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GitOps Structure

The GitOps concept originated from Weaveworks back in 2017 and the goal was to automate the operations of a Kubernetes (K8s) system using a model external to the system as the source of truth (History of GitOps).

There are various GitOps workflows. This is our opinionated point of view on how GitOps can be used to manage the infrastructure, services and application layers of K8s based systems. It takes into account the various personas interacting with the system and accounts for separation of duties.

Refer to the repository for instructions to try out the GitOps workflow. It is focused around deploying IBM Cloud Paks on the Red Hat OpenShift platform.

GitOps Principles

With the ever growing adoption of GitOps, the OpenGitOps project was started in 2021 to define a set of open-source standards and best practices. These will help organizations adopt a standard and structured approach when implementing GitOps. It is currently a CNCF Sandbox project.

The GitOps Working Group has released v0.1.0 of the GitOps Principles:

  1. The principle of declarative desired state: A system managed by GitOps must have its Desired State expressed declaratively as data in a format writable and readable by both humans and machines.
  2. The principle of immutable desired state versions: Desired State is stored in a way that supports versioning, immutability of versions, and retains a complete version history.
  3. The principle of continuous state reconciliation: Software agents continuously, and automatically, compare a system's Actual State to its Desired State. If the actual and desired states differ for any reason, automated actions to reconcile them are initiated.
  4. The principle of operations through declaration: The only mechanism through which the system is intentionally operated on is through these principles.

GitOps Framework Video Overview

This video explains the components used in our GitOps framework, and the structure of its GitOps repositories.

GitOps Repository Structure

There are a total of 4 Git repositories involved with the GitOps workflow.


  • Main GitOps repository ( This repository contains all the ArgoCD Applications for the infrastructure, services and application layers. Each ArgoCD Application will reference a specific K8s resource (yaml resides in a separate git repository), contain the configuration of the K8s resource, and determine where it will be deployed into the cluster. The various personas will interact with this repository to update the desired state of the OpenShift cluster.

  • Directory structure for single-cluster or multi-cluster profiles:

    ├── 1-infra
    ├── 2-services
    ├── 3-apps
    ├── bootstrap.yaml
    └── kustomization.yaml

The contents of the kustomization.yaml will determine which layer(s) will be deployed to the cluster. This is based on whether the resources are commented out or not. Each of the listed YAMLs contains an ArgoCD Application which in turn tracks all the K8s resources available to be deployed. This follows the ArgoCD app of apps pattern.

- 1-infra/1-infra.yaml
- 2-services/2-services.yaml
- 3-apps/3-apps.yaml

Infrastructure Layer

├── 1-infra.yaml
├── argocd
│   ├── consolelink.yaml
│   ├── consolenotification.yaml
│   ├── infraconfig.yaml
│   ├── machinesets.yaml
│   ├── namespace-ci.yaml
│   ├── namespace-dev.yaml
│   ├── namespace-ibm-common-services.yaml
│   ├── namespace-istio-system.yaml
│   ├── namespace-openldap.yaml
│   ├── namespace-openshift-storage.yaml
│   ├── namespace-prod.yaml
│   ├── namespace-sealed-secrets.yaml
│   ├── namespace-staging.yaml
│   ├── namespace-tools.yaml
│   └── storage.yaml
└── kustomization.yaml
Contents of the `kustomization.yaml` will determine which resources are deployed to the cluster
#- argocd/consolelink.yaml
#- argocd/consolenotification.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-ibm-common-services.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-ci.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-dev.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-staging.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-prod.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-istio-system.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-openldap.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-sealed-secrets.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-tools.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-openshift-storage.yaml
#- argocd/operator-ocs.yaml
#- argocd/refarch-infraconfig.yaml
#- argocd/refarch-machinesets.yaml

Services Layer

  • Services GitOps repository ( Contains the YAMLs for K8s resources which will be used by the application layer. This could include subscriptions for Operators, YAMLs of custom resources provided, or Helm Charts for tools provided by a third party. These resource would usually be managed by the Administrator(s) and/or a DevOps team supporting application developers.
├── 2-services.yaml
├── argocd
│   ├── instances
│      ├── artifactory.yaml
│      ├── cert-manager-instance.yaml
│      ├── chartmuseum.yaml
│      ├── developer-dashboard.yaml
│      ├── grafana-instance.yaml
│      ├── ibm-foundational-services-instance.yaml
│      ├── ibm-platform-navigator-instance.yaml
│      ├── ibm-process-mining-instance.yaml
│      ├── openldap.yaml
│      ├── openshift-service-mesh-instance.yaml
│      ├── pact-broker.yaml
│      ├── sealed-secrets.yaml
│      ├── sonarqube.yaml
│      └── swaggereditor.yaml
│   └── operators
│       ├── cert-manager.yaml
│       ├── elasticsearch.yaml
│       ├── grafana-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-ace-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-apic-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-aspera-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-assetrepository-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-automation-foundation-core-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-catalogs.yaml
│       ├── ibm-cp4i-operators.yaml
│       ├── ibm-datapower-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-eventstreams-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-foundations.yaml
│       ├── ibm-mq-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-opsdashboard-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-platform-navigator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-process-mining-operator.yaml
│       ├── jaeger.yaml
│       ├── kiali.yaml
│       ├── openshift-gitops.yaml
│       ├── openshift-pipelines.yaml
│       └── openshift-service-mesh.yaml
└── kustomization.yaml
Contents of the `kustomization.yaml` will determine which resources are deployed to the cluster
# IBM Software
#- argocd/operators/ibm-ace-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-apic-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-aspera-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-assetrepository-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-cp4i-operators.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-datapower-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-eventstreams-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-mq-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-opsdashboard-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-process-mining-operator.yaml
#- argocd/instances/ibm-process-mining-instance.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-platform-navigator.yaml
#- argocd/instances/ibm-platform-navigator-instance.yaml

# IBM Foundations / Common Services
#- argocd/operators/ibm-foundations.yaml
#- argocd/instances/ibm-foundational-services-instance.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-automation-foundation-core-operator.yaml

# IBM Catalogs
#- argocd/operators/ibm-catalogs.yaml

# Required for IBM MQ
#- argocd/instances/openldap.yaml
# Required for IBM ACE, IBM MQ
#- argocd/operators/cert-manager.yaml
#- argocd/instances/cert-manager-instance.yaml

# Sealed Secrets
#- argocd/instances/sealed-secrets.yaml

#- argocd/operators/grafana-operator.yaml
#- argocd/instances/grafana-instance.yaml
#- argocd/instances/artifactory.yaml
#- argocd/instances/chartmuseum.yaml
#- argocd/instances/developer-dashboard.yaml
#- argocd/instances/swaggereditor.yaml
#- argocd/instances/sonarqube.yaml
#- argocd/instances/pact-broker.yaml
# In OCP 4.7+ we need to install openshift-pipelines and possibly privileged scc to the pipeline serviceaccount
#- argocd/operators/openshift-pipelines.yaml

# Service Mesh
#- argocd/operators/elasticsearch.yaml
#- argocd/operators/jaeger.yaml
#- argocd/operators/kiali.yaml
#- argocd/operators/openshift-service-mesh.yaml

Application Layer

├── 3-apps.yaml
├── argocd
│   ├── <PRODUCT>
│      ├── cicd.yaml
│      ├── dev.yaml
│      ├── prod.yaml
│      └── stage.yaml
└── kustomization.yaml
Contents of the `kustomization.yaml` will determine which resources are deployed to the cluster
#- argocd/<PRODUCT>/cicd.yaml
#- argocd/<PRODUCT>/dev.yaml
#- argocd/<PRODUCT>/stage.yaml
#- argocd/<PRODUCT>/prod.yaml