By the end of this topic we'll have a good understanding of how to use external storage to create durable queue managers that are resilient to Kubernetes failures.


Up to this point in the tutorial, we have created an ephemeral queue manager. That's because QM01 stores its configuration, queue files and log files on a file system whose lifecycle matches its pod; the file system is created when the pod is created, and is destroyed when the pod is stopped. It means that the messages stored in the queue files and log files are lost whenever the pod is stopped. This is shown in the left hand configuration in the diagram:


To create a durable queue manager, we place the queue manager its storage into different objects. Specifically, the queue manager remains in the pod, but its storage volumes are each placed in a persistent volume claims (PVC). As we'll see later in the tutorial, these PVCs survive a pod being stopped. Moreover, when a pod is restarted, it can reconnect to its PVCs and everything is restored to the point just before the failure.

Let's explore this in a little more detail.

Config, queue and log files

External storage is important

Why block storage?

Configuring a queue manager

  1. Locate your GitOps repository

    If necessary, change to the root of your GitOps repository, which is stored in the $GIT_ROOT environment variable.

    Issue the following command to change to your GitOps repository:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops
    2. Remove the existing queue manager in DEV

    Access the 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml

    Open 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml and comment argocd/mq/dev.yaml as below:

    #- argocd/ace/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/prod.yaml
    - argocd/mq/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/mq/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/mq/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/mq/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/single-cluster.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/multi-cluster-app.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/multi-cluster-ops.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/soapserver/soapserver.yaml
    #- argocd/cp4a/cp4a.yaml
    - target:
    kind: Application
    labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=applications"
    patch: |-
    - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
    - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
  2. Push GitOps changes to GitHub

    Let’s make these GitOps changes visible to the ArgoCD bootstrap-single-cluster application via GitHub.

    Add all changes in the current folder to a git index, commit them, and push them to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Clean up dev queue manager"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 519 bytes | 519.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
       41724b3..8317788  master -> master
  3. Locate the ci pipelines in the web console

    Let's find the queue manager pipeline using the OpenShift web console.

    Navigate to Pipelines->Pipelines in the left hand pane, and select Project: ci, to show all pipelines in the ci namespace:


    You can see all the pipelines that we installed into the ci namespace in the previous chapter. We'll use different pipelines for different activities throughout the tutorial.

    For this topic, we're going to use the mq-qm-dev pipeline. When applied to the QM1 source repository, this pipeline will build and test a new instance of QM1 ready for deployment to the dev namespace.

  4. The mq-qm-dev queue manager pipeline

    Select the mq-qm-dev pipeline from the list of all pipelines:


    Like all pipelines, mq-qm-dev is composed from a set of tasks:

    • setup
    • build
    • smoke-tests-mq
    • tag-release
    • image-release
    • img-scan
    • gitops

    The task name often provides a strong hint of each task's specific function. We'll examine some of these tasks in detail as the pipeline runs.

  5. The oc command as an alternative to the Web console

    As well as using the OpenShift web console, you can also interact with pipeline using the oc or tekton commands.

    Ensure you're logged in to cluster, and issue the following command to list the mq-qm-dev pipeline details:

    oc get pipeline mq-qm-dev -n ci

    which shows a brief summary of the pipeline:

    NAME        AGE
    mq-qm-dev   21h

    You can get more detail by adding the -o yaml option; we'll do that later.

    We use the command line and the web console in the tutorial so that you become familiar with both. As a general rule, you can do the same things in the command line as you can with the web console. The web console tends to be better for simple interactive tasks; the command line tends to be better for scripting and bulk tasks.

  6. Configure your pipeline run

    Every time we run the mq-qm-dev pipeline, we create a new pipeline run. We can think of a pipeline run as an instance of a pipeline. Pipeline and PipelineRun are new custom resources that were added to the cluster when we installed Tekton.

    In pipeline details view above, you'll see an Actions button. Select Start to configure a pipeline run.

    You'll be presented with the following dialog:


    The supplied arguments allow the user of the pipeline to configure its behavior. For example, a user can use this pipeline with different queue manager source repositories.

    Configure the run as follows:

    • Set git-url to your fork of the mq-qm01 repository
    • Set git-revision to master. (Later in the tutorial, we will use a new branch.)
    • Set scan-image: false (temporary fix while issues with UBI are resolved)
    • Set storage to true.

    Hit Start to start the pipeline run.

    You can also use the command line to run a pipeline; we'll explore that option later.

  7. Watch a pipeline run executing

    The pipeline run has now started.

    Notice how the view changes to Pipeline Run details:


    We're now looking at the live output from a pipeline run, rather than the pipeline used to create the run.

    Notice that the pipeline run name mq-qm-dev-khdmwy is based on the pipeline name -- with a unique suffix. Every new pipeline run will have a unique name.

    See also how the first setup task is running, while the remaining tasks are waiting to start.

    Hover over setup or build task and you will see the steps that comprise it.

  8. Watch pipeline steps complete

    As the pipeline run proceeds, notice the build step complete and the smoke-tests-mq step start:


    This pipeline will take about 15 minutes to complete. Let us wait for the pipeline completion.

  9. Locate your GitOps repository

    If necessary, change to the root of your GitOps repository, which is stored in the $GIT_ROOT environment variable.

    Issue the following command to change to your GitOps repository:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops
  10. Re-deploy the queue manager with storage enabled in DEV

    Access the 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml

    Open 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml and comment argocd/mq/dev.yaml as below:

    #- argocd/ace/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/prod.yaml
    - argocd/mq/cicd.yaml
    - argocd/mq/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/mq/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/mq/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/single-cluster.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/multi-cluster-app.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/multi-cluster-ops.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/soapserver/soapserver.yaml
    #- argocd/cp4a/cp4a.yaml
    - target:
    kind: Application
    labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=applications"
    patch: |-
    - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
    - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
  11. Push GitOps changes to GitHub

    Let’s make these GitOps changes visible to the ArgoCD bootstrap-single-cluster application via GitHub.

    Add all changes in the current folder to a git index, commit them, and push them to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Redeploy applications in dev"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 519 bytes | 519.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
       41724b3..8317788  master -> master