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Changing the application


Audience: Application developers, Administrators

In this topic we add a new function to the application, and push this change to our application repository on GitHub which triggers the pipeline to rebuild the application.

The new function puts the hello message to a specified queue rather than the default. The new queue name is stored in memory by the application, and so subsequent gets of the message will be from the specified queue. Later in this tutorial we will use this new capability to demonstrate changing the queue manager configuration by adding an extra queue.


  • Follow these instructions to create and run the application pipelines.

Set up the webhook and its processing

Your GitOps apps repository contains a sample event listener. Let's customize this sample with the relevant values for our cluster. We'll then deploy the event listener resources and trigger resources to the cluster using GitOps.

  1. Select the GitOps terminal window

    Return to the terminal window you're using for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps repository.

    We're going to make use of a script in the sample GitOps apps repository that makes use of the $GIT_ORG and $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING environment variables you've seen earlier. Previously we used them in the mq-spring-app terminal window; now we're going to use this in the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps terminal window.

    Again, make sure in you're in the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps terminal window.

    Issue the following command to ensure you're in the correct starting folder:

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps
  2. Set up the $GIT_ORG and $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING environment variables

    Let's set up the environment variables that are used by the customization script.

    Replace <git-org> in the following command with your GitHub user name:

    export GIT_ORG=<git-org>

    Then create the $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING environment variable:

    export GIT_BRANCH_SPRING=mq-spring-$GIT_ORG

    Verify that your $GIT_USER and $GIT_BRANCH environment variables are set:

    echo $GIT_ORG

    For example:

    (base) anthonyodowd/git/multi-tenancy-gitops echo GIT_ORG
    (base) anthonyodowd/git/multi-tenancy-gitops echo GIT_BRANCH_QM1
  3. The sample event listener

    The GitOps repository contains a template for the event listener.

    Issue the following command to view the template of the event listener YAML:

    cat mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml_template
    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - name: mq-qm01-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_QM1}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-qm01'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      # - name: mq-spring-app-dev
      #   interceptors:
      #     - ref:
      #         name: "cel"
      #       params:
      #       - name: "filter"
      #         value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'"
      #   bindings:
      #     - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
      #   template:
      #     ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    Open mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml_template in the editor and uncomment the below lines.

    - name: mq-spring-app-dev
        - ref:
            name: "cel"
          - name: "filter"
            value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'"
        - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    Once edited, it looks like below:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - name: mq-qm01-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_QM1}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-qm01'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      - name: mq-spring-app-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    If you are using OpenShift 4.7, replace the above template with the following:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - bindings:
        - kind: TriggerBinding
          ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        - cel:
            filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_QM1}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-qm01'
        name: mq-qm01-dev
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      - bindings:
        - kind: TriggerBinding
          ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        - cel:
            filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}' && body.repository.full_name == '${GIT_ORG}/mq-spring-app'
        name: mq-spring-app-dev
          ref: mq-spring-app-dev
  4. Customize the event listeners

    Create the YAML for the event listener as follows.

    Issue the following command:

    cd mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/
    sh ./
    cd ../../../../

    Once, this script is run successfully, you should see a new file named cntk-event-listener.yaml.

  5. Exploring the event listener customization

    Let's examine a customized event listener in your local clone. We'll see how it maps to our diagram above, and has been customized for our source repository.

    Issue the following command:

    cat mq/environments/ci/eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml

    to show the customized event listener:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - name: mq-qm01-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/qm1-prod-ref-guide' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-qm01'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      - name: mq-spring-app-dev
          - ref:
              name: "cel"
            - name: "filter"
              value: "header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/mq-spring-prod-ref-guide' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-spring-app'"
          - ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
          ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    If using OpenShift 4.7, it will be as follows:

    kind: EventListener
        app: cnkt-event-listener
      name: cnkt-event-listener
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
      - bindings:
        - kind: TriggerBinding
          ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        - cel:
            filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/qm1-prod-ref-guide' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-qm01'
        name: mq-qm01-dev
          ref: mq-qm-dev
      - bindings:
        - kind: TriggerBinding
          ref: cnkt-trigger-binding
        - cel:
            filter: header.match('X-GitHub-Event', 'push') && body.ref == 'refs/heads/qm1-prod-ref-guide' && body.repository.full_name == 'prod-ref-guide/mq-spring-app'
        name: mq-spring-app-dev
          ref: mq-spring-app-dev

    An event listener can produce one or more triggers as specified by the list spec.triggers:. Now, our event listener additionally produces a trigger called mq-spring-app-dev along with mq-qm01-dev. The trigger mq-spring-app-dev comprises the template mq-spring-app-dev and template binding cntk-trigger-binding.

  6. Push GitOps changes to GitHub

    Let’s make these GitOps changes and push them.

    Add all changes in the current folder to a git index, commit them, and push them to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Customizing the event trigger"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    Enumerating objects: 15, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 699 bytes | 699.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 8 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), completed with 7 local objects.
       792f3c1..5d937d7  master -> master
  7. Activate the webhook components

    Now that we've customized the event listener for our source repository, let's activate all the components necessary to process our webhook: the route, event listener, trigger template and trigger binding.

    Open the kustomization.yaml that is under mq/environments/ci/. This contains all the resources that belong to the ci namespace.

    cat mq/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-client-certificate.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-server-certificate.yaml
    - configmaps/gitops-repo-configmap.yaml
    - eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml
    - triggerbindings/cntk-binding.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev.yaml
    #- triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev.yaml
    #- pipelines/mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml
    #- pipelines/java-maven-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-pipeline-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-spring-app-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-clusterrole.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-role.yaml
    - roles/custom-ci-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-dev-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-staging-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-prod-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - routes/cntk-route.yaml
    #- secrets/artifactory-access-secret.yaml
    - secrets/git-credentials-secret.yaml
    - secrets/ibm-entitled-registry-credentials-secret.yaml
    #- secrets/mq-client-jks-password-secret.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-for-mq.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-promotion.yaml
    - tasks/11-app-name.yaml
    - tasks/12-functional-tests.yaml
    - tasks/13-jmeter-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/13-cphtestp-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests-mq.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-helm-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-scan-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-java-maven-test-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-setup-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-tag-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    #- tasks/mq-metrics-build-tag-push.yaml
    # Automated promotion process triggers
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-stage-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-stage-route.yaml

    Open this file in your editor and uncomment the below resources.

    - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev.yaml

    You will have the following resources un-commented:

    #- certificates/ci-mq-client-certificate.yaml
    #- certificates/ci-mq-server-certificate.yaml
    - configmaps/gitops-repo-configmap.yaml
    - eventlisteners/cntk-event-listener.yaml
    - triggerbindings/cntk-binding.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev.yaml
    - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev.yaml
    #- pipelines/mq-metric-samples-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/ibm-test-pipeline-for-stage.yaml
    #- pipelines/java-maven-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-pipeline-dev.yaml
    - pipelines/mq-spring-app-dev-pipeline.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-clusterrole.yaml
    - roles/custom-pipeline-sa-role.yaml
    - roles/custom-ci-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-dev-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-staging-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - roles/custom-prod-pipeline-sa-rolebinding.yaml
    - routes/cntk-route.yaml
    #- secrets/artifactory-access-secret.yaml
    - secrets/git-credentials-secret.yaml
    - secrets/ibm-entitled-registry-credentials-secret.yaml
    #- secrets/mq-client-jks-password-secret.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-for-mq.yaml
    - tasks/10-gitops-promotion.yaml
    - tasks/11-app-name.yaml
    - tasks/12-functional-tests.yaml
    - tasks/13-jmeter-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/13-cphtestp-performance-test.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests-mq.yaml
    - tasks/4-smoke-tests.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-build-tag-push-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-helm-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-img-scan-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-java-maven-test-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-setup-v2-6-13.yaml
    - tasks/ibm-tag-release-v2-6-13.yaml
    #- tasks/mq-metrics-build-tag-push.yaml
    # Automated promotion process triggers
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-dev-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-dev-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-dev-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-qm-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-qm-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-qm-stage-route.yaml
    # - triggertemplates/mq-spring-app-stage-triggertemplate.yaml
    # - eventlisteners/mq-spring-app-stage-eventlistener.yaml
    # - routes/mq-spring-app-stage-route.yaml
  8. Update the GitOps repository

    Let’s commit these changes to make the event listener and trigger resources active in the cluster.

    Issue the following command:

    git add mq/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml
    git commit -s -m "Add app pipeline webhook"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    which shows that the changes are pushed to GitHub:

    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 508 bytes | 508.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
       5d937d7..7ed3cd1  master -> master

    This change to the GitOps repository can now be used by ArgoCD.

  9. The apps-mq-rest-ci-1 argocd application

    Let's examine the ArgoCD application that manage the applications in ci namespace.

    In the ArgoCD UI Applications view, click on the icon for the apps-mq-rest-ci-1 application:


    You will see all the necessary configurations. Now, you will see trigger template, trigger binding and event listener we just created under this application.

  10. The GitHub webhook UI

    Let's now use the GitHub UI, to configure a webhook that creates an event and sends it to the route whenever the queue manager source repository changes.

    We'll configure the webhook using the GitHub UI.

    Issue the following command to determine the URL for the UI:


    for example:

    Copy the URL into your browser to launch the GitHub webpage to configure a new webhook for your mq-spring-app repository:


    We need to complete these details to configure our webhook.

  11. Configure the webhook

    To configure a webhook, we need to identify the URL it will call when it generates an event, the format of the event, and for which GitHub events we'll generate an event.

    Issue the following command to determine the URL of the event listener route:

    echo http://$(oc get route el-cnkt-event-listener -n ci -o jsonpath='{}')

    for example:

    Here's a sample webhook configuration:


    Configure the following arguments:

    • Set the Payload URL using the event listener route address.
    • Set Content type to application/json.
    • Select Let me select individual event
      • Select Pull requests and Pushes from the list of available events.


    Click on Add webhook to create the webhook.

  12. A new webhook has been added

    In the GitHub UI, you can see that a new webhook has been added:


    Notice the webhook's name and that it's generating an event whenever a pull-request or push is issued against this repository.

    Let's now make a change to the MQ sample application source repository and watch the webhook at work.

Change the application

  1. Confirm the new function doesn't exist

    Return to the terminal window you’re using for the mq-spring-app source repository. (Rather than the terminal window you’re using for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps repository.)

    First of all we check the new function doesn't already exist.

    Using the application's route URL from the previous topic enter the following command:

    export APP_URL=$(oc get route -n dev mq-spring-app -o jsonpath="{}")
    curl -G -X GET https://$APP_URL/api/send-to-queue -d queueName=test
    Note the addition of the -G parameter as we are adding a parameter to the GET.

    You should get a Not Found response:

    {"timestamp":"2021-05-04T13:16:51.365+0000","status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"No message available","path":"/api/send-to-queue"}
  2. Add the new function

    We're going to add the function /api/send-to-queue to the MQClientController class which includes the existing functions to put and get MQ messages.

    2.1. Change source directory

    From the main directory of the cloned application source, change to the src/main/java/com/ibm/mqclient/controller directory

    cd src/main/java/com/ibm/mqclient/controller

    2.2. Update source file

    Edit using your editor of choice:


    2.3. Add required imports

    Add the following code to the end of the import section at the top of the file:

    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

    2.4. Add new function

    Add the following code to the end of the MQClientController class:

    @GetMapping(value = "/api/send-to-queue")
    @ApiOperation(value = "Put a 'Hello World!' message on the MQ queue specified as parameter.", notes = "This api puts a hello world text message on the MQ queue specified as parameter.")
    @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Successfully put message on the specified queue."), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Error putting message on the specified queue.")})
    ResponseData sendHelloToQueueName(@RequestParam String queueName) {
       String dataSentToQueue = mqService.sendHelloWorld();
       final String text = "Successfully sent message to queue " + mqService.getQueueName();
       ResponseData responseData = new ResponseData("OK", text, dataSentToQueue);
       return responseData;

    Ensure the new function is within the braces {} of the main class, for example:

    public class MQClientController {
        @GetMapping(value = "/api/send-to-queue")
        ResponseData sendHelloToQueueName(@RequestParam String queueName) {
            String dataSentToQueue = mqService.sendHelloWorld();
            final String text = "Successfully sent message to queue " + mqService.getQueueName();
            ResponseData responseData = new ResponseData("OK", text, dataSentToQueue);
            return responseData;

    2.5 Save the changes to the file

  3. Add get and set methods to the MQService class

    We also need change the MQService class to allow the queueName variable to be changed.

    3.1. Change directory

    From current directory change to '../service':

    cd ../service
    3.2. Update source file

    Edit using your editor of choice:

    3.3. Change code

    Change 'line 34' to include the queue name:

    LOG.debug("Successfully Sent message: {} to the queue " + queueName, helloWorld);

    Change 'line 37' to include the queue name

    throw new AppException("MQAPP001", "Error sending message to the queue " + queueName, ex);

    3.5 Add the new get and set functions

    After the sendHelloWorld() function add:

    public void setQueueName(String newQueueName) {
        this.queueName = newQueueName;
    public String getQueueName() {
        return this.queueName;
  4. Commit and push the new changes

    4.1. Commit the change to your local git repository

    git commit -a -m "Add /api/send-to-queue function"

    4.2. Push the changes from your local repository

    git push origin ${GIT_BRANCH_SPRING}

    4.3. Observe the pipeline building, testing, and deploying the application

    Monitor the active PipelineRun while it is active.

    Once completed, you can return to ArgoCD to monitor the mq-spring-app-dev ArgoCD Application and it's rollout status.

  5. Test the new function

    We call the same function as we did in step 1.

    curl -G -X GET https://$APP_URL/api/send-to-queue -d queueName=IBM.DEMO.Q

    This time we should get the following response showing the application now includes our new function:

    {"status":"OK","statusMessage":"Successfully sent message to queue IBM.DEMO.Q","data":"Hello World!"}


You've successfully modified the application by adding a new function. You then pushed this change to your Git repository which triggered the pipelines to build, test and deploy the change. Finally you called the new function using the curl command.