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mTLS Security

This section will explain mTLS (mutual TLS) security between the mq-spring-app and the mq queue manager. Mutual TLS encrypts the data in motion between the app and the queue manager by exchanging and validating each others certificates that are issued by a certificate authority. The mq manager also authenticates the mq-spring-app leveraging the OpenLDAP directory server.

The diagram below shows the key components in the solution.

Solution Architecture

The key parts of the solution are as follows:

  • OpenLDAP - Directory server for authenticating users and applications. See:
  • cert-manager - a Kubernetes add-on operator to automate the issuance and management of TLS certificates from various issuing sources. See:
  • sealed-secrets - a Kubernetes add-on operator to securely manage kubernetes secrets. See:
  • mq-self-signed-issuer ClusterIssuer resource - Issues certificates to the mq manager and the mq-spring-app components. It is configured to use the mq-self-signed-ca-cert to sign the issued certificates.
  • mq-self-signed-ca-cert Certificate resource - generates the self signed root CA certificate. This certificate is used to sign all certificates issued by mq-self-signed-issuer.
  • mq-server-certificate Certificate resource - cert-manager custom resource that generates the mq-server-cert secret that contains certificate, private key and CA cert. This is used by the mq queue manager to establish the mTLS connection with the mq-spring-app.
  • mq-client-certificate Certificate resource - cert-manager custom resource that generates the mq-client-cert secret that contains keystore and truststore jks files. The keystore.jks file contains the certificate used by the mq-spring-app to establish the mTLS connection with the mq queue manager. The truststore.jks file contains the certificate used validate that a certificate is signed by the root CA.
  • mq-client-jks-password sealed secret - generates mq-client-jks-password secret that contains the password to access the jks files. This is used by the mq-spring-app microservice.
  • mq-spring-app sealed secret resource - sealed secret that generates the user and password credentials in the mq-spring-app secret for the client app to authenticate with the mq queue manager.
  • mq-spring-app - Spring Boot java application that has REST endpoints to interact with the mq queue manager.
  • mq - IBM MQ queue manager
  • mqsc-configMap - configMap resource that contains mqsc commands that configures the queue manager. From a security perspective, the MQ manager is configured to delegate authentication to the OpenLDAP server as well as configuring the the mq queue manager to allow mTLS connections.

During the establishment of the mTLS connection between the mq-spring-app and the mq manager, the mq-spring-app validates the tls.crt certificate that it receives from the mq manager. The mq-spring-app is able to validate the certificate using the truststore.jks file it has access to via the mq-client-jks secret. The truststore.jks file has the ca certificate of the issuer. Similarly, the mq-spring-app sends the mq manager its certificate which is stored within the keystore.jks file in the mq-client-jks Secret. The mq manager is able to validate it using the ca certificate of the issuer (ca.crt value in mq-server-cert secret).

In addition, the mq manager is configured to allow connections for user mqapp. The mq-spring-app has a secret configured that contains values for the mqapp user and the corresponding password. The mq queue manager delegates the user authentication to the OpenLDAP server. The spring app gets these values injected via the application.yml file as follows:

    user: ${USER}
    password: ${PASSWORD}