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Event-Driven Architecture

A GitOps solution to deploy the elements of an event-driven application can be found at the link below. The products covered are cloud Pak for Integration: Event Streams, MQ, Event end-point management (API Connect), but also some open sources products like Sealed Secrets, Strimzi,, Elastic Search, OpenShift GitOps, OpenShift Pipelines, Grafana, Apache Flink.

For event-driven microservice implementation, the following eda-quickstart repository includes code templates, based on Domain-driven design practices, for Java Quarkus, Liberty and Spring Cloud implementations as well as Python.


This solution does not use exactly the same configuration framework as the Production Deployment Guides. It uses the Catalog repository approach to define Operator's subscriptions and solution based repositories that use the needed operators in the scope of the specific even-driven solution.

The following even-driven solution GitOps repositories are illustrating the proposed approach:

  • refarch-kc-gitops: For the shipping fresh food overseas solution we have defined. It includes the SAGA choreography pattern implemented with Kafka
  • eda-kc-gitops: For the shipping fresh food overseas solution we have defined. It includes the SAGA orchestration pattern implemented with MQ
  • eda-rt-inventory-gitops to deploy the demo of real-time inventory