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Deploying Cloud Pak for Data platform with ArgoCD


In the previous section of this chapter, we used GitOps to create the ArgoCD applications that installed and managed the tools and ibm-common-services namespaces in the cluster.

In this section we're going to complete the installation of all the necessary services required by Cloud Pak for Data platform:


We'll examine these highlighted components in more detail throughout this section of the tutorial; here's an overview of their function.

ArgoCD applications will be created for each of these resources. Specifically, ArgoCD applications will keep the cluster synchronized with the application YAML definitions stored in Git.

This section will reinforce our understanding of GitOps. We will then be ready to create CP4D applications that use the infrastructure we previously created and these services we are going to install further.

In this topic, we're going to:

  • Deploy services to the cluster using GitOps
  • Explore the ArgoCD applications that manage these services
  • Review how ArgoCD projects work
  • See how infra and services ArgoCD applications manage the infrastructure and services layers in our architecture.

By the end of this topic we'll have a CP4D platform installed.



In macOS, many of these utilities can be installed using Homebrew.

Please see these instructions for more information about how to install these utilities.

Before attempting this section, you must have completed the following tasks:

  • You have created an OCP cluster instance.

  • You have completed the tutorial section to customize the GitOps repository, install ArgoCD and have installed command line utilities such as oc, git, tree etc.

  • You have installed watch command.
  • You have completed the tutorial section to create the tools and ibm-common-services namespaces using GitOps.

Please see the previous sections of this guide for information on how to do these tasks.

Post cluster provisioning tasks

Red Hat OpenShift cluster

  • An OpenShift v4.8 cluster is required.

CLI tools

  • Install the OpenShift CLI oc (version 4.8) . The binary can be downloaded from the Help menu from the OpenShift Console.

    Download oc cli

    oc cli

  • Log in from a terminal window.

    oc login --token=<token> --server=<server>

IBM Entitlement Key

  • The IBM Entitlement Key is required to pull IBM Cloud Pak specific container images from the IBM Entitled Registry. To get an entitlement key,

    1. Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with an IBMid and password associated with the entitled software.
    2. Select the View library option to verify your entitlement(s).
    3. Select the Get entitlement key to retrieve the key.
  • In the following command, replace <entitlement_key> with the value of IBM Entitlement Key retrieved in the previous step.

  • A Secret containing the entitlement key is created in the tools namespace.

    oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key -n tools \
    --docker-username=cp \
    --docker-password="$TOKEN" \

    which confirms that the ibm-entitlement-key secret has been created:

    secret/ibm-entitlement-key created

Deploy services to the cluster

We've just had our first successful GitOps experience, using an ArgoCD application to create the tools and ibm-common-services namespaces in our cluster. There are few more components to create: IBM Cloud Pak for Data, IBM Catalog and Sealed secrets.

These components are part of the services layer in our architecture, and that requires us to access /0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services within our GitOps repository.

  1. Review deployed resources

    As we saw earlier, the bootstrap-single-cluster application uses the contents of the /0-bootstrap/single-cluster folder to determine which Kubernetes resources should be deployed in the cluster.

    Issue the following command to see what's currently deployed in the cluster:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/kustomization.yaml
    - 1-infra/1-infra.yaml
    # - 2-services/2-services.yaml
    # - 3-apps/3-apps.yaml
    - target:
        kind: Application
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=gitops"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=infra"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=services"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=applications"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-

    This shows how only infrastructure ArgoCD applications -- and therefore their managed resources such as tools and ibm-common-services namespaces -- are deployed in the cluster.

  2. Review ArgoCD services folder

    Let’s examine the 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/kustomization.yaml to see how ArgoCD manages the resources deployed to the cluster.

    Issue the following command:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/kustomization.yaml

    We can see the contents of the kustomization.yaml:

    # IBM Software
    ## Cloud Pak for Integration
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-ace-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-apic-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-apic-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-apic-management-portal-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-apic-gateway-analytics-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-aspera-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-assetrepository-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cp4i-operators.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-datapower-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-eventstreams-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-mq-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-opsdashboard-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-platform-navigator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-platform-navigator-instance.yaml
    ## Cloud Pak for Business Automation
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cp4a-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-db2u-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-process-mining-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-process-mining-instance.yaml
    ## Cloud Pak for Data
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-scheduling-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-scheduling-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-platform-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-ws-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-ws-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-wkc-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-wkc-instance.yaml
    ## Cloud Pak for Security
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-cp4s-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-cp4sthreatmanagements-instance.yaml
    ## IBM Foundational Services / Common Services
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-foundations.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-foundational-services-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-automation-foundation-core-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-automation-foundation-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-license-service-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-license-service-instance.yaml
    ## IBM Catalogs
    #- argocd/operators/ibm-catalogs.yaml
    # B2BI
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-sfg-db2.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-sfg-mq.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi-setup.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi.yaml
    # Required for IBM MQ
    #- argocd/instances/openldap.yaml
    # Required for IBM ACE, IBM MQ
    #- argocd/operators/cert-manager.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/cert-manager-instance.yaml
    # Sealed Secrets
    #- argocd/instances/sealed-secrets.yaml
    # CICD
    #- argocd/operators/grafana-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/grafana-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/grafana-instana.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/artifactory.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/chartmuseum.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/developer-dashboard.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/swaggereditor.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/sonarqube.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/pact-broker.yaml
    # In OCP 4.7+ we need to install openshift-pipelines and possibly privileged scc to the pipeline serviceaccount
    #- argocd/operators/openshift-pipelines.yaml
    # Service Mesh
    #- argocd/operators/elasticsearch.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/jaeger.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/kiali.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/openshift-service-mesh.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/openshift-service-mesh-instance.yaml
    # Monitoring
    #- argocd/instances/instana-agent.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/instana-robot-shop.yaml
    # Spectrum Protect Plus
    #- argocd/operators/spp-catalog.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/spp-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/spp-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/operators/oadp-operator.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/oadp-instance.yaml
    #- argocd/instances/baas-instance.yaml
    - target:
        kind: Application
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=services,gitops.tier.source=git"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
    - target:
        kind: Application
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=applications,gitops.tier.source=git"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
    - target:
        kind: Application
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=services,gitops.tier.source=helm"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
    - target:
        name: ibm-automation-foundation-operator
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/helm/parameters/-
            value: v1.1
  3. Add the services layer to the cluster


    The IBM Cloud Pak for Data instance requires a RWX storageclass and it is set to managed-nfs-storage by default in the ArgoCD Application 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-instance.yaml. This storageclass is available for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster provisioned from IBM Technology Zone with NFS storage selected.

    Open 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/kustomization.yaml and uncomment the below resources:

    # Cloud Pak for Data
    - argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-scheduling-operator.yaml
    - argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-platform-operator.yaml
    - argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-instance.yaml
    # IBM Catalogs
    - argocd/operators/ibm-catalogs.yaml
    # Sealed Secrets
    - argocd/instances/sealed-secrets.yaml

    If you take a diff, and just look for the added services:

    git diff  | grep "^\+" | grep -v "^\+++"

    You will have the following

    +- argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-scheduling-operator.yaml
    +- argocd/operators/ibm-cpd-platform-operator.yaml
    +- argocd/instances/ibm-cpd-instance.yaml
    +- argocd/operators/ibm-catalogs.yaml
    +- argocd/instances/sealed-secrets.yaml

    which shows the resources to be deployed for services.

    Commit and push changes to your git repository:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Initial boostrap setup for services"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    [master 8fac253] Initial boostrap setup for services
     1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 547 bytes | 547.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 5 local objects.
       b49dff5..8fac253  master -> master

    The intention of this operation is to indicate that we'd like the resources declared in 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/kustomization.yaml to be deployed in the cluster. Like the infra ArgoCD application, the resources created by the services ArgoCD application will manage the Kubernetes relevant services resources applied to the cluster.

  4. Activate the services in the GitOps repo

    Access the 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/kustomization.yaml:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/kustomization.yaml

    Let us deploy services resources to the cluster. Open 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/kustomization.yaml and uncomment 2-services/2-services.yaml as follows:

    - 1-infra/1-infra.yaml
    - 2-services/2-services.yaml
    # - 3-apps/3-apps.yaml
    - target:
        kind: Application
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=gitops"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/repoURL
        - op: add
          path: /spec/source/targetRevision
          value: master
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=infra"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=services"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
    - target:
        kind: AppProject
        labelSelector: "gitops.tier.layer=applications"
      patch: |-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-
        - op: add
          path: /spec/sourceRepos/-

    Once we push this change to GitHub, it will be seen by the bootstrap-single-cluster application in ArgoCD, and the resources it refers to will be applied to the cluster.

  5. Push GitOps changes to GitHub

    Let’s make these GitOps changes visible to the ArgoCD bootstrap-single-cluster application via GitHub.

    Add all changes in the current folder to a git index, commit them, and push them to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -s -m "Deploying services"
    git push origin $GIT_BRANCH

    The changes have now been pushed to your GitOps repository:

    [master 3c4a56d] Deploying services
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
    Enumerating objects: 9, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
    Delta compression using up to 8 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 441 bytes | 441.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 5 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), completed with 4 local objects.
       533602c..3c4a56d  master -> master

    This change to the GitOps repository can now be used by ArgoCD.

  6. The bootstrap-single-cluster application detects the change and resyncs

    Once these changes to our GitOps repository are seen by ArgoCD, it will resync the cluster to the desired new state.

    Switch to the ArgoCD UI Applications view, click on the bootstrap-single-cluster application to see the start of this resync process:


    Notice how the bootstrap-single-cluster application has detected the changes and is automatically synching the cluster.



    You can manually sync the bootstrap-single-cluster ArgoCD application in the UI if you don't want to wait for ArgoCD to detect the change.

  7. The new ArgoCD applications

    After a short while, you'll see lots of new ArgoCD applications have been created to manage the services we have deployed by modifying kustomization.yaml under 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services folder:


    See how most ArgoCD applications are Synced almost immediately, but some spend time in Progressing.


    Notice how many more Synced ArgoCD applications are now in the cluster; these are as a result of the newly added services layer in our architecture.

  8. The services application

    Let's examine the ArgoCD application that manage the services in our reference architecture.

    In the ArgoCD UI Applications view, click on the icon for the services application, which may be still Progressing:


    Use the Projects filter on ArgoCD UI to only show applications in services project to help locate the services application.


    We can see that the services ArgoCD application creates several ArgoCD applications, each of which is responsible for applying specific YAMLs to the cluster according to the folder the ArgoCD application is watching.

    It’s the services ArgoCD application that watches the 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services folder for ArgoCD applications that apply service resources to our cluster.

    We’ll continually reinforce these relationships as we work through the tutorial. You might like to spend some time exploring the ArgoCD UI and ArgoCD YAMLs before you proceed, though it’s not necessary, as you’ll get lots of practice as we proceed.

  9. The services ArgoCD project

    As we've seen in the ArgoCD UI, the services ArgoCD application is responsible for creating the ArgoCD applications that manage the services within the cluster. Let's examine their definitions to see how they do this.

    Issue the following command:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/2-services.yaml

    The following YAML may initially look a little intimidating; we'll discuss the major elements below:

    kind: AppProject
      name: services
        gitops.tier.layer: services
      sourceRepos: [] # Populated by kustomize patches in 2-services/kustomization.yaml
      - namespace: tools
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: ibm-common-services
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: cloudpak
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: redhat-operators
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-operators
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-marketplace
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: ci
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: dev
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: staging
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: prod
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: sealed-secrets
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: istio-system
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openldap
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: instana-agent
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-gitops
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: spp
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: spp-velero
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: baas
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: robot-shop
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: db2
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: mq
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      # TODO: SCC needs to be moved to 1-infra, here for now for artifactory
      - group: ""
        kind: SecurityContextConstraints
      - group: ""
        kind: ConsoleLink
      - group: "apps"
        kind: statefulsets
      - group: "apps"
        kind: deployments
      - group: ""
        kind: services
      - group: ""
        kind: configmaps
      - group: ""
        kind: secrets
      - group: ""
        kind: serviceaccounts
      - group: "batch"
        kind: jobs
      - group: ""
        kind: roles
      - group: ""
        kind: routes
      - group: ""
        kind: RoleBinding
      - group: ""
        kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      - group: ""
        kind: ClusterRole
      - group:
        kind: CustomResourceDefinition
      - group: policy
        kind: PodSecurityPolicy
      - group: ""
        kind: PersistentVolume
      # A role which provides read-only access to all applications in the project
      - name: read-only
        description: Read-only privileges to my-project
        - p, proj:my-project:read-only, applications, get, my-project/*, allow
        - argocd-admins
    kind: Application
      name: services
      annotations: "200"
        gitops.tier.layer: gitops
        namespace: openshift-gitops
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: services
      source: # repoURL  and targetRevision populated by kustomize patches in 2-services/kustomization.yaml
        path: 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services
          prune: true
          selfHeal: true

    Notice how this YAML defines three ArgoCD resources: a services project which manages all the necessary services that are needed by the applications.

    Notice how the destinations for the services project are limited to selected namespaces such as tools and ibm-common-services -- as well as a few others that we'll use in other parts of the tutorial. These destinations restrict the namespaces where ArgoCD applications in the services project can manage resources.

    The same is true for clusterResourceWhiteList. It limits the Kubernetes resources that can be managed to configmaps, deployments and rolebindings amongst others.

    In summary, we see that the service project is used to group all the ArgoCD applications that will manage the services in our cluster. These ArgoCD applications can only perform specific actions on specific resource types in specific namespaces. See how ArgoCD is acting as a well-governed administrator.

  10. The similar structure of services and infra ArgoCD applications

    Even though we didn't closely examine the infra ArgoCD application YAML in the previous topic, it has has a very similar structure to the ArgoCD services applications we've just examined.

    Type the following command to list the ArgoCD infra app YAML.

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/1-infra/1-infra.yaml

    Again, although this YAML might look a little intimidating, the overall structure is the same as for services:

    kind: AppProject
      name: infra
        gitops.tier.layer: infra
      sourceRepos: [] # Populated by kustomize patches in 1-infra/kustomization.yaml
      - namespace: ci
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: dev
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: staging
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: prod
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: sealed-secrets
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: tools
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: db2
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: mq
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: ibm-common-services
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: cloudpak
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: istio-system
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openldap
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: instana-agent
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-gitops
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-machine-api
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-storage
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-monitoring
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: spp
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: spp-velero
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: baas
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - namespace: robot-shop
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      - group: ""
        kind: Namespace
      - group: ""
        kind: RoleBinding
      - group: ""
        kind: ClusterRole
      - group: ""
        kind: SecurityContextConstraints
      - group: ""
        kind: ConsoleNotification
      - group: ""
        kind: ConsoleLink
      - group: ""
        kind: MachineSet
      - group: ""
        kind: MachineConfigPool
      - group: ""
        kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
      - group: ""
        kind: Tuned
      - group: "batch"
        kind: Job
      # A role which provides read-only access to all applications in the project
      - name: read-only
        description: Read-only privileges to my-project
        - p, proj:my-project:read-only, applications, get, my-project/*, allow
        - argocd-admins
    kind: Application
      name: infra
      annotations: "100"
        gitops.tier.layer: gitops
        namespace: openshift-gitops
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: infra
      source: # repoURL  and targetRevision populated by kustomize patches in 1-infra/kustomization.yaml
        path: 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/1-infra
          prune: true
          selfHeal: true

    As with the 2-services.yaml, we can see

    • An ArgoCD project called infra. ArgoCD applications defined in this project will be limited by the destinations: and clusterResourceWhitelist: specified in the YAML.
    • An ArgoCD app called infra. This is the ArgoCD application that we used in the previous section of the tutorial. It watches the path: 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/1-infra folder for ArgoCD applications that it applied to the cluster. It was these applications that managed the tools and ibm-common-services namespaces for example.
  11. Verify that IBM Cloud Pak for Data has been deployed successfully.

    Switch to the ArgoCD UI Applications view, wait for all ArgoCD applications to become Synced and Healthy:



    The installation of IBM Cloud Pak for Data platform will take approximately 30 minutes.

    Alternatively, issue the following command on terminal and wait for the expected output.

    watch "oc get ZenService lite-cr -n tools -o jsonpath=\"{.status.zenStatus}{'\n'}\""

    Expected output = Completed


    Press Ctrl+C on your keyboard to exit out of watch window.

    IBM Cloud Pak for Data platform has been installed. We can now access the Cloud Pak for Data web client.

  12. Access the IBM Cloud Pak for Data web client

    Retrieve the URL for the IBM Cloud Pak for Data web client and and open it in a browser.

    echo https://`oc get ZenService lite-cr -n tools -o jsonpath="{.status.url}{'\n'}"`

    Retrieve the admin password

    oc extract secret/admin-user-details -n tools --keys=initial_admin_password --to=-

    Log in to the IBM Cloud Pak for Data web client with the admin credentials.


    Click on the navigation menu icon on the top left corner. Click on Services menu option to expand it, then select Services catalog.

    CPD Nav

    The various services available to be deployed in IBM Cloud Pak for Data catalog will be displayed.

    CPD Services

Other important ArgoCD features

In this final section of this chapter, let's explore ArgoCD features you may have noticed as you explored different YAML files in this chapter:


  1. Using SyncWave to control deployment sequencing

    When ArgoCD uses a GitOps repository to apply ArgoCD applications to the cluster, it applies all ArgoCD applications concurrently. Even though Kubernetes use of eventual consistency means that resources which depend on each other can be deployed in any order, it often makes sense to help deploy certain resources in a certain order. This can avoid spurious error messages or wasted compute resources for example.

    Let's compare two ArgoCD YAML files.

    Firstly, let's examine the namespace-tools in the infrastructure layer:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/1-infra/argocd/namespace-tools.yaml

    which shows the ArgoCD application YAML:

    kind: Application
      name: namespace-tools
        gitops.tier.layer: infra
      annotations: "100"

    Then examine the sonarqube in the services layer:

    cat 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/2-services/argocd/instances/sonarqube.yaml

    which shows the ArgoCD application YAML:

    kind: Application
      name: sonarqube
      annotations: "250"
      labels: cntk
        gitops.tier.layer: services
        gitops.tier.source: git

    Notice the use of sync-wave: "100" for namespace-tools and how it contrasts with sync-wave: "250" for sonarqube. The lower 100 will be deployed before the higher sync-wave 250 because it only makes sense to deploy the pipelines into the tools namespace, after the tools namespace has been created.

    You are free to choose any number for sync-wave. In our deployment, we have chosen 100-199 for infrastructure, 200-299 for services and 300-399 for applications; it provides alignment with high level folder numbering such as 1-infra and so on.

    In our tutorial, we incrementally add infrastructure, services and applications so that you can understand how everything fits together incrementally. This makes sync-wave less important than in a real-world system, where you might be making updates to each of these deployed layers simultaneously. In such cases the use of sync-wave provides a high degree of confidence in the effectiveness of a deployment change because all changes go through in the correct order.


You've installed IBM Cloud Pak for Data platform. We installed it into the tools namespaces we created previously.

This chapter is now complete. In the following chapters, we're going to use this platform to deploy further services to the cluster.