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Continuous updates

Audience: Architects, Application developers, Administrators

Timing: 50 minutes


In the previous topic of this chapter, we ran the queue manager pipeline to build a queue manager ready for deployment. We then deployed it using ArgoCD. Finally, we tested it using the MQ web console and MQ command line.

In this topic, we're going to make this integration and deployment processes fully automatic. A change to the queue manager source repository will automatically result in a pipeline run for it. If the pipeline is successful, new queuemanager resources will be built and automatically deployed by ArgoCD into the dev namespace. This deployment will update the previously active instance of QM1. To recap, the whole process will be automatic from end-to-end.

Look at the following diagram:


We've already seen most of the highlighted components. Notice that we've added a webhook for the source repository. This web hook will be triggered every time the QM1 repository changes and the notification will cause the queue manager pipeline to run automatically.

As before, a successful pipeline run will result in a new image being stored in the Image registry, and new QueueManager resources in the GitOps repository. The already active ArgoCD application will apply the GitOps queuemanager resources to the cluster resulting in an updated instance of QM1.

In this topic, we're going to:

  • Set up a webhook for queue manager source repository.
  • Make changes to the queue manager source code and push the updates to the source repository.
  • Confirm the new pipeline run and ArgoCD deployment.
  • Verify the change made to QM1.

By the end of this topic we'll have a fully functioning CICD set up in place to deploy the latest changes made to QueueManager to the cluster in an automated fashion.


Before attempting this topic, you should have successfully completed the previous topic.

Set up the webhook and its processing

A webhook is useful because it allows a system like GitHub to inform another component -- such as our queue manager pipeline -- that a particular repository owned by a user or organization has changed. Importantly, a webhook provides a loosely coupled interaction; GitHub and our pipeline are unaware of each other -- their interaction is mediated by the webhook and some other components that we'll now set up.

In this topic section we're going to set up the components we need for our webhook:


A GitHub event containing information about the repository change is generated by our webhook and sent to an event listener. In Kubernetes, this event listener comprises a normal route and service front-ending a Tekton eventlistener custom resource. The event listener is driven by the webhook, and runs the pipeline using a Tekton trigger. A trigger has two components, a triggertemplate that specifies the pipeline to run, and a triggerbinding that allows the trigger event data to be presented to the pipeline run in the order it expects.

A webhook design looks a little more complex than directly linking GitHub to our pipeline, but as we'll see, this design is much more flexible. This short article provides a nice overview on how to use webhooks with OpenShift.

Your GitOps apps repository contains a sample event listener. Let's customize this sample with the relevant values for our cluster. We'll then deploy the event listener resources and trigger resources to the cluster using GitOps.

  1. Select the GitOps terminal window

    Return to the terminal window you're using for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps repository.

    We're going to make use of a script in the sample GitOps apps repository that makes use of the $GIT_ORG and $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 environment variables you've seen earlier. Previously we used them in the mq-qm01 terminal window; now we're going to use this in the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps terminal window.

    Again, make sure in you're in the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps terminal window.

    Issue the following command to ensure you're in the correct starting folder:

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps
  2. Set up the $GIT_ORG and $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 environment variables

    Let's set up the environment variables that are used by the customization script.

    Replace <git-org> in the following command with your GitHub user name:

    export GIT_ORG=<git-org>

    Then create the $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 environment variable:

    export GIT_BRANCH_QM1=qm1-$GIT_ORG

    Verify that your $GIT_USER and $GIT_BRANCH environment variables are set:

    echo $GIT_ORG
    echo $GIT_BRANCH_QM1

    For example:

    (base) anthonyodowd/git/multi-tenancy-gitops echo GIT_ORG
    (base) anthonyodowd/git/multi-tenancy-gitops echo GIT_BRANCH_QM1
  3. The sample event listener

    The GitOps repository contains a template for the event listener.

    Issue the following command to view the template of the event listener YAML:

    cat mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml_template
    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - name: mq-qm01-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_QM1}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-qm01'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      # - name: mq-spring-app-dev
      #   interceptors:
      #     - ref:
      #         name: "cel"
      #       params:
      #       - name: "filter"
      #         value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'"
      #   bindings:
      #     - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
      #   template:
      #     ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    If you are using OpenShift 4.7, replace the above template with the following:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - bindings:
        - kind: TriggerBinding
          ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        - cel:
            filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_QM1}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-qm01'
        name: mq-qm01-dev
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      # - bindings:
      #   - kind: TriggerBinding
      #     ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
      #   interceptors:
      #   - cel:
      #       filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'
      #   name: mq-spring-app-dev
      #   template:
      #     ref: mq-spring-app-dev
  4. Customize the event listeners

    Create the YAML for the event listener as follows.

    Issue the following command:

    cd mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/
    sh ./
    cd ../../../../

    Once, this script is run successfully, you should see a new file named cntk-event-listener.yaml.

  5. Exploring the event listener customization

    Let's examine a customized event listener in your local clone. We'll see how it maps to our diagram above, and has been customized for our source repository.

    Issue the following command:

    cat mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml

    to show the customized event listener:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - name: mq-qm01-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/qm1-GitOps-MQ-23052022' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-qm01'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      # - name: mq-spring-app-dev
      #   interceptors:
      #     - ref:
      #         name: "cel"
      #       params:
      #       - name: "filter"
      #         value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-spring-app'"
      #   bindings:
      #     - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
      #   template:
      #     ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    If using OpenShift 4.7, it will be as follows:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - bindings:
        - kind: TriggerBinding
          ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        - cel:
            filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/qm1-GitOps-MQ-23052022' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-qm01'
        name: mq-qm01-dev
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      # - bindings:
      #   - kind: TriggerBinding
      #     ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
      #   interceptors:
      #   - cel:
      #       filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/qm1-prod-ref-guide' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'
      #   name: mq-spring-app-dev
      #   template:
      #     ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    An event listener can produce one or more triggers as specified by the list spec.triggers:. Our event listener produces a trigger called mq-qm-dev. This trigger comprises the template mq-qm-dev and template binding cntk-trigger-binding.

    It also has an interceptor; the trigger will only be called if filter: evaluates to true. Even though we haven't explored interceptors yet, filter value of the interceptor: is clearly filtering GitHub push events for the prod-ref-guide/mq-qm01 repository, i.e. the source repository for QM1. It was the customization script that made this customization.

    You can read more about event listeners, triggers and interceptors here.

  6. Push GitOps changes to GitHub

    Let’s make these GitOps changes and push them.

    Add all changes in the current folder to a git index, commit them, and push them to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Customizing the mq-qm01 event trigger"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    Enumerating objects: 14, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (14/14), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 987 bytes | 987.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 8 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 6 local objects.
       92922de..3f4be1f  master -> master
  7. Activate the webhook components

    Now that we've customized the event listener for our source repository, let's activate all the components necessary to process our webhook: the route, event listener, trigger template and trigger binding.

    Open the kustomization.yaml that is under mq/environments/ci/. This contains all the resources that belong to the ci namespace.

    cat mq/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-client-certificate.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-server-certificate.yaml
    - configmaps/gitops-repo-configmap.yaml
    #- eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml
    #- triggerbindings/cntk-binding.yaml
    #- triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev.yaml
    #- triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev.yaml
    #- pipelines/mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml
    #- pipelines/java-maven-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-pipeline-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-spring-app-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-clusterrole.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-role.yaml
    - roles/custom-ci-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-dev-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-staging-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-prod-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    #- routes/cntk-route.yaml
    #- secrets/artifactory-access-secret.yaml
    - secrets/git-credentials-secret.yaml
    - secrets/ibm-entitled-registry-credentials-secret.yaml
    #- secrets/mq-client-jks-password-secret.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-for-mq.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-promotion.yaml
    - tasks/11-app-name.yaml
    - tasks/12-functional-tests.yaml
    - tasks/13-jmeter-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/13-cphtestp-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests-mq.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-helm-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-scan-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-java-maven-test-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-setup-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-tag-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    #- tasks/mq-metrics-build-tag-push.yaml
    # Automated promotion process triggers
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-stage-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-stage-route.yaml

    Open this file in your editor and uncomment the below resources.

    - eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml
    - triggerbindings/cntk-binding.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev.yaml
    - routes/cntk-route.yaml

    You will have the following resources un-commented:

    #- certificates/ci-mq-client-certificate.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-server-certificate.yaml
    - configmaps/gitops-repo-configmap.yaml
    - eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml
    - triggerbindings/cntk-binding.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev.yaml
    #- triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev.yaml
    #- pipelines/mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml
    #- pipelines/java-maven-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-pipeline-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-spring-app-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-clusterrole.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-role.yaml
    - roles/custom-ci-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-dev-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-staging-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-prod-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - routes/cntk-route.yaml
    #- secrets/artifactory-access-secret.yaml
    - secrets/git-credentials-secret.yaml
    - secrets/ibm-entitled-registry-credentials-secret.yaml
    #- secrets/mq-client-jks-password-secret.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-for-mq.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-promotion.yaml
    - tasks/11-app-name.yaml
    - tasks/12-functional-tests.yaml
    - tasks/13-jmeter-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/13-cphtestp-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests-mq.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-helm-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-scan-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-java-maven-test-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-setup-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-tag-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    #- tasks/mq-metrics-build-tag-push.yaml
    # Automated promotion process triggers
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-stage-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-stage-route.yaml
  8. Update the GitOps repository

    Let’s commit these changes to make the event listener and trigger resources active in the cluster.

    Issue the following command:

    git add mq/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml
    git commit -s -m "Add qmgr pipeline webhook"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    which shows that the changes are pushed to GitHub:

    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 522 bytes | 522.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
       e28693e..25f7430  master -> master

    This change to the GitOps repository can now be used by ArgoCD.

  9. The apps-mq-rest-ci-1 argocd application

    Let's examine the ArgoCD application that manage the applications in ci namespace.

    In the ArgoCD UI Applications view, click on the icon for the apps-mq-rest-ci-1 application:


    You will see all the necessary configurations. Now, you will see trigger template, trigger binding and event listener we just created under this application.

  10. Exploring the cntk-event-listener Kubernetes resource

    Let's spend a few moments exploring the event listener resources.

    If you observe the above picture carefully, below are few things to note:

    • See how the eventlistener custom resource deployed by the ArgoCD application has created a service named el-cntk-event-listener. The event listener route points to this service.
    • The event listener runs in a pod, managed by a replicaset, defined by a deployment. It's this pod that will handle the webhook request, and call the trigger if the interceptor filter evaluates to true.
  11. Exploring the resources using the oc command

    We can use also use the oc command to explore our webhook resources:

    To view the route that is called by the webhook, issue the following command:

    oc get route -n ci

    To view the event listener service that is accessed via the route, issue the following command:

    oc get eventlistener -n ci

    To view the trigger template that is used by the event service to call the mq-qm-dev pipeline, issue the following command:

    oc get triggertemplate -n ci

    To view the trigger binding that is used to marshal the input for the pipeline run, issue the following command:

    oc get triggerbinding -n ci

    You can explore these resources in more detail by adding the -o yaml option.

    For now, it's enough to understand understand that webhook->route->event listener->trigger template->pipeline.

    Let's now configure a GitHub webhook to use these components.

  12. The GitHub webhook UI

    Let's now use the GitHub UI, to configure a webhook that creates an event and sends it to the route whenever the queue manager source repository changes.

    We'll configure the webhook using the GitHub UI.

    Issue the following command to determine the URL for the UI:


    for example:

    Copy the URL into your browser to launch the GitHub webpage to configure a new webhook for your mq-qm01 repository:


    We need to complete these details to configure our webhook.

  13. Configure the webhook

    To configure a webhook, we need to identify the URL it will call when it generates an event, the format of the event, and for which GitHub events we'll generate an event.

    Issue the following command to determine the URL of the event listener route:

    echo http://$(oc get route el-cnkt-event-listener -n ci -o jsonpath='{}')

    for example:

    Here's a sample webhook configuration:


    Configure the following arguments:

    • Set the Payload URL using the event listener route address.
    • Set Content type to application/json.
    • Select Let me select individual event
      • Select Pull requests and Pushes from the list of available events.


    Click on Add webhook to create the webhook.

  14. A new webhook has been added

    In the GitHub UI, you can see that a new webhook has been added:


    Notice the webhook's name and that it's generating and event whenever a pull-request or push is issued against this repository.

    Let's now make a change to the QM1 source repository and watch the webhook at work.

Making a change to the queue manager QM1

Now that we've configured our webhook, together with the Kubernetes resources to process an event generated by it, let's put it to work.

In this section, we'll add a new queue to QM1using GitOps. To do this, we'll update the QM1 source repository -- adding a the new queue definition to the queue manager MQSC configuration -- and push this change to GitHub. This will trigger a new pipeline run that will build and test our change. If successful, new versions of the queue manager image version and Helm chart will be produced. The GitOps Helm chart will be automatically deployed to the cluster by our ArgoCD application, resulting in an updated deployment for QM1 that contains the new queue definition.

  1. Select the QM1 source repository terminal window

    We're going to make changes to the QM1 source repository, so let's make sure we're in the correct terminal window and folder.

    Return to the terminal window you're using for the mq-qm01 source repository. (Rather than the terminal window you're using for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps repository.)

    Issue the following command to ensure you're in the correct folder.

    cd $GIT_ROOT/mq-qm01

    Issue the following command to ensure that the $GIT_ORG environment variable is set:

    echo $GIT_ORG

    which will show your configured value, for example:

  2. Set up environment variable for new Git branch

    The sample repository has a single master branch. We're going to create a new branch based on master for our changes.

    Set the $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 using your $GIT_ORG environment variable:

    export GIT_BRANCH_QM1=qm1-$GIT_ORG

    then create a new branch using its value:

    git checkout -b $GIT_BRANCH_QM1

    you'll see something like:

    Switched to a new branch 'qm1-prod-ref-guide'

    Notice how we've created a new branch $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 based on the master branch. All changes will be made in $GIT_BRANCH_QM1; whereas master will remain unchanged.

    Also note that we use $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 to name the mq-qm01 queue manager branch in contrast to $GIT_BRANCH for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps branch. This helps stop us accidentally promoting a change if we use the wrong terminal window in the tutorial.

  3. Verify you're on the new branch

    We're doing our changes in the $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 branch.

    Confirm you're on the new branch:

    git branch

    which will list all the branches for your local clone of the mq-qm01 repository:

    * qm1-prod-ref-guide

    Note how * confirms your branch.

  4. Recap where QM1 resource limits are stored in the source repository

    The QM1 configuration is completely held within the mq-qm01 source repository. Let's recall this structure:

    Issue the following command:


    to view the folder structure:

    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── chart
    │   └── base
    │       ├── Chart.yaml
    │       ├── config
    │       │   └── config.mqsc
    │       ├── security
    │       │   └── config.mqsc
    │       ├── templates
    │       │   ├── NOTES.txt
    │       │   ├── _helpers.tpl
    │       │   ├── configmap.yaml
    │       │   └── qm-template.yaml
    │       └── values.yaml
    └── kustomize
        ├── base
        │   ├── generic-qmgr
        │   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
        │   │   ├── queuemanager.yaml
        │   │   └── static-definitions.mqsc
        │   └── native-ha-qmgr
        └── components
            ├── dynamic-mqsc
            │   └── generic-qmgr
            │       ├── dynamic-definitions.mqsc
            │       ├── kustomization.yaml
            │       └── queuemanager.yaml
            └── scripts
                ├── kustomization.yaml

    You may recall that the that the queuemanager.yaml file has the below resource limits definition.

        cpu: "1"
        memory: 1Gi

    This value is used by the QueueManager template to generate the resource limits. Let us increase these limits now.

  5. Update queuemanager.yaml file

    Let's quickly review the current queuemanager.yaml file, before we add our new resource limit definitions.

    Issue the following command:

    cat kustomize/base/generic-qmgr/queuemanager.yaml

    to view the resource limit definitions:

        cpu: "1"
        memory: 1Gi
        cpu: "1"
        memory: 1Gi

    Using your favorite editor, update memory to 2Gi:

        cpu: "1"
        memory: 2Gi
        cpu: "1"
        memory: 1Gi

    Notice how we've modified the memory of the queuemanager from 1Gi to 2Gi.

  6. Commit change to GitHub

    Let's now commit these changes to GitHub.

    git add kustomize/base/generic-qmgr/queuemanager.yaml
    git commit -s -m "Updated queuemanager definition with new resource limits"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH_QM1

    We see that the changes are pushed to GitHub:

    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 527 bytes | 527.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects.
    remote: Create a pull request for 'qm1-prod-ref-guide' on GitHub by visiting:
     * [new branch]      qm1-prod-ref-guide -> qm1-prod-ref-guide
  7. GitHub event generated

    This push to GitHub should generate a GitHub webhook event for the mq-qm01 repository. We can look at the most recent webhook events.

    Click on the newly created webhook http://el-cnkt-event-listener... and select the Recent Deliveries tab.

    This is one of our sample Deliveries:



    • The date and time when the webhook event was generated in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
    • The Request URL header identifies the event. listener http:://el-cnkt-event-listener...
    • "ref": "refs/heads/qm1-GitOps-MQ-23052022" identifies the branch that was pushed.
    • "repository.full_name": "GitOps-MQ-23052022/mq-qm01" identifies the repository that was changed.

    The Recent Deliveries tab can be very helpful to diagnose any issues you might have webhook event generation.

    Let's now see how this webhook event is handled by the event listener in the cluster.

  8. Event handled in the cluster

    Let's have a look at how the GitHub event is processed by the event listener in the cluster. We can look at the event listener logs to see how the event is received and processed using the oc logs command.

    Issue the following command:

    oc logs deploy/el-cnkt-event-listener -n ci

    to show the log messages issued by the el-cnkt-event-listener:

    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-30T08:53:23.172Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"resources/create.go:98","msg":"Generating resource: kind: &APIResource{Name:pipelineruns,Namespaced:true,Kind:PipelineRun,Verbs:[delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch],ShortNames:[pr prs],SingularName:pipelinerun,Categories:[tekton tekton-pipelines],,Version:v1beta1,StorageVersionHash:RcAKAgPYYoo=,}, name: mq-qm-dev-","commit":"fbb0fd1","":"eventlistener"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-30T08:53:23.172Z","logger":"eventlistener","caller":"resources/create.go:106","msg":"For event ID \"c2f8ccb5-e102-4dd2-b147-f60b0f63516c\" creating resource, Resource=pipelineruns","commit":"fbb0fd1","":"eventlistener"}

    (You can scroll right in the above output.)


    • Multiple log entries have been issued for the same input event. Notice how the timestamps "ts": are the same.
    • The first entry identifies the data generated by the trigger template that will be passed to the pipeline:
      • See how gitrevision value matches that in the webhook "after" value.
      • See how gitrepositoryurl value matches your fork of the mq-qm01 repository.
    • The second entry informs us that a new PipelineRun has been created for the pipeline mq-qm-dev.
    • The third entry shows us the event ID that the event listener is using for the processing of this webhook event.

    The order of these events isn't really important; what's clear is that the pipeline run has been launched based on the webhook notification processes by the event listener.

    The oc logs command can be very helpful to diagnose any issues you might have with the event listener.

  9. The new pipeline run starts

    We can now see that our pipeline run has started.

    In the OpenShift web console, navigate to Pipelines->Pipelines. Select the mq-qm-dev pipeline and Project: ci:


    We can see a new pipeline run for mq-qm-dev is in progress.

    Notice the Labels for this pipeline run:

    • See how the tekton event listener cnkt-event-listener is identified.
    • See how the trigger-eventid allows us to link this pipeline run back to a Tekton event for traceability.

Exploring the new pipeline run

Our pipeline run has started and will take a little time to complete.

We already know what our pipeline run will do; in this section we explore how it does it by looking at the build task in more detail.

We'll also review the new and updated resources produced by the pipeline run. These include new versions of the image and GitOps queuemanager resources. We'll see how these combine to reflect the change we made to QM1.

  1. Look at pipeline run

    Let’s find the queue manager pipeline using the OpenShift web console.

    Navigate to Pipelines->Pipelines in the left hand pane, and select Project: ci, to show all pipelines in the ci namespace:


    You can see that there is an mq-qm-dev pipeline run in progress. (You may need to scroll through the list of pipelines.)

  2. Pipeline tasks run and complete

    As before, because we can think of a pipeline run as an instance of a pipeline, we can see the pipeline structure from its run.

    In the Pipelines view, click on the mq-qm-dev-xxxxx pipeline run:


    Again, as before, we can see the tasks comprising the run, such as setup, build and GitOps. Notice how tasks are in one of three states: completed, in progress or waiting to run.

  3. See how the build task is implemented

    We're going to examine the build task in some detail. Once you see how the build task works, you'll be able to work out how any task works and how to modify it, as well as how to write your own tasks.

    We'll look at the build task YAML to see how it's implemented. We'll see how it gets its input, how it is coded, how it references secrets and how it interacts with external components, for example storing a new image in the image registry.

    In the Pipeline Run details view, click on the YAML tab:


    This is the pipeline run YAML. You may recall that a pipeline YAML has no code defined within it. In contrast, a pipelinerun YAML includes all the code that implements each task. It means we can scroll through a single file to see the pipeline run inputs, the task inputs and the code that implements each of the steps within each task. It makes it easy to understand what's happening as the pipeline executes because everything is in one place.

    We can of course see the same output on the command line.

    Issue the following command, replacing xxxxx with the current pipeline run identifier:

    oc get pipelinerun mq-qm-dev-xxxxx -n ci -o yaml

    which will show you all the same information on the command line:

    kind: PipelineRun
      annotations: mq
          creationTimestamp: "2022-05-30T08:53:23Z"
          generateName: mq-qm-dev-

    We've only included the beginning of the YAML file, as it's quite large, but you can see that it's the same as the web console YAML file.

  4. Exploring the build task YAML

    We can locate the source of the task code in our GitOps source repository.

    In the Pipeline Run details YAML tab view, search for ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13 to find where the build task refers to its implementation code.

    Use Cmd+F to search for ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13:

          - name: build
             - name: git-url
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.git-url)
             - name: git-revision
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.git-revision)
             - name: source-dir
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.source-dir)
             - name: image-server
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.image-server)
             - name: image-namespace
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.image-namespace)
             - name: image-repository
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.image-repository)
             - name: image-tag
                value: $(tasks.setup.results.image-tag)
             - setup
             kind: Task
             name: ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13
          - name: smoke-tests-mq

    We've already reviewed this build task definition. Recall that the taskRef refers to the task ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13 which implements the task code for build.

  5. The build task YAML source

    This build task is just one of many tasks defined in the mq-pipeline-dev.yaml file we explored earlier. Lets have a look at the definition of this task.

    Issue the following command:

    cat mq/environments/ci/tasks/ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13.yaml

    to show ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13 among the many YAMLs in this file:

    kind: Task
      name: ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13
        description: Executes logic to build, tag and push a container image using the intermediate sha tag to the image-url Executes logic to build, tag and push a container image using the intermediate sha tag to the image-url master
        version: 2.6.13
        - name: git-url
        - name: git-revision
          default: master
        - name: source-dir
          default: /source
        - name: image-server
          default: ""
        - name: image-namespace
          default: ""
        - name: image-repository
          default: ""
        - name: image-tag
          default: ""
        - name: BUILDER_IMAGE
        - name: DOCKERFILE
          default: ./Dockerfile
        - name: CONTEXT
          default: .
        - name: TLSVERIFY
          default: "false"
        - name: FORMAT
          default: "docker"
        - name: STORAGE_DRIVER
          description: Set buildah storage driver
          default: overlay
        - name: varlibcontainers
          emptyDir: {}
        - name: source
          emptyDir: {}
          - name: source
            mountPath: $(params.source-dir)
        - name: git-clone
            - name: GIT_PASSWORD
                  name: git-credentials
                  key: password
                  optional: true
            - name: GIT_USERNAME
                  name: git-credentials
                  key: username
                  optional: true
          script: |
            set +x
            if [[ -n "${GIT_USERNAME}" ]] && [[ -n "${GIT_PASSWORD}" ]]; then
                git clone "$(echo $(params.git-url) | awk -F '://' '{print $1}')://${GIT_USERNAME}:${GIT_PASSWORD}@$(echo $(params.git-url) | awk -F '://' '{print $2}')" $(params.source-dir)
                set -x
                git clone $(params.git-url) $(params.source-dir)
            set -x
            cd $(params.source-dir)
            git checkout $(params.git-revision)
        - name: build
          image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE)
          workingDir: $(params.source-dir)
            - name: REGISTRY_USER
                  name: registry-access
                  key: REGISTRY_USER
                  optional: true
            - name: REGISTRY_PASSWORD
                  name: registry-access
                  key: REGISTRY_PASSWORD
                  optional: true
            - name: IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER
                  name: ibm-entitled-registry-credentials
                  key: IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER
                  optional: true
                  name: ibm-entitled-registry-credentials
                  optional: true
            - mountPath: /var/lib/containers
              name: varlibcontainers
            privileged: true
          script: |
            if [[ -n "${IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER}" ]] && [[ -n "${IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" ]]; then
              echo "buildah login -u "${IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER}" -p "xxxxx""
            buildah --layers --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) bud --format=$(params.FORMAT) --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) -f $(params.DOCKERFILE) -t ${APP_IMAGE} $(params.CONTEXT)
            set +x
            if [[ -n "${REGISTRY_USER}" ]] && [[ -n "${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" ]] && [[ "$(params.image-server)" != "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"  ]]; then
              buildah login -u "${REGISTRY_USER}" -p "${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" "$(params.image-server)"
              echo "buildah login -u "${REGISTRY_USER}" -p "xxxxx" "$(params.image-server)""
            set -x
            buildah --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) push --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) --digestfile ./image-digest ${APP_IMAGE} docker://${APP_IMAGE}

    Notice how:

    • spec: contains a list of params: as the set of task inputs.
    • name: git-revision is an example of named input, and it has a default value specified as default: master.
    • spec: contains volumes: and volumeMounts: that apply to every step.
  6. Exploring the build task steps -- configuration

    We can explore the build task structure using the output from the OpenShift web console, the oc get pipelinerun command.

    Let's spend a few moments understanding how build works; you can review the code using your local editor or the OpenShift web console. We've also included the relevant snippets:

       - name: git-clone
          - name: GIT_PASSWORD
                name: git-credentials
                key: password
                optional: true
          - name: GIT_USERNAME
                name: git-credentials
                key: username
                optional: true
          script: |
       - name: build
          image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE)
          workingDir: $(params.source-dir)
          - mountPath: /var/lib/containers
             name: varlibcontainers
          privileged: true
          script: |

    Notice how:

    • The build task steps are defined in the steps: YAML node.
    • The build task has two steps: name: git-clone and name: build.
    • The git-clone step runs in its own container using image:
    • The build step runs in its own container using the image specified by the task input variable $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE). Notice this has a default value
    • The git-clone step sets up an environment variable GIT_PASSWORD using the the password key in the git-credentials secret. This allows the task to use the git credentials we configured in this chapter earlier
    • As required, a step can specify any node from the spec.containers[]: specification such as workingDir:, volumeMount: and securityContext:.
    • The code executed in each step container is specified by its script:.

    Let's now see how a build step can be coded to use this configuration.

  7. Exploring the build task steps -- scripts

    When the build step container runs, it executes the code specified in its script:.

    Find the build step script in web console pipelinerun YAML output, using the oc command. We've shown the script: below:

    script: |
       if [[ -n "${IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER}" ]] && [[ -n "${IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" ]]; then
          echo "buildah login -u "${IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER}" -p "xxxxx""
       buildah --layers --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) bud --format=$(params.FORMAT) --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) -f $(params.DOCKERFILE) -t ${APP_IMAGE} $(params.CONTEXT)
       set +x
       if [[ -n "${REGISTRY_USER}" ]] && [[ -n "${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" ]] && [[ "$(params.image-server)" != "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"  ]]; then
          buildah login -u "${REGISTRY_USER}" -p "${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" "$(params.image-server)"
          echo "buildah login -u "${REGISTRY_USER}" -p "xxxxx" "$(params.image-server)""
       set -x
       buildah --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) push --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) --digestfile ./image-digest ${APP_IMAGE} docker://${APP_IMAGE}

    This script will execute within the step-build container and will have access to the container environment set up for this step and task. The script makes extensive use of the buildah command; it is often used in combination with skopeo and podman as a compatible alternative to the docker command for container management. You can learn more about these commands in this short article.

    See how the script will:

    • Use the buildah login command to login to the IBM Entitled Registry using the $IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER and $IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY_PASSWORD credentials you set up earlier. It needs this access because the Dockerfile used to build the queue manager image uses an IBM entitled MQ image.
    • Use the buildah bud command to build a queue manager image using the Dockerfile specified in $params.DOCKERFILE.
    • Use the buildah push command to store the newly built queue manager image to the cluster image registry. The step does support external registries such as if $REGISTRY_USER and $REGISTRY_PASSWORD are set.
    • Name the queue manager image using the $APP_IMAGE variable. See how the name is structured as $(params.image-server)/$(params.image-namespace)/$(params.image-repository):$(params.image-tag) to uniquely identify it. We'll see an example in a moment.
  8. Linking task output to the build log

    As well as reading the script, we can see the actual output generated by the script OpenShift web console.

    In the web console, select the Pipeline Run details Logs tab for mq-qm-dev-xxxxx and select the build task. Scroll down to the STEP-BUILD output:

      + APP_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42
      + [[ -n cp ]]
      + [[ -n eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJJQk0gTWFya2V0cGxhY2UiLCJpYXQiOjE2NDM2NDQwMzYsImp0aSI6IjE0MzE5Y2M1NmZmNDQ4YWFhNjNkOTg4YzIyNTU1YmU2In0.uNrXc5cHyTnQP0jFeCozCZWQ7EDKMuRtCHHKTPFHq7w ]]
      + buildah login -u cp -p eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJJQk0gTWFya2V0cGxhY2UiLCJpYXQiOjE2NDM2NDQwMzYsImp0aSI6IjE0MzE5Y2M1NmZmNDQ4YWFhNjNkOTg4YzIyNTU1YmU2In0.uNrXc5cHyTnQP0jFeCozCZWQ7EDKMuRtCHHKTPFHq7w
      Login Succeeded!
      buildah login -u cp -p xxxxx
      + echo 'buildah login -u cp -p xxxxx'
      + buildah --layers --storage-driver=overlay bud --format=docker --tls-verify=false -f ./Dockerfile -t image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42 .
      STEP 1: FROM
      Getting image source signatures
      Copying blob sha256:438fa866f41ed21ff0fc8dda16bc8d485c1f0414c139c09a75ea0cdedf1afce3
      Copying blob sha256:017c92b56753eaec127e1b41a953d8a33a88b417447fc61aa4d352f70a52b3c9
      Copying config sha256:4b5b148ae9a371e193eca6822df5759bf9345e0919191f707492f02f9868f991
      Writing manifest to image destination
      Storing signatures
      STEP 2: COMMIT image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42
      --> 4b5b148ae9a
      + set +x
      + buildah --storage-driver=overlay push --tls-verify=false --digestfile ./image-digest image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42 docker://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42
      Getting image source signatures
      Copying blob sha256:0f5a48e5fc31d2a1e0049b7f3bd3a56a3580def8e70d00d35f60e96da6efd115
      Copying blob sha256:cb3bad3be6d9cc880ab03055103749fec0d6058fce545a78a2560d25bbfb81d7
      Copying config sha256:4b5b148ae9a371e193eca6822df5759bf9345e0919191f707492f02f9868f991
      Writing manifest to image destination
      Storing signatures

    This is the output from the container that runs the build step. You can see the results of the script: execution. Scripts often use the set +x, set +e option and echo commands to to generate log output.

    For example, we can see that the queue manager image name is:

    + APP_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42

    We can also see this image being pushed to the OpenShift image registry:

    + buildah --storage-driver=overlay push --tls-verify=false --digestfile ./image-digest image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42 docker://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42

    together with its successful completion:

    Copying config sha256:4b5b148ae9a371e193eca6822df5759bf9345e0919191f707492f02f9868f991
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
  9. Accessing the build task logs using oc logs

    Each task in the mq-qm-dev-xxxxx pipeline run executes in its own pod. Within these pods, each step runs in its own container. This allows us to view the pipelinerun output using the oc logs command.

    Issue the following command, replacing xxxxx with your pipelinerun identifier:

    oc get pods -n ci | grep mq-qm-dev-xxxxx

    You see all the pods used to execute the different tasks in the pipeline run:

    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-build-xx8fj-pod-7jvnr             0/2     Completed   0          33m
    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-gitops-hlzx7-pod-lsprr            0/3     Completed   0          25m
    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-img-release-q89t4-pod-mj94c       0/1     Completed   0          26m
    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-img-scan-nvlmn-pod-92kvw          0/3     Completed   0          26m
    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-setup-d4mtg-pod-hs7ht             0/1     Completed   0          33m
    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-smoke-tests-mq-ss79w-pod-n5p9j    0/4     Completed   0          31m
    mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-tag-release-6xdqq-pod-8fs9h       0/2     Completed   0          27m

    Notice that:

    • the number of pods matches the number of tasks in the mq-qm-dev pipeline. (In the above example, the pipeline run has finished.)
    • the name of the pod includes the name of the task in the pipeline.
    • each step runs in its own container, for example, the build pod has 0/2 containers running.

    We can view the logs of any step in a task by viewing its container log.

    Issue the following command, substituting the name of the first pod in your list from the previous command:

    oc logs mq-qm-dev-7kfgd-build-xx8fj-pod-7jvnr step-build -n ci

    to see the step-build log in the build task:

    + APP_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42
    + [[ -n cp ]]
    + [[ -n eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJJQk0gTWFya2V0cGxhY2UiLCJpYXQiOjE2NDM2NDQwMzYsImp0aSI6IjE0MzE5Y2M1NmZmNDQ4YWFhNjNkOTg4YzIyNTU1YmU2In0.uNrXc5cHyTnQP0jFeCozCZWQ7EDKMuRtCHHKTPFHq7w ]]
    + buildah login -u cp -p eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJJQk0gTWFya2V0cGxhY2UiLCJpYXQiOjE2NDM2NDQwMzYsImp0aSI6IjE0MzE5Y2M1NmZmNDQ4YWFhNjNkOTg4YzIyNTU1YmU2In0.uNrXc5cHyTnQP0jFeCozCZWQ7EDKMuRtCHHKTPFHq7w
    Login Succeeded!
    buildah login -u cp -p xxxxx
    + echo 'buildah login -u cp -p xxxxx'
    + buildah --layers --storage-driver=overlay bud --format=docker --tls-verify=false -f ./Dockerfile -t image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:7851d42 .
    STEP 1: FROM
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob sha256:438fa866f41ed21ff0fc8dda16bc8d485c1f0414c139c09a75ea0cdedf1afce3
    Copying blob sha256:017c92b56753eaec127e1b41a953d8a33a88b417447fc61aa4d352f70a52b3c9

    See how this is the same output as the web console Pipeline Run details view.

  10. Wait for pipeline run to finish

    Return to Pipeline Run details view. If the pipeline run hasn't finished then wait until it does. If it hasn't finished, explore some of the logs of the tasks still running, and see if you can find the step code that they are executing.

    When the pipeline run completes, you'll see:


    The pipeline run is now complete. Let's explore the artifacts that mq-qm-dev-xxxxx has updated and created.

  11. Updated QueueManager resources in GitOps

    Let's explore the GitOps QueueManager resources that was updated by the pipeline run.

    Issue the following command:


    to calculate the URL of the GitOps version of the qm-template.yaml file, for example:

    Copy your version of this URL into a browser to see the GitOps version of the queuemanager.yaml file that is being accessed by ArgoCD:

    kind: QueueManager
      name: qm1
      annotations: "300" "300"
        accept: true
        license: L-RJON-BZFQU2
        use: NonProduction
        debug: false
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          failureThreshold: 1
          initialDelaySeconds: 90
          periodSeconds: 10
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 5
        logFormat: Basic
          enabled: true
        name: QM1
          - configMap:
              name: mqsc-configmap
                - static-definitions.mqsc
          failureThreshold: 1
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          periodSeconds: 5
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 3
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 2Gi
            cpu: "1"
            memory: 1Gi
          type: SingleInstance
        image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:0.0.2"
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            enabled: false
            type: ephemeral
            enabled: false
        initVolumeAsRoot: false
          - name: qmgr
            - name: MQSNOAUT
              value: "yes"
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
        agent: {}
        collector: {}
        enabled: false
        namespace: ""
        enabled: true


    • the image: has been updated to image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:0.0.2. We can clearly see the image tag got updated from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2.

    It's the gitops task in the mq-qm-dev pipeline run that updated this QueueManager resource stored in the GitOps repository.

    You might like to explore the gitops step log in Pipeline Run detail Logs tab.

    When the queue manager ArgoCD application sees that this GitOps QueueManager resource has changed, it will redeploy the QueueManager resources. It will be the combination of the GitOps and QueueManager resources that will define the new queue manager deployment in the the cluster.

  12. Viewing the new deployment in ArgoCD

    The completion of the gitops task results in an update to the GitOps QueueManager resource queuemanager.yaml file to identify the image tag version 0.0.2. This change to the queuemanager.yaml file will result in the dev-mq-qm01-instance ArgoCD application redeploying the QueueManager resources. Let's explore this change using ArgoCD.

    In the ArgoCD UI, select the dev-mq-qm01-instance ArgoCD application:


    We can see the two components of the queue manager Kubernetes deployment, namely the queuemanager custom resource defining the properties of QM1 and the configmap containing its MQSC configuration.

    Click on the qm1 queuemanager custom resource and select the DESIRED MANIFEST tab:



    • This queue manager uses the newly built container image image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:0.0.2 stored in the OpenShift image registry.
    • This image was generated by the build task.

    Now scroll down a bit:



    • New memory limits of 2Gi has been updated.

    Let's now try out the new queue manager.

Verify the updates to QueueManager

Let's now verify and explore the changes we have made to QM1, using both the MQ web console and the oc command.

  1. Exploring QM1 with the web console

    Switch to the MQ web console.


  2. Ephemeral queue manager

    As we've seen, pods are the fundamental building blocks of Kubernetes. The QM1 queue manager runs in a pod container and when its configuration changes, this pod is replaced by a new one that whose container has an updated spec: that reflects the updated configuration for QM1. In our scenario this includes a new image.

    Let's look a little more closely at the queuemanager custom resource for QM1 to understand what's happening.

    Issue the following command:

    oc get queuemanager qm1 -n dev -o yaml

    to show the details of the queue manager:

    kind: QueueManager
         accept: true
         license: L-RJON-BN7PN3
         metric: VirtualProcessorCore
         use: NonProduction
           type: SingleInstance
           updateStrategy: RollingUpdate
         debug: false
         image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/ci/mq-qm01:0.0.2
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
           failureThreshold: 1
           initialDelaySeconds: 90
           periodSeconds: 10
           successThreshold: 1
           timeoutSeconds: 5
         logFormat: Basic
           enabled: true
         - configMap:
             - config.mqsc
             name: mqsc-configmap
         name: QM1
           failureThreshold: 1
           initialDelaySeconds: 10
           periodSeconds: 5
           successThreshold: 1
           timeoutSeconds: 3
             cpu: "1"
             memory: 1Gi
             cpu: "1"
             memory: 1Gi
           enabled: true
             enabled: false
             type: ephemeral
             enabled: false
         initVolumeAsRoot: false
           - env:
             - name: MQSNOAUT
               value: "yes"
             name: qmgr
             resources: {}
       terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
         agent: {}
         collector: {}
         enabled: false
         namespace: ""
         enabled: true
       conditions: []
       - name: ui
         type: UI
       name: QM1
       phase: Running
           channels: []
           - name:

    Notice the ephemeral. As you can see from the API reference for the QueueManager this defines an ephemeral queue manager.

    An ephemeral queue manager is one whose logs and queue files are defined within the container file system rather than external to it. It means that when the pod is replaced, all the container queue files and log files are lost. That's why our QMID is changed and our message was lost -- they were stored in the file system of the old container. When the pod restarted for the updated queue manager deployment, it was like a new queue manager was being created because the container file system was new.

    We rarely use ephemeral queue managers for production work; usually a queue manager stores its queue and log files in a persistent volume using a persistent volume claim that is mounted into the container when the pod starts.

    Using a persistent volume means that restarting a pod doesn't affect the long term state of the queue manager -- properties like QMID, together with messages in queues are stored in queue and log files that are preserved in the persistent volume claim that is reattached to a restarted container pod. We'll use persistent volumes in the High Availability chapter.

    For now, our use of an ephemeral queue manager has shown nicely how a configuration change results in an updated queue manager deployment resulting in a pod restart for the queue manager.


You've now got a fully automated CICD process for your queue manager.

You started the chapter by configuring a webhook to generate an event notification whenever the QM1 source repository was changed. You then created an event listener and trigger in your cluster to process these events and start a pipeline run using the data in the event. After updating the QM1 source repository to add a new queue to its MQSC definitions, a pipeline run was triggered automatically.

As the pipeline run progressed, you explored its task logs and how key tasks worked. You explored the detailed structure of the mq-qm-dev pipeline in terms of its tasks and their steps. You explored these task steps produced new and updated artifacts such as a container image and kubernetes resources. You saw how git tags were used to version control these artifacts.

Once the pipeline run completed, you examined the updated queue manager deployment using ArgoCD. You tried out the updated queue manager to confirm that the new queue had been added to QM1. Finally, you explored the concept of an ephemeral queue manager its persistent volume, together with how these combine with Kubernetes pods and containers.

In the next chapter, we're going to create an MQ application that exploits this queue manager.