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Promoting from Staging to Prod environment


Audience: Application developers, Administrators

In the previous topic of this chapter, we ran the promotion pipeline for dev to staging. The pipeline successfully promoted the Queue Manager instance and MQ Sample application instance from dev to staging.

In this topic, you will set up a promotion pipeline that promotes the Queue Manager and MQ sample application from staging environment to prod environment. We'll activate the ArgoCD application that will watch the GitOps folder containing the kubernetes resources and use it and its dependent resources to deploy a running queue manager and sample application to the prod namespace in the cluster.

Look at the following diagram:

Staging to Prod pipeline

We've highlighted the components we're going to explore in this topic:

  • The promotion pipeline from staging to prod will perform a set of tasks for performance testing. If successful, the pipeline leaves a PR in the GitOps apps repository.
  • The GitOps apps repository will have a PR for the latest good build and test represented as kubernetes resources for prod environment. These resources will be subsequently used by ArgoCD to deploy to the cluster.
  • An ArgoCD application will monitor the GitOps folder where its kubernetes resources are held. Whenever this folder is updated, this ArgoCD application will apply these updates to the cluster, resulting in a new deployment.
  • The instance of Queue Manager running in the cluster is active prod queue manager ready for use by MQ applications under prod.
  • The instance of MQ Sample Application running in the cluster is active prod sample application under prod.

In this topic, we're going to:

  • Access the promotion pipeline
  • Run the promotion pipeline for Queue Manager
  • Run the promotion pipeline for MQ Sample Application
  • Explore the promotion pipeline.
  • Activate ArgoCD application for Queue Manager and MQ Sample Application for prod namespace.
  • Review the resultant GitOps application folders for Queue Manager and MQ Sample Application.
  • Examine the activated ArgoCD application that deploys the Queue Manager and MQ Sample Application to the cluster.
  • Validate Queue Manager and MQ Sample Application.

By the end of this topic we'll have a fully functioning staging to prod promotion pipeline that we can use to promote queue manager and sample application from staging environment to prod environment.


Before attempting this topic, you should have successfully completed the previous chapter.

Access the promotion pipeline

As we can see in the diagram above, the promotion pipeline is responsible for promoting the Queue Manager and MQ Sample application from staging to prod. If successful, it leaves a PR with the updated resources for prod in the GitOps apps repository, which are used by ArgoCD to deploy the updated Queue Manager and application to the cluster.

It's usually the case a pipeline runs automatically when the Queue Manager or the Sample application is successfully deployed in staging environment. However, our first pipeline run is manual so that you can be in control, making it easier to understand what's happening.

  1. Locate the ci pipelines in the web console

    Let's find the promotion pipeline using the OpenShift web console.

    Navigate to Pipelines->Pipelines in the left hand pane, and select Project: ci, to show all pipelines in the ci namespace:


    You can see all the pipelines that we installed into the ci namespace in the previous chapter. We'll use different pipelines for different activities throughout the tutorial.

    For this topic, we're going to use the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline. When the Queue Manager or Sample application are successfully deployed to the staging namespace, this pipeline will perform performance testing and on a successful run, it will promote the existing resources in staging to the prod namespace.

  2. The ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod promotion pipeline

    Select the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline from the list of all pipelines:


    Like all pipelines, ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod is composed from a set of tasks:

    • mq-stage-instance-tests
    • app-stage-instance-tests
    • app-name
    • gitops

    The task name often provides a strong hint of each task's specific function. We'll examine these tasks in detail as the pipeline runs.

  3. The oc command as an alternative to the Web console

    As well as using the OpenShift web console, you can also interact with pipeline using the oc or tekton commands.

    Ensure you're logged in to cluster, and issue the following command to list the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline details:

    oc get pipeline ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod -n ci

    which shows a brief summary of the pipeline:

    NAME                        AGE
    ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod   5d18h

    You can get more detail by adding the -o yaml option; we'll do that later.

Run the promotion pipeline

Queue Manager

  1. Configure your first pipeline run

    In pipeline details view above, you'll see an Actions button. Select Start to configure a pipeline run.

    You'll be presented with the following dialog:


    The supplied arguments allow the user of the pipeline to configure its behavior. For example, a user can use this pipeline with different queue manager source repositories.

    Configure the run as follows:

    • Set git-url to the clone of the mq-qm01 repository
    • Set git-revision to master.
    • Set src-environment to staging.
    • Set dest-environment to prod.
    • Set the app-path pointing to your GitOps apps repository which in our case is mq/environments.
    • Set the qm-security as per your Queue Manager security settings. By default it is set to false and assumes the Queue Manager is non-secure.
    • Set git-pr to true.
    • Set test-file pointing to your jmeter jmx file. If your source repository don't have any jmx file defined, just leave the defaults.

    At the moment, Queue Manager mq-qm01 repository do not have any performance tests defined using Jmeter, but the performance tests are being run using the cphtestp tool. Also, this pipeline is designed in a way to skip this tests if the definitions are not present. However, MQ Sample application mq-spring-app repository have jmeter tests defined and we will be coming across it in the later section of this tutorial.

    Hit Start to start the pipeline run.

    You can also use the command line to run a pipeline; we'll explore that option later.

  2. Watch a pipeline run executing

    The pipeline run has now started.

    Notice how the view changes to Pipeline Run details:


    We're now looking at the live output from a pipeline run, rather than the pipeline used to create the run.

    Notice that the pipeline run name ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod-xv7fc5 is based on the pipeline name -- with a unique suffix. Every new pipeline run will have a unique name.

    See also how the first mq-stage-instance-tests task is running, while the remaining tasks are waiting to start.

    Hover over mq-stage-instance-tests task and you will see the steps that comprise it.

  3. Watch pipeline steps complete

    As the pipeline run proceeds, notice all the steps got completed:


    This pipeline will take a while for about 40 to 50 minutes to complete.

MQ Sample Application

  1. Configure your first pipeline run

    In pipeline details view above, you'll see an Actions button. Select Start to configure a pipeline run.

    You'll be presented with the following dialog:


    The supplied arguments allow the user of the pipeline to configure its behavior. For example, a user can use this pipeline with different sample application source repositories.

    Configure the run as follows:

    • Set git-url to your fork of the mq-spring-app repository
    • Set git-revision to master.
    • Set src-environment to staging.
    • Set dest-environment to prod.
    • Set the app-path pointing to your GitOps apps repository which in our case is mq/environments.
    • Leave the defaults for qm-security. By default it is set to false.
    • Set git-pr to true.
    • Set test-plan pointing to your jmeter jmx file. If your source repository don't have any jmx file, just leave the defaults. mq-spring-app repository have the jmx file defined at jmeter/mq-spring-app.jmx using Jmeter.

    Hit Start to start the pipeline run.

    You can also use the command line to run a pipeline; we'll explore that option later.

  2. Watch a pipeline run executing

    The pipeline run has now started.

    Notice how the view changes to Pipeline Run details:


    We're now looking at the live output from a pipeline run, rather than the pipeline used to create the run.

    Notice that the pipeline run name ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod-rz78bi is based on the pipeline name -- with a unique suffix. Every new pipeline run will have a unique name.

    See also how the second app-stage-instance-tests task is running, while the remaining tasks are waiting to start.

    Hover over app-stage-instance-tests task and you will see the steps that comprise it.

  3. Watch pipeline steps complete

    As the pipeline run proceeds, notice all the steps got completed:


    This pipeline will take about a minute or two to complete.

Explore the promotion pipeline

Let's look more closely at how the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline is structured. Let's also examine the tasks and steps that make up the pipeline, and how they progressively validate the deployments in staging namespace, resulting in the production of kubernetes resources ready for deployment in prod namespace.

Queue Manager

  1. Pipeline, Task, Step

    Let's start with the pipeline, its tasks and steps.

    Hover over the mq-stage-instance-tests task:


    See how our pipeline is made up of tasks such as mq-stage-instance-tests, app-stage-instance-tests, app-name and gitops. These run in the order defined by the pipeline. Our pipeline is linear, though Tekton supports more sophisticated pipeline graphs if necessary.

    See how each task comprises a set of steps such as git-clone or setup. These run in the order defined by the task.

  2. The pipeline run logs

    When a pipeline runs, all its output is captured in a set of logs, one for each task.

    Click on the mq-stage-instance-tests task to show its logs:


    (Alternatively, you can select the Logs tab from the UI, and then select the tasks on the left pane within the pipeline run view.)

    See how the mq-stage-instance-tests task has its output in a dedicated log. You can select any log for any task that has completed or is executing. When a pipeline run completes, all its logs remain available, which can help diagnosing problems for example.

  3. Exploring an example task output: mq-stage-instance-tests

    It's easy to examine a task log; you simply select the relevant task and scroll the log up or down. For active tasks the log will be dynamically updated.

    Click on the mq-stage-instance-tests task:


    This console window shows the output generated by mq-stage-instance-tests task. As the task script proceeds, its output is captured; that's what we can see in this window.

    Notice that the mq-stage-instance-tests task output is from the first step in the mq-stage-instance-tests task. This step is called STEP-GIT-CLONE. Note how the step names are capitalized in the web console output.

    Let's look at another task and its steps more closely.

  4. Exploring a task step in detail: STEP-CPHTESTP

    A task is built of multiple steps. Let's explore the mq-stage-instance-tests task and its step-cphtestp step.

    Select the mq-stage-instance-tests task and scroll through its logs to see its third step, STEP-CPHTESTP:



    See how the step-cphtestp output is captured in the same log as the previous step git-clone.

MQ Sample Application

  1. Pipeline, Task, Step

    Let's start with the pipeline, its tasks and steps.

    Hover over the app-stage-instance-tests task:


    See how our pipeline is made up of tasks such as mq-stage-instance-tests, app-stage-instance-tests, app-name and gitops. These run in the order defined by the pipeline. Our pipeline is linear, though Tekton supports more sophisticated pipeline graphs if necessary.

    See how each task comprises a set of steps such as git-clone or setup. These run in the order defined by the task.

  2. The pipeline run logs

    When a pipeline runs, all its output is captured in a set of logs, one for each task.

    Click on the app-stage-instance-tests task to show its logs:


    (Alternatively, you can select the Logs tab from the UI, and then select the tasks on the left pane within the pipeline run view.)

    See how the app-stage-instance-tests task has its output in a dedicated log. You can select any log for any task that has completed or is executing. When a pipeline run completes, all its logs remain available, which can help diagnosing problems for example.

  3. Exploring an example task output: app-stage-instance-tests

    It's easy to examine a task log; you simply select the relevant task and scroll the log up or down. For active tasks the log will be dynamically updated.

    Click on the app-stage-instance-tests task:


    This console window shows the output generated by app-stage-instance-tests task. As the task script proceeds, its output is captured; that's what we can see in this window.

    Notice that the app-stage-instance-tests task output is from the first step in the app-stage-instance-tests task. This step is called STEP-GIT-CLONE. Note how the step names are capitalized in the web console output.

    Let's look at another task and its steps more closely.

  4. Exploring a task step in detail: STEP-JMETER-IT

    A task is built of multiple steps. Let's explore the app-stage-instance-tests task and its step-jmeter-it step.

    Select the stage-instance-tests task and scroll through its logs to see its third step, STEP-JMETER-IT:



    See how the step-jmeter-it output is captured in the same log as the previous step git-clone.

Pipeline details

  1. The pipeline definition

    Up to this point, we've examined the pipeline run and the logs it generates. Let's now look at how a pipeline is defined.

    Issue the following command to show the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline:

    oc describe pipeline ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod -n ci

    which shows the pipeline YAML in considerable detail:

    Name:         ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod
    Namespace:    ci
    Annotations: test
    API Version:
    Kind:         Pipeline
      Creation Timestamp:  2022-02-01T08:57:44Z
      Generation:          1
      Managed Fields:
        API Version:
        Fields Type:  FieldsV1
        Manager:         argocd-application-controller
        Operation:       Update
        Time:            2022-02-01T08:57:44Z
      Resource Version:  3333165
      UID:               2fca6c51-6782-44ff-8ac4-1e452dfaf5f5
        Description:  The url for the git repository
        Name:         git-url
        Type:         string
        Default:      master
        Description:  git branch for the test app
        Name:         git-revision
        Type:         string
        Default:      staging
        Description:  environment
        Name:         src-environment
        Type:         string
        Default:      prod
        Description:  environment
        Name:         dest-environment
        Type:         string
        Default:      mq/environments
        Description:  Path in gitops repo
        Name:         app-path
        Type:         string
        Default:      false
        Description:  Enable security for queueManager
        Name:         qm-security
        Type:         string
        Default:      true
        Description:  Enable the pipeline to do a PR for the gitops repo
        Name:         git-pr
        Type:         string
        Default:      jmeter/mq-spring-app.jmx
        Description:  Path of the postman collection
        Name:         test-plan
        Type:         string
        Name:  mq-stage-instance-tests
          Name:   git-url
          Value:  $(params.git-url)
          Name:   src-environment
          Value:  $(params.src-environment)
          Name:   qm-security
          Value:  $(params.qm-security)
          Name:   test-plan
          Value:  $(params.test-plan)
        Task Ref:
          Kind:  Task
          Name:  ibm-cphtestp-performance-test
        Name:    app-stage-instance-tests
          Name:   git-url
          Value:  $(params.git-url)
          Name:   src-environment
          Value:  $(params.src-environment)
          Name:   test-plan
          Value:  $(params.test-plan)
        Run After:
        Task Ref:
          Kind:  Task
          Name:  ibm-jmeter-performance-test
        Name:    app-name
          Name:   git-url
          Value:  $(params.git-url)
        Run After:
        Task Ref:
          Kind:  Task
          Name:  ibm-app-name
        Name:    gitops
          Name:   app-name
          Value:  $(
          Name:   src-environment
          Value:  $(params.src-environment)
          Name:   dest-environment
          Value:  $(params.dest-environment)
          Name:   app-path
          Value:  $(
          Name:   git-pr
          Value:  $(params.git-pr)
        Run After:
        Task Ref:
          Kind:  Task
          Name:  ibm-gitops
    Events:      <none>

    Don't be intimidated by this output -- it's actually just a more detailed source view of the information shown for the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline in the web console.

    Locate the following key structures in the Pipeline YAML:

    • API Version: and Kind: Pipeline identify this as a Tekton pipeline.
    • Spec: Params identifies the pipeline input parameters
    • Tasks: is a list of the tasks in this pipeline, each of which has
    • A Name: naming the task
    • A set of Params: identifying the task input parameters
    • An optional Run After: value indicating when the task is run
    • A Task Ref: identifying the actual task code to be run using the task's input

    Notice that there's no code in the pipeline definition; instead, the definition specifies the required inputs to the pipeline, as well as the set of required tasks and their order of execution. The code executed by each task is identified by Task Ref:, rather than in the pipeline; the pipeline definition merely defines the order of task execution and how parameters are marshaled between tasks.

    Let's now examine the pipeline definition in a little more detail.

  2. The pipeline input Spec: Params

    When we configure a pipeline run, the arguments map precisely to Spec: Params in the pipeline YAML file.

    Below, we've just shown the Spec: Params: for the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline:

        Description:  The url for the git repository
        Name:         git-url
        Type:         string
        Default:      master
        Description:  git branch for the test app
        Name:         git-revision
        Type:         string
        Default:      staging
        Description:  environment
        Name:         src-environment
        Type:         string
        Default:      prod
        Description:  environment
        Name:         dest-environment
        Type:         string
        Default:      mq/environments
        Description:  Path in gitops repo
        Name:         app-path
        Type:         string
        Default:      false
        Description:  Enable security for queueManager
        Name:         qm-security
        Type:         string
        Default:      true
        Description:  Enable the pipeline to do a PR for the gitops repo
        Name:         git-pr
        Type:         string
        Default:      jmeter/mq-spring-app.jmx
        Description:  Path of the postman collection
        Name:         test-plan
        Type:         string

    Spend a few moments mapping each of these parameters maps to those on the Start Pipeline input dialog where you specified the pipeline run arguments. For example, map Name:, Description: and Default: to the different fields in the dialog.

  3. Parameters for the first setup task

    We can see that the first task in the pipeline is called mq-stage-instance-tests. Let's examine its YAML to see how it gets its input parameters:

      Name:  mq-stage-instance-tests
        Name:   git-url
        Value:  $(params.git-url)
        Name:   src-environment
        Value:  $(params.src-environment)
        Name:   qm-security
        Value:  $(params.qm-security)
        Name:   test-plan
        Value:  $(params.test-plan)
      Task Ref:
        Kind:  Task
        Name:  ibm-cphtestp-performance-test

    See how the mq-stage-instance-tests task derives its git-url parameter using the pipeline input parameter value $(params.git-url). See how src-environment, qm-security, and test-plan work in a similar way. The first task in a pipeline typically works like this -- its parameters are mapped from the pipeline's input parameters.

    Notice also that some pipeline input parameters are not referred to by the mq-stage-instance-tests task; they will be used by subsequent tasks using the appropriate $(params.) value.

  4. Passing arguments between tasks

    As each task completes, the pipeline proceeds. When a new task starts it often requires one or more results generated by a previous task.

    We can see a good example of this in the gitops task:

    Name:    gitops
      Name:   app-name
      Value:  $(
      Name:   src-environment
      Value:  $(params.src-environment)
      Name:   dest-environment
      Value:  $(params.dest-environment)
      Name:   app-path
      Value:  $(
      Name:   git-pr
      Value:  $(params.git-pr)
    Run After:
    Task Ref:
      Kind:  Task
      Name:  ibm-gitops

    See how the gitops task specifies that the app-name parameter should use value generated by the app-name task using the syntax: $(

    Also notice how the gitops tasks uses Run After: to specify that it should execute after the app-name task. This follows the Kubernetes idiom of resources being declarative -- the order of execution is defined by RunAfter: rather than the order in which tasks appear in the YAML.

    Again, notice that the gitops task doesn't contain the code that the task executes. This is contained in Task Ref: which identifies ibm-gitops as the task to execute using the specified parameters. It's the code in ibm-gitops which generates the log output for the task; we'll examine it later.

    The way pipelines tasks are designed makes them highly reusable. As we'll see later, tasks are written with defined inputs and outputs such that they can be re-used by different pipelines. Pipelines focus on organizing the order of task execution and how parameters are marshaled into and between tasks; it's the tasks that do the actual work.

  5. Locating the pipeline and tasks source YAMLs

    Finally, let's locate the source for the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline and the tasks within it.

    It is located in the following folder:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops-apps
    tree mq/environments/ci/pipelines/

    We can see the other pipelines for the ci namespace in this folder:

    ├── ibm-test-pipeline-for-dev.yaml
    ├── ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml
    ├── java-maven-dev-pipeline.yaml
    ├── mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    ├── mq-pipeline-dev.yaml
    └── mq-spring-app-dev-pipeline.yaml

    These map to the MQ-related pipelines we saw in the Pipelines->Pipelines view in the web console.

  6. Exploring the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod source YAML

    View the source for the ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml pipeline with the command:

    cat mq/environments/ci/pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml

    which shows the source YAML for the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline:

    kind: Pipeline
      name: ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod
      annotations: test
        - name: git-url
          description: The url for the git repository
        - name: git-revision
          description: git branch for the test app
          default: master
        - name: src-environment
          description: environment
          default: staging
        - name: dest-environment
          description: environment
          default: prod
        - name: app-path
          description: Path in gitops repo
          default: mq/environments
        - name: qm-security
          description: Enable security for queueManager
          default: "false"
        - name: git-pr
          description: Enable the pipeline to do a PR for the gitops repo
          default: "true"
        - name: test-plan
          description: Path of the postman collection
          default: "jmeter/mq-spring-app.jmx"
        - name: mq-stage-instance-tests
            name: ibm-cphtestp-performance-test
            - name: git-url
              value: "$(params.git-url)"
            - name: src-environment
              value: "$(params.src-environment)"
            - name : qm-security
              value: "$(params.qm-security)"
            - name: test-plan
              value: "$(params.test-plan)"
        - name: app-stage-instance-tests
            name: ibm-jmeter-performance-test
            - mq-stage-instance-tests
            - name: git-url
              value: "$(params.git-url)"
            - name: src-environment
              value: "$(params.src-environment)"
            - name: test-plan
              value: "$(params.test-plan)"
        - name: app-name
            name: ibm-app-name
            - app-stage-instance-tests
            - name: git-url
              value: "$(params.git-url)"
        - name: gitops
            name: ibm-gitops
            - app-name
            - name: app-name
              value: "$("
            - name: src-environment
              value: "$(params.src-environment)"
            - name: dest-environment
              value: "$(params.dest-environment)"
            - name: app-path
              value: "$("
            - name: git-pr
              value: "$(params.git-pr)"

    This YAML is slightly different to the output of the oc get pipeline command, because extra information is added during deployment such as Creation Timestamp:.

  7. Finding the ArgoCD application that manages pipelines

    You can see how the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod and other pipeline YAMLs were deployed by examining the ArgoCD application that watches the folder containing the ci namespace pipelines.

    Issue the following command:

    cat mq/config/argocd/ci/ci-app-rest.yaml

    which shows the apps-mq-rest-ci-1 ArgoCD application that watches for updates:

    kind: Application
      name: apps-mq-rest-ci-1
      annotations: "300"
        namespace: ci
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: applications
        path: mq/environments/ci
        targetRevision: master
          prune: true
          selfHeal: true

    See how this apps-mq-rest-ci-1 watches: path: mq/environments/ci. As we know, this folder contains the YAML for the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod and other pipelines under pipelines folder. When this ArgoCD application was made active in the cluster, it installed all the pipelines along with other resources in this folder.

Review the resultant GitOps application folders

The result of our previously successful ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline runs was to leave a PR in a GitOps folder for Queue Manager and MQ Sample application. This PR creates the kubernetes resources in the prod folder if they do not exist. If the resources are already there, it updates the resources to match the latest deployment currently residing in the staging namespace.

  1. Ensure you've set up the $GIT_ORG environment variable

    This chapter also uses environment variables to save typing and reduce errors.

    Let's set up an environment variable, $GIT_ORG, that contains your GitHub organization name. We'll use this variable in many subsequent commands.

    Open a new terminal window.

    Replace <git-org> in the following command with your GitHub user name:

    export GIT_ORG=<git-org>

    You can verify your $GIT_ORG as follows:

    echo $GIT_ORG

    which will show your GitHub Organization, for example:

  2. Grab the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository url

    Issue the below command to get the GitOps apps repository url.


    which will give you an url, for instance:
  3. Review the Pull Requests created by ibm-mq-promote-dev-stage pipeline

    Open the above url in your browser and you will see Pull Requests generated by the ibm-mq-promote-dev-stage pipeline.


    Merge these Pull Requests.





  4. Re-merging local clone to view prod resources in GitOps apps repository

    The ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline left a Pull request and we merged the changes in the previous step. This means that our local clone of the GitOps repository is one commit behind GitHub. To allow us to view the changes locally, we must re-merge our local branch with GitHub.

    Return to the terminal window you're using for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps apps repository.

    Issue the following command to change to your GitOps apps repository:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops-apps

    Issue the following commands to merge the local branch:

    git fetch origin
    git merge origin/$GIT_BRANCH

    which shows our local branch being updated:

    Updating e5b1241..2a215af
     mq/environments/prod/mq-qm01/queuemanager/queuemanager.yaml   |  78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     mq/environments/prod/mq-spring-app/deployment/deployment.yaml | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     2 files changed, 178 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 mq/environments/prod/mq-qm01/queuemanager/queuemanager.yaml
     create mode 100644 mq/environments/prod/mq-spring-app/deployment/deployment.yaml

    Notice how these files correspond to the new kubernetes resources created in the GitOps apps repository by the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline run.

  5. Explore the resources in the GitOps Apps repository

    Let's examine the newly produced resources in the GitOps apps repository; it was created by the previous pipeline runs.

    Issue the following command:

    tree mq/environments/prod/mq-qm01/queuemanager/

    which shows the newly produced Helm chart:

    └── queuemanager.yaml

    Notice that:

    • The template for Queue Manager was created in the mq/environments/prod/mq-qm01/queuemanager/ folder to reflect the fact this queue manager is part of the applications layer.
    • The resource was created in the prod subfolder to reflect the fact that it's going to be deployed to the prod namespace.
    • The resource was created in a new folder /mq-qm01. This folder is dedicated to Queue Manager.

    Issue the following command:

    tree mq/environments/prod/mq-spring-app/deployment/

    which shows the newly produced Helm chart:

    └── deployment.yaml

    Notice that:

    • The resources for MQ Sample application was created in the mq/environments/prod/mq-spring-app/deployment/ folder to reflect the fact this application is part of the applications layer.
    • The resources were created in the prod subfolder to reflect the fact that it's going to be deployed to the prod namespace.
    • The resources were created in a new folder /mq-spring-app. This folder is dedicated to MQ Sample application.

Activate ArgoCD Applications

We're now going to activate the ArgoCD applications to manage the deployment of Queue Manager and MQ Sample application to the prod namespace.

  1. Ensure you're logged in to the cluster

    Start a terminal window and log into your OCP cluster, substituting the --token and --server parameters with your values:

    oc login --token=<token> --server=<server>

    If you are unsure of these values, click your user ID in the OpenShift web console and select "Copy Login Command".

  2. Locate your GitOps repository

    If necessary, change to the root of your GitOps repository, which is stored in the $GIT_ROOT environment variable.

    Issue the following command to change to your GitOps repository:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops
  3. Select resources to deploy

    Access the 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml

    Open 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/3-apps/kustomization.yaml and uncomment the below:

    - argocd/mq/prod.yaml

    Once modified, it should be something like below:

    #- argocd/ace/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/ace/prod.yaml
    - argocd/mq/cicd.yaml
    - argocd/mq/dev.yaml
    - argocd/mq/stage.yaml
    - argocd/mq/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/apic/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/cicd.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/dev.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/stage.yaml
    #- argocd/bookinfo/prod.yaml
    #- argocd/soapserver/soapserver.yaml
    - target:
        kind: Application
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=applications"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
  4. Push GitOps changes to GitHub

    Let’s make these GitOps changes visible to the ArgoCD applications application via GitHub.

    Add all changes in the current folder to a git index, commit them, and push them to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Activating prod instance for queue manager and sample app"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 515 bytes | 257.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
       3225847..25f7459  master -> master

    This change to the GitOps repository can now be used by ArgoCD.

  5. The applications argocd application

    Let's examine the ArgoCD application that manage the applications in our reference architecture.

    In the ArgoCD UI Applications view, click on the icon for the applications application:


Examine the activated ArgoCD applications

We're now going to examine the activated ArgoCD applications that uses the above resources to manage the deployment of Queue Manager and MQ Sample application to the prod namespace.

Queue Manager

  1. The ArgoCD application for Queue Manager

    QM1 has its deployment to the cluster managed by a dedicated ArgoCD application called prod-mq-qm01-instance.

    Issue the following commands to show the ArgoCD application details:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/
    cat mq/config/argocd/prod/prod-mq-qm01-instance.yaml

    which shows a YAML file typical of those we've seen before:

    kind: Application
      name: prod-mq-qm01-instance
      annotations: "300"
        namespace: prod
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: applications
        path: mq/environments/prod/mq-qm01/
        targetRevision: master
      syncPolicy: {}

    See how the resources we explored in the previous section of this topic is referenced by path: mq/environments/prod/mq-qm01/:

    └── queuemanager.yaml

    The ArgoCD application applies these resources to the cluster to instantiate QM1 as a set of cluster resources.

  2. Look at active Queue Manager ArgoCD application

    Let's examine QM1 and its Kubernetes resources using the ArgoCD UI.

    In the ArgoCD UI search the Applications view with the keyword prod-mq-qm01:

    (You may need to launch the ArgoCD UI again. Refer to these instructions.)


    Click on the prod-mq-qm01-instance ArgoCD application and then click Sync:


  3. View the new Queue Manager Kubernetes resources

    We can look at the deployed instance of QM1 and its dependent kubernetes resources.


MQ Sample Application

  1. The ArgoCD application for MQ Sample Application

    MQ Sample Application has its deployment to the cluster managed by a dedicated ArgoCD application called prod-mq-spring-app-instance.

    Issue the following command to show the ArgoCD application details:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops-apps
    cat mq/config/argocd/prod/prod-mq-spring-app-instance.yaml

    which shows a YAML file typical of those we've seen before:

    kind: Application
      name: prod-mq-spring-app-instance
      annotations: "300"
        namespace: prod
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: applications
        path: mq/environments/prod/mq-spring-app/
        targetRevision: master
          prune: true
          selfHeal: true

    See how the resources we explored in the previous section of this topic is referenced by path: mq/environments/prod/mq-spring-app/:

    └── deployment.yaml

    The ArgoCD application applies these resources to the cluster to instantiate MQ Sample Application as a set of cluster resources.

  2. Look at active MQ Sample Application ArgoCD application

    Let's examine MQ Sample Application and its Kubernetes resources using the ArgoCD UI.

    In the ArgoCD UI search the Applications view with the keyword prod-mq-spring:

    (You may need to launch the ArgoCD UI again. Refer to these instructions.)


  3. View the new MQ Sample Application Kubernetes resources

    We can look at the deployed instance of MQ Sample Application and its dependent kubernetes resources.

    Click on the prod-mq-spring-app-instance ArgoCD application:


Validate the Queue Manager

  1. Connect to the queue manager pod

    Let's connect to this container, so that we can explore the queue manager.

    Issue the following command:

    oc exec -n prod qm1-ibm-mq-0 -it -- /bin/bash

    to connect you to the pod default container, where you'll see the bash prompt:


    Your terminal is now connected to the container running the queue manager.

  2. Use MQ command line

    The container we've connected to has a fully running instance of the queue manager configured according to the YAML generated by the Helm chart. We can use regular MQ commands to verify that this is a regular queue manager.

    Issue the following command:

    dspmq -o all

    to see a full list of the queue managers running in the container:

    QMNAME(QM1)  STATUS(Running) DEFAULT(yes) STANDBY(Permitted) INSTNAME(Installation1) INSTPATH(/opt/mqm) INSTVER( ROLE(Not configured) INSTANCE() INSYNC() QUORUM()

    We can see that QM1 is running, it's the default queue manager, where it's installed in the container file system, and it's version.

  3. Display queue manager properties

    We can also run an MQSC command to display the queue manager properties. These properties were defined in the MQSC file.

    Issue the following command:

    runmqsc QM1 <<< "dis qmgr"

    to see the full set of queue manager properties for QM1:

    5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2021.
    Starting MQSC for queue manager QM1.
         1 : dis qmgr
    AMQ8408I: Display Queue Manager details.
       QMNAME(QM1)                             ACCTCONO(DISABLED)
       ACCTINT(1800)                           ACCTMQI(OFF)
       ACCTQ(OFF)                              ACTIVREC(MSG)
       ACTVCONO(DISABLED)                      ACTVTRC(OFF)
       ADVCAP(ENABLED)                         ALTDATE(2021-09-29)
       ALTTIME(14.38.48)                       AMQPCAP(NO)
       AUTHOREV(DISABLED)                      CCSID(819)
       CERTLABL( )                             CERTVPOL(ANY)
       CHAD(DISABLED)                          CHADEV(DISABLED)
       CHADEXIT( )                             CHLEV(DISABLED)
       CHLAUTH(DISABLED)                       CLWLDATA( )
       CLWLEXIT( )                             CLWLLEN(100)
       CLWLMRUC(999999999)                     CLWLUSEQ(LOCAL)
       CMDEV(DISABLED)                         CMDLEVEL(923)
       CRDATE(2021-09-29)                      CRTIME(14.38.45)
       CUSTOM( )                               DEADQ(DEV.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE)
       DEFCLXQ(SCTQ)                           DEFXMITQ( )
       DESCR( )                                DISTL(YES)
       IMGINTVL(60)                            IMGLOGLN(OFF)
       IMGRCOVO(YES)                           IMGRCOVQ(YES)
       IMGSCHED(MANUAL)                        INHIBTEV(DISABLED)
       IPADDRV(IPV4)                           LOCALEV(DISABLED)
       LOGGEREV(DISABLED)                      MARKINT(5000)
       MAXHANDS(256)                           MAXMSGL(4194304)
       MAXPROPL(NOLIMIT)                       MAXPRTY(9)
       MAXUMSGS(10000)                         MONACLS(QMGR)
       MONCHL(OFF)                             MONQ(OFF)
       PARENT( )                               PERFMEV(DISABLED)
       PLATFORM(UNIX)                          PSMODE(ENABLED)
       PSCLUS(ENABLED)                         PSNPMSG(DISCARD)
       PSNPRES(NORMAL)                         PSRTYCNT(5)
       PSSYNCPT(IFPER)                         QMID(QM1_2021-09-29_14.38.45)
       REMOTEEV(DISABLED)                      REPOS( )
       REPOSNL( )                              REVDNS(ENABLED)
       ROUTEREC(MSG)                           SCHINIT(QMGR)
       SCMDSERV(QMGR)                          SPLCAP(ENABLED)
       SSLCRLNL( )                             SSLCRYP( )
       SSLEV(DISABLED)                         SSLFIPS(NO)
       SSLKEYR(/run/runmqserver/tls/key)       SSLRKEYC(0)
       STATACLS(QMGR)                          STATCHL(OFF)
       STATINT(1800)                           STATMQI(OFF)
       STATQ(OFF)                              STRSTPEV(ENABLED)
       SUITEB(NONE)                            SYNCPT
       TREELIFE(1800)                          TRIGINT(999999999)
       VERSION(09020300)                       XRCAP(NO)
    One MQSC command read.
    No commands have a syntax error.
    All valid MQSC commands were processed.

    Note how CHLAUTH(DISABLED) has been set. This was set in the MQSC file configuration for QM1 in via the mqsc-configmap configmap.

    Feel free to run other runmqsc commands to explore the queue manager properties.

  4. Display the dynamic queues

    We can also run an MQSC command to check if the dynamic queue got created.

    Issue the following command:

    runmqsc QM1 <<< "dis qlocal(PRODTEST.DYNAMIC.QUEUE)"

    to see the full set of queue properties for PRODTEST.DYNAMIC.QUEUE:

    5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2021.
    Starting MQSC for queue manager QM1.
         1 : dis qlocal(PRODTEST.DYNAMIC.QUEUE)
    AMQ8409I: Display Queue details.
       ACCTQ(QMGR)                             ALTDATE(2022-07-08)
       ALTTIME(13.33.25)                       BOQNAME( )
       BOTHRESH(0)                             CLUSNL( )
       CLUSTER( )                              CLCHNAME( )
       CLWLPRTY(0)                             CLWLRANK(0)
       CLWLUSEQ(QMGR)                          CRDATE(2022-07-08)
       CRTIME(13.33.25)                        CURDEPTH(0)
       CUSTOM( )                               DEFBIND(OPEN)
       DEFPRTY(0)                              DEFPSIST(NO)
       DEFPRESP(SYNC)                          DEFREADA(NO)
       DEFSOPT(SHARED)                         DEFTYPE(PREDEFINED)
       DESCR( )                                DISTL(NO)
       GET(ENABLED)                            HARDENBO
       IMGRCOVQ(QMGR)                          INITQ( )
       IPPROCS(0)                              MAXDEPTH(5000)
       MAXMSGL(4194304)                        MAXFSIZE(DEFAULT)
       MONQ(QMGR)                              MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)
       NOTRIGGER                               NPMCLASS(NORMAL)
       OPPROCS(0)                              PROCESS( )
       PUT(ENABLED)                            PROPCTL(COMPAT)
       QDEPTHHI(80)                            QDEPTHLO(20)
       QDPHIEV(DISABLED)                       QDPLOEV(DISABLED)
       QDPMAXEV(ENABLED)                       QSVCIEV(NONE)
       QSVCINT(999999999)                      RETINTVL(999999999)
       SCOPE(QMGR)                             SHARE
       STATQ(QMGR)                             STREAMQ( )
       STRMQOS(BESTEF)                         TRIGDATA( )
       TRIGDPTH(1)                             TRIGMPRI(0)
       TRIGTYPE(FIRST)                         USAGE(NORMAL)
    One MQSC command read.
    No commands have a syntax error.
    All valid MQSC commands were processed.
  5. Exit from queue manager container

    When we're finished exploring the queue manager container, we can exit it.

    Issue the following command:


    to return to your local machine's command prompt.

Validate the Application

  1. Check the application is running

    Using the location value from the route we can call the application to check its health by appending /health, for example:

    export PROD_APP_URL=$(oc get route -n prod mq-spring-app -o jsonpath="{}")
    curl -X GET https://$PROD_APP_URL/actuator/health
    {"status":"UP","components":{"HeathEndPointMain":{"status":"UP"},"diskSpace":{"status":"UP","details":{"total":105552732160,"free":74679922688,"threshold":10485760,"exists":true}},"jms":{"status":"UP","details":{"provider":"IBM MQ JMS Provider"}},"livenessState":{"status":"UP"},"ping":{"status":"UP"},"readinessState":{"status":"UP"}},"groups":["liveness","readiness"]}
  2. Call the application to put a message to a queue

    Using the same location value we can call the application to to put a message to a queue on the queue manager, for example:

    curl -X GET https://$PROD_APP_URL/api/send-hello-world
  3. Call the application to get a message from a queue

    Using the same location value we can call the application to to get a message from a queue on the queue manager, for example:

    curl -X GET https://$PROD_APP_URL/api/recv
  4. Call the application to put a JSON message to a queue

    Using the same location value we can call the application to to put a message with a JSON payload to a queue on the queue manager, for example:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://$PROD_APP_URL/api/send-json --data "{\"data\":\"Hola Mundo\"}"

    Note the use of the POST verb in the above command. This can be followed with a call to get the message from the queue.


You've completed your first run of the promotion pipeline from dev to staging.

Feel free to run the ibm-mq-promote-stage-prod pipeline more than once to get a feeling for how it works.

You've used it to promote an instance of QM1 and MQ sample application from staging environment to prod environment in the cluster. You've explored how the promotion pipeline for staging to prod is structured as tasks and steps. You've examined it's pipeline run log to understand how this pipeline works and how tasks are implemented. Finally, you've examined how the GitOps apps repository is updated with the prod resources from a successful run of the pipeline.

You've completed set up continuous deployment for the Queue Manager as well as the MQ sample application and deployed their instances to the prod namespace in the cluster. You've interacted with this queue manager using the command line as well as verified the application.

In the next topic of this chapter we're going to see how we can automatically promote the changes across environments.