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Application overview


Audience: Architects, Application developers, Administrators

Timing: 30 minutes

In this topic, we're going to:

  • Review how an MQ application connects to a queue manager
  • Configure a sample application using a GitHub repository
  • Examine the structure of the sample application

An MQ application is a client that consumes messaging services provided by an MQ queue manager server. For example, an application connects to a queue manager to put and get a messages from a queue; or alternatively publish and subscribe to a topic. A client application can be written in a variety of programming languages.

The following diagram shows two examples of an application consuming simple messaging services provided by a queue manager. In the first example, the application is local to the queue manager; it is in the same cluster. In the second example the application is remote to the queue manager; it might be in a different cluster, or not in a Kubernetes environment.

MQ Spring App Overview

Our sample application exposes the following REST interface, making it easy to consume by other applications and services both inside and outside the cluster:

  • /api/send-hello-world to put a default Hello world message to a queue
  • /api/recv to get a message from the queue
  • /api/send-json to put a JSON message to a queue
  • /health to check the application is running

The /health function allows Kubernetes to check the application is running and healthy and to automatically heal it if any problems occur.

We will test each of these REST interfaces in a later topic.

The application uses the Spring framework and the IBM MQ Spring Boot Starter to simplify application development and configuration. We use the Spring framework for the development of our REST and MQ interfaces because it simplifies the development of microservice and web based applications often found in a containerized environment such as Kubernetes.


Before attempting this section, make sure you have followed the section in configuring the cluster. Specifically, you must have completed the following tasks:

  • You have installed the git and tree command line tools.
  • You have created a GitHub access token for your application repository's account.
  • You have completed the previous chapter to deploy a Queue Manager instance.

Creating the application repository

It’s wise to use a new terminal window for this chapter. It will help us switch between the client application repository and GitOps repository as we examine the different steps in the CICD process.

Follow these instructions to download the application source code.

  1. Navigate to the following sample configuration repository and create a fork:

  2. Set up a GitHub environment variable

    If you've not done it already, set up environment variable $GIT_ORG, with your GitHub organization. We'll use this variable in subsequent commands.

    Open a new terminal window.

    Replace <git-org> in the following command:

    export GIT_ORG=<git-org>
  3. Clone the fork to your local machine

    git clone$GIT_ORG/mq-spring-app.git
  4. Change to the local clone's folder

    cd mq-spring-app
  5. Set up environment variable for Git branch

    The sample repository has a single master branch. We're going to create a new branch that is initially populated with this branch and work in it.

    Create a new branch $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING for you using the $GIT_ORG environment variable we just set up:

    export GIT_BRANCH_SPRING=mq-spring-$GIT_ORG
    git checkout -b $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING

    you'll see something like:

    Switched to a new branch 'mq-spring-prod-ref-guide'

    Push the changes:

    git push -u origin $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING
    Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Create a pull request for 'mq-spring-prod-ref-guide' on GitHub by visiting:
     * [new branch]      mq-spring-prod-ref-guide -> mq-spring-prod-ref-guide
    Branch 'mq-spring-prod-ref-guide' set up to track remote branch 'mq-spring-prod-ref-guide' from 'origin'.

    Notice how we've created a new branch $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING based on the master branch. All changes will be made in $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING; whereas master will remain unchanged.

    Also note that we use $GIT_BRANCH_SPRING to name the mq-spring-app client application branch in contrast to $GIT_BRANCH for the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps GitOps branch. This helps to prevent us from accidentally promoting a change if we use the wrong terminal window in the tutorial.

  6. Review the application source directories

    tree -d

    The following diagram shows the directory structure for the MQ application:

    ├── architecture
    ├── chart
    │   └── base
    │       └── templates
    ├── jmeter
    ├── kustomize
    │   └── base
    ├── local
    │   ├── certs
    │   ├── jaeger
    │   ├── ldap
    │   └── mq
    ├── postman
    └── src
        ├── main
        │   ├── java
        │   │   └── com
        │   │       └── ibm
        │   │           ├── cloud_garage
        │   │           │   └── swagger
        │   │           ├── health
        │   │           └── mqclient
        │   │               ├── app
        │   │               ├── config
        │   │               ├── controller
        │   │               ├── exceptions
        │   │               ├── model
        │   │               └── service
        │   └── resources
        │       └── public
        └── test
            └── java
                └── com
                    └── ibm
                        ├── cloud_garage
                        │   └── swagger
                        ├── health
                        └── mqclient
                            └── controller

    Notice the top-level folder structure:

    • architecture contains the application architecture reference diagram.
    • chart contains the helm templates required to deploy the application.
    • jmeter contains sample application testing artifacts to demonstrate application and service availability.
    • kustomize contains all the necessary resources that are required to deploy the application using kustomize.
    • local contains the configuration required to run the application locally.
    • postman contains files used by postman to test the application.
    • src/main contains the application source files written using the Spring Boot framework.
    • src/test contains the test code used by the pipeline to test the application.

    Spend a few minutes browsing these folders; we'll explore them in more detail throughout this chapter.


You have successfully cloned and reviewed the application source code. In the next topic, we will build the application using a Tekton pipeline, deploy it using an ArgoCD application, and test it using the curl command.