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Creating a cluster on IBM Cloud


This document explains what are the options to create a Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud.

Create a Red Hat OpenShift cluster instance.

You can choose either IBM Technology Zone or your IBM Cloud account to create a Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. You can use IBM Technology Zone to request a Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud. See the instructions here. The Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud you will be provided with will be hosted on classic infrastructure.
  2. You can use your IBM Cloud account to create a new Red Hat OpenShift cluster following these instructions here. You can choose to create your Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud either on classic infrastructure or on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) infrastructure.


Make sure you create your Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud with the following specs:

  • OCP Version = 4.8
  • Worker Size (at least) = 14 CPU x 48 GB
  • Worker Node Count = 3


It is important that you are aware and remember what kind of infrastructure, classic or vpc, your Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud has been deployed onto as the type of storage that IBM API Connect will require depends on this.


In order to interact with your Red Hat OpenShift cluster(s) and complete this tutorial successfully, we strongly recommend to install the following tools in your workstation.

  1. The oc command that matches the version of your cluster. Use these instructions to get the latest version of oc. Use oc version to confirm that you have
    • Client Version: 4.7 or higher
    • Server Version: 4.8 or higher
  2. The npm, git, tree and jq commands.