Docker image Security¶
The docker image that is created when building the mq-spring-app
addresses several security considerations. The git repo for the app contains a Dockerfile that is used to build the image.
See the Dockerfile. This Dockerfile is a multistage file where the first stage builds the java code and the second stage builds the runtime image. The second stage of the Dockerfile looks as follows:
RUN dnf install -y java-11-openjdk.x86_64
COPY --from=builder /workspace/app/target/*.jar ./app.jar
EXPOSE 8080/tcp
USER 1001
CMD ["java", "-jar", "./app.jar"]
Use a secure and trusted base images¶
The base image used is the ubi8:8.4 (Red Hat Universal Base Image version 8.4)
Red Hat UBI images are tested, maintained and contain the latest security patches. See the UBI eBook to understand the advantages of using UBI images.
A blog by a leading security company also recommends using Red Hat UBI base images as they typically have much fewer security vulnerabilities.
Do not run as a root user¶
By default, if no USER
is specified in a Dockerfile, the container will run as root on a Kubernetes platform. A security best practice is to specify a non root user in the Dockerfile. In our Dockerfile, we specify to run as USER 1001 which is a non root user.
Note: OpenShift Container Platform, by default, does not allow containers to run as root but it is still a good practice to specify in the Dockerfile a non-root user. In fact OpenShift ignores the USER directive of the Dockerfile and launches the container with a random UUID for enhanced security.