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Metrics application


Audience: Architects, Application developers, Administrators

In this topic, we're going to:

  • Revisit our monitoring scenario.
  • Prepare and configure a new application to surface more metrics.
  • Deploy the application.
  • Verify we can see new metrics in Prometheus.


We have now metrics flowing from our queue manager to Prometheus. But those are the metrics that MQ exposes by default. In some scenarios we would be interested in other metrics beyond the default set. For example, queue depth is an interesting one that many MQ admins look for.

In such scenarios we need an auxiliary application. This new application is, in simple terms, an MQ client that connects to our queue manager, retrieves the information of interest, process it and expose it in a metrics endpoint with the right format so Prometheus can read them.

Monitoring scenario

In this topic we are going to review this new application and we are going to deploy it so we can start seeing the new metrics in Prometheus.

Creating metrics app repo

  1. Ensure environment variables are set


    Ensure you're in the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps terminal window.


    If you're returning to the tutorial after restarting your computer, ensure that the $GIT_ORG, $GIT_BRANCH and $GIT_ROOT environment variables are set.

    (Replace appropriately:)

    export GIT_BRANCH=master
    export GIT_ORG=<your organization name>
    export GIT_ROOT=$HOME/git/$GIT_ORG-root

    You can verify your environment variables as follows:

    echo $GIT_BRANCH
    echo $GIT_ORG
    echo $GIT_ROOT
  2. Ensure you're logged in to the cluster

    Log into your OCP cluster, substituting the --token and --server parameters with your values:

    oc login --token=<token> --server=<server>

    If you are unsure of these values, click your user ID in the OpenShift web console and select "Copy Login Command".

  3. Go to your root folder

    In the terminal let's move to our root folder:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
  4. Fork mq-metric-samples application repository

    Navigate to the mq-metric-samples repository that can be found in the ibm-messaging organization at and fork it into your organization.

  5. Clone the fork to your local machine

    git clone$GIT_ORG/mq-metric-samples.git
  6. Change to the local clone's folder

    cd mq-metric-samples
  7. Review the application source directories

    tree -L 1

    The following diagram shows the directory structure for the metrics application:

    ├── LICENSE
    ├── cmd
    ├── config.common.yaml
    ├── cp4i
    ├── dspmqrtj
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── pkg
    ├── scripts
    └── vendor

    This repository contains a collection of IBM MQ monitoring agents that utilize the IBM MQ golang metric packages to provide programs that can be used with existing monitoring technologies such as Prometheus, AWS CloudWatch, etc.

    In this structure note the following folders:

    • cmd contains the different code bases for different solutions. The case of interest here is mq_prometheus that will perform the export of queue manager data into a Prometheus data set.
    • cp4i contains yaml resources and helm charts that will help us to deploy the application in our cluster.
    • scripts contains functionality that will help to build the container images on our local environments.
  8. Review the ConfigMap template

    Let's have a look to the ConfigMap template. The ConfigMap that is provided contains all the parameters that the metrics application is going to use to connect to the queue manager. Issue the following command to check the template:

    cat cp4i/chart/base/templates/configmap.yaml

    You will see the following output:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: {{ }}
    IBMMQ_CONNECTION_QUEUEMANAGER: {{ .Values.configmap.QM | quote }}
    IBMMQ_CONNECTION_CONNNAME: {{ .Values.configmap.CONNECTION_NAME | quote }}
    IBMMQ_CONNECTION_CHANNEL: {{ .Values.configmap.CHANNEL | quote }}
    IBMMQ_OBJECTS_QUEUES: {{ .Values.configmap.QUEUES | quote }}
    IBMMQ_OBJECTS_SUBSCRIPTIONS: {{ .Values.configmap.SUBSCRIPTIONS | quote }}
    IBMMQ_OBJECTS_TOPICS: {{ .Values.configmap.TOPICS | quote }}
    IBMMQ_GLOBAL_LOGLEVEL: {{ .Values.configmap.LOG_LEVEL | quote }}

    We can see here the CONNECTION_NAME that is using the service string to establish the connection and it is going to use MONITORING_CHL channel to connect.

  9. Update values

    Let's have a look to the values.yaml that will be used with the Helm templates:

    cat cp4i/chart/base/values.yaml

    We will focus in the values for the ConfigMap. If we check at the end of the output, we will see the default values for the Config Map:

      QM: "QM1"
      QUEUES: "!SYSTEM.*,!AMQ.*,*"
      TOPICS: "!*"

    We need to ensure the CONNECTION_NAME is correct for our cluster and we need to get the Name of the service so we can update the configuration. In our case this is qm1-ibm-mq so we will update the values.yaml file to have the following:

      QM: "QM1"
      QUEUES: "!SYSTEM.*,!AMQ.*,*"
      TOPICS: "!*"
  10. Commit and push the changes

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Update connection name"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

We have now the metrics application ready.

Prepare Queue Manager

Now we need to get our queue manager ready. In the previous section we saw that MONITORING_CHL channel was going to be used by the metrics app to connect to our queue manager. We need to update config.mqsc to make this channel available.

  1. Ensure environment variables are set


    Ensure that the $GIT_BRANCH_QM1 environment variable is set.

    export GIT_BRANCH_QM1=qm1-$GIT_ORG

    You can verify your environment variable as follows:

    echo $GIT_BRANCH_QM1
  2. Go to your mq-infra repo

    Switch now to the terminal where you are working with mq-infra repository and ensure you are in the correct folder:

    cd $GIT_ROOT/mq-infra
  3. Switch to $GIT_BRANCH_QM1

    We are about to make an update in MQSC configuration, so we will work in the branch we created during the building of the queue manager.

    git checkout $GIT_BRANCH_QM1
  4. Update config.mqsc

    The config.mqsc is located at chart/base/config/config.mqsc and it already contains the configurations needed for monitoring purposes. Uncomment the lines that define the MONITORING_CHL and the security for it removing the * characters.

    * Use a different dead letter queue, for undeliverable messages
  5. Push the changes

    The configuration is ready and we need to get it into our Git repo.

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Enable monitoring channel"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH_QM1
  6. Checkmq-infra-dev pipeline is running

    If you have setup the webhooks for the mq-infra repository following the Continuous updates topic, a new pipeline run is running now. If you skipped that section, you will need to trigger a new run manually.

    Once the pipeline finishes and the new version of the queue manager is deployed, verify the new channel is available. Access the MQ console and in the Communication tab, App channels section, you will see the MONITORING_CHL listed.

    MQ Console Monitoring Channel

Enable CI resources

Let's now enable and review the application pipeline and a task that will build our metrics app image in the pipeline.

  1. Go to multi-tenancy-gitops-apps folder

    For this section, we return to the terminal window we used in previous chapters for interacting with the GitOps repository. Open a new terminal window for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository if necessary.

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps
  2. Check the resources

    In this repo there are a pipeline and a task resources that we will use to deploy our metrics application:

    • The pipeline resource is defined in mq/environments/ci/pipelines/mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    • The task resource is defined in mq/environments/ci/tasks/mq-metrics-build-tag-push.yaml

    Feel free to review these resources in depth.

  3. Update kustomize

    We need to get those resources deployed in our cluster. We just need to uncomment the highlighted lines in mq/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml so ArgoCD can deploy them.

    #- certificates/ci-mq-client-certificate.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-server-certificate.yaml
    - configmaps/gitops-repo-configmap.yaml
    - eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml
    - triggerbindings/cntk-binding.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-infra-dev.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev.yaml
    #- pipelines/mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml
    #- pipelines/java-maven-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-pipeline-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-spring-app-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-clusterrole.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-role.yaml
    - roles/custom-ci-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-dev-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-staging-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-prod-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - routes/cntk-route.yaml
    - secrets/artifactory-access-secret.yaml
    - secrets/git-credentials-secret.yaml
    - secrets/ibm-entitled-registry-credentials-secret.yaml
    #- secrets/mq-client-jks-password-secret.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-for-mq.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-promotion.yaml
    - tasks/11-app-name.yaml
    - tasks/12-functional-tests.yaml
    - tasks/13-jmeter-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/13-cphtestp-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests-mq.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-helm-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-scan-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-java-maven-test-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-setup-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-tag-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    #- tasks/mq-metrics-build-tag-push.yaml
    # Automated promotion process triggers
    - triggertemplates/mq-infra-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    - eventlisteners/mq-infra-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    - routes/mq-infra-dev-route.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    - routes/mq-spring-app-dev-route.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-infra-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    - eventlisteners/mq-infra-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    - routes/mq-infra-stage-route.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    - routes/mq-spring-app-stage-route.yaml
  4. Push the changes

    With those lines uncommented, push the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Enable monitoring application pipeline and build task"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    Wait until ArgoCD deploys them. You can check how the new resources appear in the apps-mq-rest-ci-1 ArgoCD application.

    ArgoCD resources

Build and deploy app

The pipeline to build the metrics application is now available in OpenShift. We are going to run it to obtain the image that will be deployed by ArgoCD.

  1. Review the pre-configured pipeline

    Open the OpenShift console and navigate to Pipelines > Pipelines.

    You will want to select the ci Project from the dropdown at the top of the page.

    Click the mq-metric-samples-dev Pipeline to view the metrics application build pipeline.

    MQ metric samples pipeline

    The code is checked out and then a build task uses the code to compile the application and embed it into a container image. Then the code is tagged and the image released. Finally, the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository is updated to reflect the new desired estate.

  2. Kickoff a pipeline run

    From the Actions dropdown menu in the upper-right corner, select Start.

    MQ metric samples pipeline start dialog

    Configure the run as follows:

    • Set git-url to your fork of the mq-metric-samples repository
    • Set git-revision to master.
    • Set scan-image: false (temporary fix while issues with UBI are resolved)

    Click Start and wait! Keep checking until all steps have completed.

  3. Re-merging local clone to view updated app resources in GitOps repository

    The mq-metric-samples-dev pipeline run updated the GitOps repository with the application kubernetes resources. This means that our local clone of the GitOps repository is one commit behind GitHub. Before we can push any more changes to the GitOps repository, we must re-merge our local clone with GitHub.

    Return to the terminal window you're using for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps apps repository. (Rather than the terminal window you're using for the mq-metric-samples source repository.)

    git fetch origin
    git merge origin/$GIT_BRANCH

    which shows that

    Updating e3a855d..3b9a70d
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/configmap.yaml      | 17 +++++++++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/deployment.yaml     | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/role.yaml           | 10 ++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/rolebinding.yaml    | 13 +++++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/route.yaml          | 16 ++++++++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/secret.yaml         | 10 ++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/service.yaml        | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/serviceaccount.yaml |  6 ++++++
    mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/servicemonitor.yaml | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
    9 files changed, 155 insertions(+)
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/configmap.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/deployment.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/role.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/rolebinding.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/route.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/secret.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/service.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/serviceaccount.yaml
    create mode 100644 mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev/mq-metric-samples/servicemonitor.yaml

    We're now in a consistent state with the GitOps apps repository.

  4. The ArgoCD application for MQ metric samples application

    MQ metric samples application has its deployment to the cluster managed by a dedicated ArgoCD application called dev-mq-metric-samples-instance. This follows the separation of concerns pattern where one ArgoCD application manages a set of related Kubernetes resources deployed to a cluster; in this case, all those resources associated with MQ metric samples application in the dev namespace.

    Issue the following command to show the ArgoCD application details:

    cat mq/config/argocd/dev/dev-mq-metric-samples-instance.yaml

    which shows a YAML file typical of those we've seen before:

    kind: Application
    name: dev-mq-metric-samples-instance
    annotations: "300"
      namespace: dev
      server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    project: applications
      path: mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev
      targetRevision: master
        prune: true
        selfHeal: true

    See how the application resources are referenced by path: mq/environments/mq-metric-samples/overlays/dev:

    ├── configmap
    │   └── configmap.yaml
    ├── kustomization.yaml
    └── mq-metric-samples

    The ArgoCD application applies these resources to the cluster to instantiate MQ metric samples application as a set of cluster resources.

  5. Look at active MQ metric samples application ArgoCD application

    Let's examine MQ metric samples application and its Kubernetes resources using the ArgoCD UI.

    In the ArgoCD UI search the Applications view with the keyword mq-metric-samples:

    (You may need to launch the ArgoCD UI again. Refer to these instructions.)

    ArgoCD application

    We can now see the below ArgoCD Application:

    • A new dev-mq-metric-samples-instance ArgoCD application that is managing mq-metric-samples resources deployed to the cluster.

    Metrics application configuration still not finished

    At this moment the application is deployed but not healthy. This is expected. Continue with the last two steps to finish the configuration.

  6. Give permissions to service account

    As part of the set of resources deployed, the application runs as a service account mq-metric-samples. At this moment the pod is not capable to run due to lack of permissions and we need to provide them issuing the following command:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z mq-metric-samples -n dev

    First iteration

    Take into account that this is the first iteration for the MQ monitoring where security aspects has not been addressed yet.

  7. Check permissions

    Now issue the following command to check if the pod is allowed by anyuid. Make sure you use the right name for the pod as this name contains a component that is randomized, so it will be different from the one reflected here:

    oc get pod mq-metric-samples-6545f985f-6jjr8-o yaml | oc adm policy scc-subject-review -f -

    You should see the following output:

    RESOURCE                                ALLOWED BY
    Pod/mq-metric-samples-6545f985f-6jjr8   anyuid
  8. Reboot the pod

    Now that the service account has the permissions issued, let's remove the pod to trigger its recreation so the new pod will run under the new permission we gave in the previous steps.

    MQ metric samples pod deletion

    Go to the OpenShift web console. Access Workloads > Pods section on the left menu and ensure you are in the dev project. You will see the metrics app pod. Click on the three dots menu on the right-hand side and select Delete Pod. Immediately a new pod will be created and the new pod now shows as Running.

  9. View the new MQ metric samples application Kubernetes resources

    Back to ArgoCD UI, we can look at the deployed instance of mq-metric-samples and its dependent kubernetes resources.

    Click on the dev-mq-metric-samples-instance ArgoCD application:

    MQ metric samples ArgoCD application

Verify app deployment

  1. Review the deployed application

    The application is deployed within the cluster using a deployment manifest. The deployment creates a replica set to manage the application's pod.

    A service is also created to manage the port, and a route allows external connectivity to the application via the service.

    Also a servicemonitor is created. This service allows the communication between the application and Prometheus.

    This is the deployment for the application, where we can see 1 pod has been created:

    MQ metric samples deployment

    You can also view the deployment from the command line:

    oc project dev
    oc describe deployment mq-metric-samples

    The application writes logs to stdout. These can be viewed from the command line. First of all find the name of the running mq-metric-samples pod:

    oc get pods -l

    Using the name of the running mq-metric-samples pod, the following commands displays its logs:

    oc logs mq-metric-samples-6545f985f-vxh82

    Note that since we deleted the firs pod, the new one has a different name.

  2. Review the application's service

    This shows the corresponding service, where we can see the application's port 9157 (this is the metrics port) inside the application pod is being mapped to port 9157 at the cluster level:

    MQ metric samples service

    You can also view the service from the command line:

    oc describe service mq-metric-samples
  3. Review the application's servicemonitor

    This shows the servicemonitor used to map the application metrics port so Prometheus is able to collect the metrics. Here, the interesting information can be viewed in the yaml view:

    MQ metric samples servicemonitor

    You can also view the servicemonitor from the command line:

    oc describe servicemonitor mq-metric-samples

    Prometheus follows a pull approach when we talk about the way metrics are collected. Servicemonitor resources is the way Prometheus monitoring system can find the endpoints to collect metrics. Let's look at the following lines in the servicemonitor yaml:


    This selector is trying to find the resources that contains the labels listed. If we have a look to our deployment labels we will see:

        app: mq-metric-samples mq-metric-samples mq-metric-samples inventory
        argo.cntk/instance: dev-mq-metric-samples-instance mq-metric-samples-1.0.0-rcv5.2.8

    This is the way the monitoring system is finding the endpoint exposed by the metrics app.

  4. Review the application's route

    Finally the route shows the external URL (location) we can use to inspect the metric values exported by the application in the moment of hitting the URL:

    MQ metric samples route

    You can also view the route from the command line:

    oc describe route mq-metric-samples
  5. Check the application is running

    Using the location value from the route we can call the application to check its exporting metrics adding /metrics to the route:

    export APP_URL=$(oc get route -n dev mq-metric-samples -o jsonpath="{}")
    curl -X GET https://$APP_URL/metrics

    The output is similar to the following.

    # HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.
    # TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 7.465e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 8.9893e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0.00015446
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000577563
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.00205311
    go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.003462792
    go_gc_duration_seconds_count 7
    # HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist.
    # TYPE go_goroutines gauge
    go_goroutines 13
    # HELP go_info Information about the Go environment.
    # TYPE go_info gauge
    go_info{version="go1.16.12"} 1

    The output here has been truncated but if you examine the whole result you will see that the information shown are the metrics that are being exposed and you are seeing the values at the moment of visiting the URL. Further down the output you will see the new MQ metrics such as ibmmq_queue_depth or ibmmq_queue_oldest_message_age.

  6. Review one of the exported metrics

    If we examine one of these lines, we can see something like:

    ibmmq_queue_depth{description="-",platform="UNIX",qmgr="QM1",queue="IBM.DEMO.Q",usage="NORMAL"} 0

    The metric name is ibmmq_queue_depth. This metric consists in a set of values. Under this metric name all the queue depths of the queue manager are recorded.

    Between brackets we can see a comma separated list of key-value pairs. These are attributes that defines the metric for each individual queue. We can highlight the queue manager qmgr and the queue name queue. Last, but not least, at the end of the line the measure captured for the metric with those attributes is provided. In this case 0 because the queue still does not hold any messages.

  7. Check the new metrics are shown in the metrics UI

    Now that the new metrics are being exposed, we are able to find them in Prometheus. Navigate to the Monitoring > Metrics section in OpenShift web console.

    In the query textarea provide one of the new metrics like ibmmq_queue_depth and press enter.

    Queue depth metrics

    Results appear represented in a graph and listed under it. What we have done is to query using a metric name, but we have not provided any other detail. Then our query is retrieving the queue depth for all the queues in all the queue managers.

    Despite these metrics belongs to the user workload scope we are reaching it through the OpenShift metrics interface. Remember that in the previous topic we talked about this abstraction in the monitoring stack. We have two instances of Prometheus running, system workload and user defined workload, but we can reach all the metrics from the same UI no matter in which Prometheus instance these metrics are being stored.

  8. Narrow down the query

    If we want to have the results for a specific queue, we need to narrow down the query using the queue attribute. If we are looking for the queue depth of IBM.DEMO.Q queue, then issue the query


    And you will have now only a single time series for this specific queue.


You have successfully cloned and reviewed the metrics application source code. You have configured, and deployed it obtaining new metrics from our QM1. Finally you have been able to perform a query on Prometheus using the new exposed metric. In the next topic we are going to use one of these new metrics to customize the Grafana dashboard for MQ that we saw in the Monitoring stack section.