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Building Integration Server

Audience: Architects, Application developers, Administrators

Timing: 1 hour 30 minutes


In this topic, we will build IntegrationServer Custom Resource, which defines our AppConnect Integration Server.

Building Integration Server

As mentioned in the Overview section, the IntegrationServer Custom Resource (CR) is produced by the Integration Server pipeline. The pipeline takes AppConnect application resources, such as message flows (.messageflow), sub-flows (.subflow), ESQL (.esql), mapping (.map), etc. creates a BAR file, bakes in the BAR file to a custom container image, pushes the container image to OpenShift internal registry. It then creates the IntegrationServer CR which refers to the custom container image. The CR also refers to he Configuration objects needed for the message flow and the integration server.


Before attempting this topic, you should have successfully completed the Building Configurations. This section relies on the resources that have been already deployed as part of the Building Configurations and previous sections. At this stage we should have available:

Creating the BAR file

To deploy an integration solution to a production environment on OpenShift, we need to package the App Connect Enterprise (ACE) resources into a broker archive (BAR) file.

Consider our Create Customer Integration application. The source code of the application is maintained in a Git template. The template contains resources such as message flows (.messageflow), sub-flows (.subflow), ESQL (.esql), mapping (.map), etc. as well as supporting Java Application with .java code files. The Java application need to be complied and packaged with all the resources to a BAR.

The BAR file can be created from the source via ibmint package command. The command is available on the App Connect Enterprise container image. We will make use of this command in our pipeline to build the BAR file from ACE source.

Custom container image

The BAR file will be "baked in" in a custom container image. The image URI will then be referred in the IntegrationServer CR. Our pipeline will build this image and push it to the internal OpenShift registry.

We will base our custom container image on a IBM App Connect Enterprise server image, located in the IBM Cloud Container Registry, Our pipeline would therefore need access to this registry. We will make use of ibm-entitlement-key container registry Secret to provide us access to the IBM Cloud Container Registry.

Pipeline overview

Integration Server pipeline

The pipeline has 6 tasks:

  1. Clone source repo.

  2. Clone infra repo.

  3. Clone gitops repo.

    Based on git-clone cluster task, execution of these tasks will clone the required repositories:

    • ACE Source Repository: Contains the ACE application resources, such message flows and subflows (.msgflow, .subflow), maps (.map), ESQL code (.esql), supporting Java application code (.java), XML schemas (e.g. WSDL files) and any other resources (e.g. openapi.json). The pipeline needs read-only access to this repository.

    • Infrastructure Repository: Contains template for IntegrationServer custom resource and Dockerfile for our custom integration server container image. These files are plain text template file that container place holders. The pipeline needs read-only access to this repository.

    • GitOps repository: The multi-tenancy apps repository. This is the repository the GitOps operator watches for any desire state of the application. Configurations for ACE application concern, and therefore the CRs are maintained in the The multi-tenancy apps repository. The pipeline will write the generated Configurations to this GitOps repository. The pipeline needs write access to this repository.

    The tasks will clone the repositories on shared workspace. Subsequent tasks will make use the workspace to access content of the repositories.

    The tasks will require secure access to the repositories. We will use SSH based authentication by using GitHub's deploy key.

  4. Resolve props.

    Pipeline properties maintains properties of the IntegrationServer we are going to deploy. It contains metadata such as name of the application, release name of the Integration Server, licensing information, version of the server, and the type of endpoint. It also contains the URI of the image our custom integration server container image is going to be based upon.

    It also lists Configurations that the IntegrationServer requires as it gets deployed. These configurations will be referenced in the IntegrationServer custom resource.

    The task is the same one that was deployed as part of the Building Configurations section. But it reads the pipeline_properties.yaml from the source repository.

  5. Build bar

    A custom task that builds the ACE BAR file from ACE resources. It makes use of ibmint package command. The command is available in the ACE server and ACE for Developers container image. We will make use of ACE server container image. For list of ACE server and ACE for Developer images see IBM App Connect Enterprise server image from the IBM Cloud Container Registry.

  6. Build image

    A container image based on IBM App Connect Enterprise server image is created that bakes in the BAR file generated in the previous pipeline task. The Dockerfile located in the Infrastructure repository is used, replacing the base image. The base image URI is taken from the pipeline properties located on the source repository. See pipeline_properties.yaml for an example.

  7. Build integration server

    This custom task have three steps:

    1. Create IntegrationServers YAML file: Generates an IntegrationServer CR. The templated IntegrationServer CR from the infrastructure repository is used by substituting the the parameters. In particular, custom container image and required Configurations are referenced in the generated CR. The step makes use of yq and envsubst CLI. Custom image, sh-tools, will contains these tools.

    2. Update the kustomization.yaml file: IntegrationServers that are to be deployed by GitOps operator is driven by kustomize. Once the pipeline creates a IntegrationServer, the kustomization.yaml lists it so that it can be deployed. Therefore, the pipeline need update the kustomization.yaml file. The step makes use of yq and realpath CLI. Custom image, sh-tools, will contains these tools.

    3. Push the changes to GitOps repository: The IntegrationServer resource and the updated kustomization.yaml file is then pushed to the GitOps repository under a new branch. bitnami/git image is used for this step.

    Before the pipeline can execute this custom task need to be deployed.

  8. Create Pull Request

    A custom task that that create a pull request to pull the changes to GitOps repository. The task is from tekton catalog, github-open-pr, but it is not part of the ClusterTask that comes with OpenShift pipeline operator.

Fork repositories

We will need to create Source and Infrastructure git repositories from cloud-native-toolkit-demos organization to your organization.

The Infrastructure repository should already been created on your organization as part of the Build Configuration section. See Create Infrastructure repository.

The GitOps repository, which in our case is the multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository should already been created from the template as part of the GitOps, Tekton & ArgoCD section.

  1. Create the Configuration repository in your GitHub organization

    Let's start by making our own copy of the Configuration repository.

    In your browser, navigate to

    Click on Use this template and select your organization, name the repository and click Create repository from template.

    Source Template

    After a few seconds the repository will be present in your chosen account.

  2. Review the repository

    We can take a look at the content of the repository in the on the browser with vscode.

    If you press dot (.) key while you are in your github repository, it will open vscode on the browser. See The dot for a demo how it works.

    On the create-customer repository within your organization, press the dot (.) key:

    ACE source on github

    The folders createcustomer, createcustomerJava, and createcustomer_Test have been directly pushed from ACE toolkit via the Git plugin.

    The pipeline properties file, pipeline_properties.yaml, sets up the various properties for the integration server that is to be built. In particular,

    Property Description
    baseImage URI of the base image to be used in building the custom integration server image. See IBM App Connect Enterprise server image for various image URIs
    project Lists the project folders of the ACE application.
    applicationName Name of the application to be built. This name will used in the URI of the custom integration server
    releaseName Name of the integration server
    license Licensing information, which includes the License and the use. See Licensing reference for IBM App Connect Operator for more information
    service.endpointType Either http or https. In this section of the tutorial we will use http
    version Version of the integration server
    configurations The configurations required for this integration server

Set Environment variables

Throughout this chapter we will make use of two environment variables:

  • GIT_ORG: an environment variable that identifies your GitHub organization.
  • GIT_ROOT: an environment variable that identifies the root folder for your cloned git repositories.

We will make use of these environment variable to save typing and reduce errors. We have made use of these variable in the chapter, GitOps, Tekton & ArgoCD.

Start a terminal window, we need to keep this terminal and the shell running throughout this chapter.

In the following command, replace <git-organization> with the GitHub organization name you've just chosen (e.g. tutorial-org-123):

export GIT_ORG=<git-organization>
export GIT_ROOT=$HOME/git/$GIT_ORG-root

You can verify your environment variables as follows:

echo $GIT_ORG 
echo $GIT_ROOT

Deploy Tekton tasks

There are two custom tasks to deploy:

  • Building BAR, build-bar

  • Build integration server, build-is.

Let's start deploying them.

  1. Change to CI environment directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci
  2. Update kustomization to enable custom tasks build-bar and build-is

    Open kustomization.yaml ($GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml) and uncomment:

    - tasks/build-bar.yaml
    - tasks/build-is.yaml
  3. Commit and push the changes

    git add .
    git commit -am "Deploy build-bar amd build-is tasks"
    git push

You can verify that ArgoCD deployed the resources using the ArgoCD UI, for apps-ace-rest-ci-1:

`build-is` and `build-bar` on ArgoCD UI

Deploy pipeline definition

We are now ready to deploy the integration server pipeline.

  1. Change to CI environment directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci
  2. Update kustomization to enable resolve-props tasks

    Open kustomization.yaml ($GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml) and uncomment:

    - pipelines/ace-integration-server.yaml
  3. Commit the and push the change

    git add .
    git commit -m "Deploy ace-integration-server pipeline"
    git push
  4. Check the deployment of the pipeline in ArgoCD UI

    Under "apps-ace-rest-ci-1" project, you should see that the task has been deployed:

    ace-integration-server pipeline synched by ArgoCD

  5. Check the deployment of the pipeline in OpenShift UI

    You can also verify the deploy on OpenShift UI. From Pipelines > Pipelines, make sure Project ci is selected from the drop down menu:

    ace-integration-server pipeline in OpenShift UI

Set up SealedSecret

Our integration server pipeline would needs to access Git repositories for source of the ACE application files and the templates for the IntegrationServers objects. In this tutorial we will assume that our configuration repository is a private repository. As noted in this blog, Private Git Repositories, the preferred mechanism for accessing a private Git repository is to create a unique repository SSH key. In this section we will set up this mechanism.

Create SSH key pairs

We will will need two pairs for SSH keys, one for the ACE source repository, one for the infrastructure repository and one for our multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository. The keys for the infrastructure repository and multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository should already be created as part of completion of the Build Configuration section. See Create SSH key pairs.

In this sub-section, we will create the key pair for ACE source repository.

  1. Change to a directory outside the git repositories

    We will generate a pair of SSH keys (public and private) but we do not want to store these in a git repository. In this tutorial, we will assume to create and store the SSH keys in $HOME/keys directory.

    Create the directory and change to it:

    mkdir -p $HOME/keys
    cd $HOME/keys
  2. Create ssh key pairs

    Using ssh-keygen, we can create ssh key pair for the configuration repository:

    ssh-keygen -C "gitops-pipeline/" -f create-customer-at-ace-prod-ref-github -N ''

    Filenames for the keys will start with create-customer-at-ace-prod-ref-github and we are not setting a passphrase.

    If you list the files that are created in the current directory, you should see:

    tree .
    ├── ace-config-at-ace-prod-ref-github
    ├── ace-infra-at-ace-prod-ref-github
    ├── create-customer-at-ace-prod-ref-github
    ├── multi-tenancy-gitops-apps-at-ace-prod-ref-github
    0 directories, 8 files

    The file create-customer-at-ace-prod-ref-github and are created in this step. The others were created in the Build Configuration section.

Upload the public ssh-key

  1. Upload the public ssh-key to the ACE source Git repository

    The public keys of our pairs need to be uploaded to our Git repositories, as Deploy keys.

    Visit your repository, go to Settings, and then to choose Deploy keys on the left hand side menu. For example, for create-customer repository:

    Deploy Key Settings

    Click on Add deploy key button, give a title (say "gitops-pipeline") and copy the content of public key (for example, for ace-config repository).

    Use pbcopy in MacOS

    If you are using MacOS, you can use pbcopy CLI to copy the public key on your clipboard:

    cat ~/keys/ | pbcopy

    Deploy Key for ACE Source Repository

    Click on Add key button to the add the deploy key.

Create sealed secrets

The private part of the SSH key need to be used by our pipeline to authenticate itself when cloning the repository. Moreover, the personal access token of the machine user will also be used the pipeline.

The keys and the token can be accessed via a kubernetes secret object. The secret object can be created by GitOps operator, but instead of storing the SSH key in a Secret manifest yaml, we will store it as SealedSecret.

A Secret manifest encodes it's data, but does not encrypts it. Therefore it is not a good idea to store a plain Secret manifest yaml in a git repository. Instead, we will use SealedSecret manifest, which encrypts a Secret manifest and generates a encrypted version of its data content. We can store this encrypted SealedSecret manifest in a Git repository. Once GitOps operator reconciles this object on to the cluster, SealedSecret operator will decrypt it and store it as a secret in the namespace. Only SealedSecret operator decrypt the SealedSecret manifest.

  1. Change to GitOps apps repository

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps

    This repository maintains application manifests. The private key of our SSH key-pair is an application specific artifact, and therefore it is to be maintained in the application repository.

    Change to the directory where sealed secrets are stored

    cd ace/environments/ci/secrets
  2. Run the script to generate SealedSecrets for SSH deploy keys script make use of three environment variables

    • GITOPS_PK_SECRET_NAME: Name of the secret. The name is also used in creating the SealedSecret manifest yaml file

    • GIT_BASEURL: Base URL of the git repository. This is needed for the tekton specific annotation on the Secret object. It is also needed to generate the host keys.

    • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: full path to the private key.

    Assuming our private key is kept in $HOME/keys directory, then to generate the SealedSecret manifest, we can execute the script as follows for private key of create-customer deploy key:

    GITOPS_PK_SECRET_NAME=create-customer-at-github \ \
        SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=$HOME/keys/create-customer-at-ace-prod-ref-github \

    A new file, named git-ssh-pk-create-customer-at-github.yaml will be created on the ace/environments/ci/secrets directory.

    Conventions over configurations

    Like the previous section, this guide will follow certain naming convention. For example, the private key for our ACE source GitHub repository, create-customer will be stored in a secret named create-customer-at-github. In the later sub-sections, we have scripts that make use of this naming convention. You are free to use any naming conventions, but if you do verify the content of the script before running them.

    SealedSecret CR for private key of ace-infra and multi-tenancy-gitops-apps should have already been installed as part of the completion of Build Configuration section. See Create sealed secrets

  3. Check git status

    If you check git status with

    git status
    you should be able to confirm that:
    On branch up-to-configuration
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
    Untracked files:
      (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
  4. Commit the SealedSecret manifest to application repository

    git add  gitops-repo-pk-secret-create-customer-at-github.yaml
    git commit -m 'Add SealedSecret for create-customer private key'
  5. Add the SealedSecrets on apps-ace-rest-ci-1 ArgoCD application

    CI/CD related manifests are configure by apps-ace-rest-ci-1 ArgoCD application, which is configured by ace/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml. To add the SealedSecret on the cluster, add the following item under resources field:

    - secrets/gitops-repo-pk-secret-create-customer-at-github.yaml

    Commit and push the change

    git add .
    git commit -m 'Enable sealed secrets for create-customer access'
    git push

SealedSecrets for GitHub access token

SealedSecret CR for personal access token of the machine user should have already been installed as part of the completion of Build Configuration section. See Create sealed secrets

Verify the Secret

Open up apps-ace-rest-ci-1 on ArgoCD UI:

Sealed Secret and Secret of create-customer private key

As you can see, we have a new SealedSecret deployed. The SealedSecret operator then decrypted them and created kubernetes Secret object (which are owned by the corresponding SealedSecret objects).

You can also verify that the secret is created from the OCP UI. Go to Workloads > Secrets, make sure ci project is selected. Select Label to filter the secrets and put in created-by=pipeline is the Search box:

Secret for create customer repository in OpenShift Web UI

Create PVC

  1. Change to CI environment directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci
  2. Update kustomization to enable ace-config pvc

    Open kustomization.yaml ($GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml) and uncomment:

    - pvc/ace-integration-server.yaml
  3. Commit the and push the change

    git add .
    git commit -m "Deploy ace-integration-server pvc"
    git push
  4. Check the deployment of the task in ArgoCD UI

    Under "apps-ace-rest-ci-1" project, you should see that the task has been deployed:

    ace-integration-server PVC synched by ArgoCD

  5. Check the deployment of the PVC in OpenShift UI

    You can also verify the deploy on OpenShift UI. From Storage > PersistentVolumeClaims, make sure Project ci is selected from the drop down menu:

    ace-integration-server PVC in OpenShift UI

    wait until the PVC bound.

Deploy ibm-entitlement-key

We will make use of ACE server container image which is located in the IBM Cloud Container Registry. You will need an IBM entitlement key to access this registry. We will create a sealedsecret for the entitlement key secret.

  1. Object the key*

    Follow the instruction to copy the entitlement key from Access your container software.

  2. Change to secret environment directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci/secrets
  3. Run the script,


    replacing the <PUT YOUR KEY HERE> with the value of your key.

    this will create a file, ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml, which you can verify by

    git status

    which should display the following:

    On branch up-to-configuration
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  4. Add and commit the sealed secret

    git add ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml
    git commit -m "Add IBM entitlement key"
  5. Update kustomization to enable IBM entitlement key

    Open kustomization.yaml ($GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci/kustomization.yaml) and add:

    - secrets/ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml
  6. Commit and push the change

    git add .
    git commit -m "Deploy IBM entitlment key"
    git push
  7. Verify that the key is deployed

    ibm-entitlement-key on ArgoCD UI

Add key to service account

Our pipeline by defaults run under pipeline service account. In order for our pipeline task, build-is-image to access the ACE server container image from IBM Cloud Container Registry, the ibm-entitlement-key secret needed to added in the service account.

  1. Edit the pipeline service account

    oc edit sa pipeline -n ci
  2. Add ibm-entitlement-key as a new secret

    Scroll to the bottom, where you would see something like

    - name: pipeline-token-XXXXX
    - name: pipeline-dockercfg-XXXXX

    add the ibm-entitlement-key secret

    - name: pipeline-token-XXXXX
    - name: pipeline-dockercfg-XXXXX
    - name: ibm-entitlement-key

    save and exit the editor.

  3. Verify that the secret has been added


    oc get sa pipeline -n ci -o jsonpath='{.secrets[*].name}{"\n"}'

    and you should see

    pipeline-token-XXXXX pipeline-dockercfg-XXXXX ibm-entitlement-key

Deploy ACE Dashboard

Although not strictly necessary, the dashboard is a nice UI to verify your Integration Server deployment and view the metadata.

The Dashboard requires to pull down images from IBM Cloud Container Registry. Therefore, we will also need to deploy ibm-entitlement-key secret.

Deploy ibm-entitlement-key on the dev namespace

  1. Change to base secrets directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/base/secrets
  2. Run the script,


    replacing the <PUT YOUR KEY HERE> with the value of your key.

    this will create a file, ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml, which you can verify by

    git status

    which should display the following:

    On branch up-to-configuration
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  3. Add and commit the sealed secret

    git add ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml
    git commit -m "Add IBM entitlement key"
  4. Update kustomization to add IBM entitlement key

    Open kustomization.yaml ($GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/base/kustomization.yaml) and add:

    - secrets/ibm-entitlement-key-secret.yaml
  5. Commit and push the change

    git add .
    git commit -m "Deploy IBM entitlment key"
    git push
  6. Verify that the key is deployed

    On the ArgoCD application, apps-ace-rest-dev-1, you should now see the secret

    ibm-entitlement-key on ArgoCD UI

Deploy Dashboard

  1. Change to base environment directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/base
  2. Update kustomization to add ACE dashboard

    Open kustomization.yaml ($GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/base/kustomization.yaml) and add:

    - dashboard/ace-dashboard.yaml
  3. Commit and push the change

    git add .
    git commit -m "Deploy ACE Dashboard"
    git push
  4. Verify that the Dashboard is deployed

    On apps-ace-rest-dev-1 argo application application

    ACE Dashboard on ArgoCD UI

    The URL for the dashboard can be found on the deployed Dashboard CR:

    oc get dashboard ace-dashboard -n dev -o jsonpath='{.status.endpoints[0].uri}{"\n"}'

    It uses the same username/password as that of the Platform Navigator. The user name is admin and you can extract the password with:

    oc extract secret/ibm-iam-bindinfo-platform-auth-idp-credentials --keys=admin_password -n ibm-common-services --to=-

    Once you log in, you can see the Dashboard:

    ACE Dashboard

    Currently it has no integration server.

Run the pipeline

Now that all the tasks, pipeline, and required resources are deployed, we can run the pipeline. We do this by creating a PipelineRun resource which refers to a Pipeline resource. A PipelineRun resource is a running instance of a Pipeline.

A PipelineRun instantiates a Pipeline by setting its parameters and workspaces. Some of the parameters have default values (mostly based on values used in this tutorial), but they can be overridden when creating the PipelineRun instance.

The pipeline has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
is-source-repo-url URL of the ACE application source repository. In this tutorial we are making use of SSH based URL.
is-infra-repo-url URL of the Infrastructure repository. In this tutorial we are making use of SSH based URL.
git-ops-repo-url URL of the GitOps repository. In this tutorial we are making use of SSH based URL.
gitops-apps-repo-full-name Full repository name of the GitOps repository
github-pr-title Title of the pull request. Default is set to a string with the name of the pipeline run. Feel free to update it.
github-pr-body Body of the pull request. Default is set to a string with the name of the pipeline run. Feel free to update it.
github-pr-token-secret-name Name of the secret that contains the access token of the machine user the pipeline will use to make the pull request. Default is cicd-acme as that's how we set up the secret earlier.

We will need to set the parameters to the appropriate values. If you are following this tutorial, you would need set the is-source-repo-url, is-infra-repo-url , git-ops-repo-url and gitops-apps-repo-full-name as they do not have a default. Rest of the parameters you can leave them as default for now.

On the other hand, the pipeline has the following workspaces:

Workspace Description
shared-workspace The PVC where the git-clone task will clone the repositories and other task make use of them.
ace-source-repo-secret The secret that contains the SSH private key to authenticate with ACE application source repository.
ace-infra-repo-secret The secret that contains the SSH private key to authenticate with Infrastructure repository.
gitops-repo-secret The secret that contains the SSH private key to authenticate with GitOps repository.

For the workspaces,

  • For shared-workspace we will set it to PVC, ace-integration-server

  • For ace-source-repo-secret we will set it to Secret, create-customer-at-github

  • For ace-infra-repo-secret we will set it to Secret, ace-infra-at-github

  • For gitops-repo-secret we will set it to Secret, multi-tenancy-gitops-repo-at-github

One way to instantiates a Pipeline is to use the OpenShift Web UI. When running the Configuration pipeline, we used this method. See Run the pipeline

The other method is to use tkn. We will use that in this section

  1. Install tkn CLI

    On MacOS you can use Homebrew to install tkn

    brew install tektoncd-cli

    For other operating systems, see tkn

  2. Change to pipeline directory

    Issue the following command to change to your GitOps repository and the pipeline directory

    cd $GIT_ROOT/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps/ace/environments/ci/pipelines
  3. Run the script

    The script,,

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    if [ -z ${GIT_ORG} ]; then echo "Please set GIT_ORG when running script"; exit 1; fi
    if [ -z ${SOURCE_REPO} ]; then echo "Please set SOURCE_REPO when running script"; exit 1; fi
    tkn -n ci pipeline start \
        ace-integration-server \
        --param${GIT_ORG}/${SOURCE_REPO}.git \
        --param${GIT_ORG}/ace-infra.git \
        --param${GIT_ORG}/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps.git \
        --param gitops-apps-repo-full-name=${GIT_ORG}/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps \
        --workspace name=shared-workspace,claimName=ace-integration-server \
        --workspace name=ace-infra-repo-secret,secret=ace-infra-at-github \
        --workspace name=gitops-repo-secret,secret=multi-tenancy-gitops-apps-at-github \
        --workspace name=ace-source-repo-secret,secret=${SOURCE_REPO}-at-github

    depends on two parameters, GIT_ORG and SOURCE_REPO. The script sets all the parameters and workspaces values when issuing tkn command to start the pipeline. If you are following this guide as is, due to our naming conventions, you would not need to change the script.

    Nevertheless, review the script to make sure they have right values.

    To start the pipeline, issue the following

    SOURCE_REPO=create-customer ./

    what about GIT_ORG?

    It is already part of the shell environment, as we set it up earlier.

    You will get an output like the following:

    PipelineRun started: ace-integration-server-run-w4x8d
    In order to track the PipelineRun progress run:
    tkn pipelinerun logs ace-integration-server-run-w4x8d -f -n ci

    You can use tkn CLI to check the status of the pipeline, with tkn pipelinerun describe command. For example, for the above:

    tkn pipelinerun describe ace-integration-server-run-w4x8d -n ci

    You will see the various task running, as well as the parameters and workspaces that have been set:

    Name:              ace-integration-server-run-w4x8d
    Namespace:         ci
    Pipeline Ref:      ace-integration-server
    Service Account:   pipeline
    Timeout:           1h0m0s
    🌡️  Status
    7 minutes ago   ---        Running
    📦 Resources
    No resources
    ⚓ Params
    NAME                           VALUE
    ∙ git-ops-repo-url   
    ∙ gitops-apps-repo-full-name   ace-prod-ref/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps
    ∙ is-infra-repo-url  
    ∙ is-source-repo-url 
    📝 Results
    No results
    📂 Workspaces
    NAME                       SUB PATH   WORKSPACE BINDING
    ∙ shared-workspace         ---        PersistentVolumeClaim (claimName=ace-integration-server) ace-infra-repo-secret    ---        Secret (secret=ace-infra-at-github) gitops-repo-secret       ---        Secret (secret=multi-tenancy-gitops-apps-at-github) ace-source-repo-secret   ---        Secret (secret=create-customer-at-github)
    🗂  Taskruns
    NAME                                                            TASK NAME              STARTED         DURATION     STATUS
    ∙ ace-integration-server-run-csvfx-build-is-image-7v75z         build-is-image         6 minutes ago   ---          Running
    ∙ ace-integration-server-run-csvfx-build-bar-rnwb2              build-bar              6 minutes ago   14 seconds   Succeeded
    ∙ ace-integration-server-run-csvfx-resolve-props-cmgps          resolve-props          6 minutes ago   30 seconds   Succeeded
    ∙ ace-integration-server-run-csvfx-clone-gitops-repo-vmrmk      clone-gitops-repo      6 minutes ago   13 seconds   Succeeded
    ∙ ace-integration-server-run-csvfx-clone-is-infra-repo-tr9dk    clone-is-infra-repo    6 minutes ago   10 seconds   Succeeded
    ∙ ace-integration-server-run-csvfx-clone-is-source-repo-xjjkt   clone-is-source-repo   6 minutes ago   12 seconds   Succeeded
    On OCP UI

    You can also check the pipeline run from OpenShift Web Console. Navigate to Pipelines > Pipelines, and click on the pipeline run link for the pipeline, ace-integration-server:

    Pipeline run in OpenShift Web Console

    Pipeline run status in OpenShift Web Console

    Once the pipeline run finishes, a pull request will be created for the to add the IntegrationServer CR on multi-tenancy-gitops-apps repository.

    Pull request for ACE integration server

    And if you check the commits within the pull request, you will see creation of the IntegrationServer CR and activating in kustomization.yaml

    Commit in pull request

  4. Merge the pull request

    From Github Web UI merge the pull request.

  5. Verify ArgoCD syncs the IntegrationServer CR

    On on the ArgoCD application, apps-ace-rest-dev-1, you should see the IntegrationServer CR:

    IntegrationServer CR on ArgoCD

  6. Verify the integration server in ACE Dashboard

    On ACE Dashboard, you will now see a new Integration Server:

    Integration server in ACE Dashboard

    createcustomer API on ACE dashboard

    You can explore the API on the dashboard. The API will be presented based on the OpenAPI document, currently deployed as part of the createcustomer ACE server.

    Open the API and navigate to API method, POST /createcustomer, and click on Try it tab

    You can write your own payload, or simply generate one. Click Generate to generate a payload:

    Incorrect phone number generated

    Notice the phone number format. This is not the format our SOAP server accepts. If we send this request, our SOAP server will send an error back. For instance:

    Incorrect phone number format

    Updating OpenAPI definition for phone number

    We will fix the generation of the phone number in the right format in the next section.

    You can send a valid request but the setting the phone number in the right format:

    Valid request

This concludes this section.